Starstruck Vagabond

Starstruck Vagabond

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Bug Report: Mannqeuins in captain's quarters not saving clothes on restart
It's kind of in the title. The mannequins in the captain's quarters seem to not be saving the clothing items stored on them between game sessions. They hang just fine between planets, and all kinds of events, but if you save the game, even if you only quit to title to go take a bio break, it's all gone on reload.

I was quite annoyed to lose my pink trench coat. I'd had that thing since a very early point in the game. It was iconic of my character. Now I am a slave to RNG rerolling clothing stores over and over again hoping for a return of my favorite garment.

Secondary bug discovered: Mannequins in the captains cabin can be interacted with to finish the crew quest "buy new clothes".
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I noticed this too.
Similar issue: You can place an ingredient on the making counter of the galley, but it will disappear if you save & reload the game.

I'd tried to stash some Slipsum there for (much) later use, because what with all the upgrade units and large-size deliveries, space was a premium... but it went poof on me.
I ran into this too.
I assume the relation to the quest is intentional, since they only ask you to change. You can also get rid of waste on a derelict vessel, that also seems entirely intentional since it's coded where you can put waste barrels.
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