Starstruck Vagabond

Starstruck Vagabond

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Super 5 JUN a las 9:17 p. m.
Anyway to know which planets haven't been visited?|
I got the achievement for getting all surveys, but I've no idea how to get the one for all planets visited. Do I need to do it manually?
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psyduck 5 JUN a las 10:46 p. m. 
I found out what planets I missed by looking at the save file (I had 23 planets missing when I cleared all sectors).

Find your save file in C:\Users\<User name>\AppData\Local\StarstruckVagabond.
In the file you need to search for planetlanded and planetsector
planetlanded value is zero or one, one = visited, zero = not visited
planetsector with the same number as planetlanded will give you the number of the sector containing the planet.

from the 300 pairs of planetlanded and planetsector you will need to filter all the visited planets. you will be left with a pair of values per not visited planet.

it will look like:



planetsector value is the index of the sector
top left sector is 0
top right sector is 9
bottom left sector is 90
bottom right sector is 99

this method does not point you to the planets themselves but it points you to the sectors with not visited planets.

This is not a very user friendly way, I imagine yahtz will patch in a UI indication at some point.
Super 5 JUN a las 11:05 p. m. 
Thanks a bunch for that. I guess it'll do while we get a way for it to show in game.
Smidge204 6 JUN a las 5:43 p. m. 
I'll add to psyduck's excellent info by mentioning that right after planetsector--- is planetposx--- and planetposy--- which is the coordinate of the planet in the system map screen. That should let you easily find out which ones to get to.

Also worth mentioning that planets in the same sector could have very different numbers, so if you're on the hunt using this method it's worth making yourself a list of all the non-visited planets and grouping them by sector to save yourself a bunch of warping.
Super 7 JUN a las 2:55 p. m. 
I only had one planet missing, so instead of writing an application that told me what I was missing, I visited every star system instead. Boy am I lazy.
Arkonos 16 JUN a las 3:27 p. m. 
I had ChatGPT write me a python script to automate this.
You need to execute this in the save game folder.
I tested on Linux and while ChatGPT says it works on Windows as well, I won't make any such promises.

import re import os import platform # Function to read the save file def read_save_file(save_number): save_path = f'save_encode{save_number}.dat' if not os.path.exists(save_path): print(f"Error: Save file for save number {save_number} does not exist. Are you in the correct path?\n" "Linux: .../steamapps/compatdata/2448930/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Local/StarstruckVagabond/") return None with open(save_path, 'r') as file: return # Function to print sector details def print_sector_details(sector_planet_dict): # Step 4: Count the total number of planets and sectors total_planets = sum(len(details['planets']) for details in sector_planet_dict.values()) total_sectors = len(sector_planet_dict) # Step 5: Sort the dictionary by keys and format the output sorted_sectors = dict(sorted(sector_planet_dict.items())) # Translate sector numbers to grid coordinates and print in the specified format def sector_to_grid(sector): return (sector % 10, sector // 10) # Print the summary print(f"{total_planets} Planets in {total_sectors} Sectors") # Print the details for sector, details in sorted_sectors.items(): grid_x, grid_y = sector_to_grid(sector) sector_name = details['name'] print(f"Sector {sector} ({grid_x}, {grid_y}) \"{sector_name}\":") for planet in details['planets']: planet_id, (posx, posy) = planet print(f" - Planet {planet_id} ({posx}, {posy})") # Check if running on Windows to import msvcrt for non-blocking input if platform.system() == 'Windows': import msvcrt # Main loop to query the user for save game number previous_save_number = None while True: save_number = None # Prompt user for save game number while save_number is None: if previous_save_number is not None: prompt = f"Press Enter to repeat (save {previous_save_number}), enter a new number (0-5), or 'q' to exit: " else: prompt = "Enter the save game number (0-5), or 'q' to exit: " print(prompt, end='') if platform.system() == 'Windows': user_input = msvcrt.getch().decode().lower() # Get a key press (Windows-specific) if user_input == '\r': # Handle Enter key on Windows if previous_save_number is not None: save_number = previous_save_number else: print("Error: No previous save number.") elif user_input == '\x1b' or user_input == 'q': # Check for Escape or 'q' to exit exit() else: try: save_number = int(user_input) if save_number not in range(0, 6): print("Error: Please enter a number between 0 and 5.") save_number = None # Reset save_number to prompt again except ValueError: print("Error: Please enter a valid number.") else: user_input = input().strip().lower() # Get input on Linux if user_input == '': # Handle Enter key on Linux if previous_save_number is not None: save_number = previous_save_number else: print("Error: No input.") elif user_input == 'q': # Check for 'q' to exit on Linux exit() else: try: save_number = int(user_input) if save_number not in range(0, 6): print("Error: Please enter a number between 0 and 5.") save_number = None # Reset save_number to prompt again except ValueError: print("Error: Please enter a valid number.") # Read the save file text = read_save_file(save_number) if text is None: continue # If read_save_file returns None, try again # Step 2: Initialize a dictionary to hold the sector as key and planet details as values sector_planet_dict = {} # Step 3: Search for patterns and extract numbers, positions, and sector names for i in range(300): landed_pattern = f'planetlanded{i}=\\"0' if landed_pattern in text: sector_pattern = re.compile(rf'planetsector{i:03}=\\"(\d+)') posx_pattern = re.compile(rf'planetposx{i:03}=\\"([\d\.]+)') posy_pattern = re.compile(rf'planetposy{i:03}=\\"([\d\.]+)') sector_match = posx_match = posy_match = if sector_match and posx_match and posy_match: sector = int( posx = round(float( posy = round(float( planet_details = (i, (posx, posy)) if sector in sector_planet_dict: sector_planet_dict[sector]['planets'].append(planet_details) else: sector_planet_dict[sector] = {'planets': [planet_details], 'name': ''} # Extract sector names sector_name_pattern = re.compile(r'nsectorname(\d+)=\\"([\w]+)') sector_names = sector_name_pattern.findall(text) for sector_id, name in sector_names: sector_id = int(sector_id) if sector_id in sector_planet_dict: sector_planet_dict[sector_id]['name'] = name # Print sector details print_sector_details(sector_planet_dict) # Set previous_save_number for next iteration previous_save_number = save_number
Última edición por Arkonos; 16 JUN a las 3:28 p. m.
Darkjedibob 4 JUL a las 10:35 a. m. 
The script does work in Windows, although it's quirky. Didn't display the initial prompt, just went straight to waiting for input. Very first time I ran it it couldn't find the save file at all, only thing I did to fix it was changed the error message. Weird. Couldn't be bothered to dig deeper, I was going to write my own tool until I saw this.
Nik 4 JUL a las 1:34 p. m. 
psyduck's reply has helped me with finding my last 10 planets, and while viewing the star map, I've found that the background for systems with an unvisited planet is very slightly lighter than the background for completed systems. Doesn't help with finding which planet is missing, but hope it's helpful!
Argus 5 JUL a las 10:08 p. m. 
I literally only had one planet missing and this allowed me to find it without brute-forcing. It was in sector number 5 on the grid, and considering I was gonna start from 0 and work my way up I'd have found it pretty quick anyway, but this was definitely quicker.
SarcyBoi 6 JUL a las 2:18 p. m. 
Publicado originalmente por Nik:
psyduck's reply has helped me with finding my last 10 planets, and while viewing the star map, I've found that the background for systems with an unvisited planet is very slightly lighter than the background for completed systems. Doesn't help with finding which planet is missing, but hope it's helpful!
The file-hunting solution didn't work for me, but your solution did. I don't know how you noticed that very slight difference in colour without knowing to look for it (must've been an oversight on Yahtzee's part, it's too subtle to be deliberate) but THANK YOU for saving me from having to brute force it
CluelessWonder8 9 JUL a las 5:09 p. m. 
Seeing this thread helped me find 2 sectors where I'd missed visiting some planets.

I manually took a screenshot, since it seems the Steam screenshot function doesn't work for this game:

If you look closely, you should be able to see that the sector immediately to the lower left of the red circle, as well as the sector 2 to the left of that, are a lighter color than the other sectors.

Maybe this will help?
Sojiro 10 JUL a las 5:55 a. m. 
Wow, that's some subtle shading difference. Thanks for sharing that info.
Feeeweeegege 5 AGO a las 10:36 a. m. 
Yes, you're right! Systems with unvisited planets have a slightly different colour! Annoyingly, you can't see that difference while inside that system, so you won't know when you've found the one(s) you had yet to visit...
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