The Necromancer Cometh!

The Necromancer Cometh!

MarcoMango 31 Dec, 2023 @ 12:39pm
Ents OP lol
First thing, I really enjoyed the demo! I've been craving a tower defense where we can create the maze. Last one I played was Xeno Tactic on a web browser lol. Roguelite is a fun element to the game as well.

After wave 2/3, I just dedicate to buffing the Ents. The fact you can increase their attack speed and % to root feels very strong. By wave 14, the necromancer couldn't make it past my 1 Ent. Maybe only limiting it to 5% root only or maybe only 2% could help. Or more resistances for bosses.

Overall, I'll still consider buying the game. The music is great and fits the Necromancer vibes. The art and animation looks good too. Other than balancing, I look forward to see what the full game will be like.

Side note* Been thinking about learning Godot, and this game helped sway me a bit.
Last edited by MarcoMango; 31 Dec, 2023 @ 12:43pm