Free to Play

Free to Play

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QBiE™ 17 Nov, 2019 @ 10:54am
Is there a way steam can bring the cards back? is there still a way to obtain them?
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Desdemonda 16 Jan, 2020 @ 5:31pm 
any update on that??
QBiE™ 20 Jan, 2020 @ 8:29am 
I immediately submitted a form after this post to try and address this issue since its been bothering me how the UI just openly displays it but i as a consumer dnt have any means of acquiring it, Through which i got a reply from one of their support teams saying that they already sent it to the right devs and will get back in touch with me once the problem is resolved. That was almost 2 months ago i think.

NORMALLY it wouldn't bother me. But knowing that steam is a big DRM, they should atleast have the funds to either fix minor bugs like these or eliminate them entirely. You know..power to the little guys like us that support big organizations like these.

Yes. I consider this to be a bug since the UI freely displays the cards but isnt available to acquire in anyway.
Nolo 2 May, 2020 @ 1:12pm 
If someone could explain...
So have the trading cards and items been removed from the community market, or did the badge and cards and co. never exist in the first place?
Nolo 22 May, 2020 @ 3:27pm 
So Steam Card Exchange[] puts it like this:
This game is Free-to-Play and because of this there is no way to get cards for this game right now.
Which makes sense since by Steam Trading Cards terms free-to-play games drop cards based on a player's in-game purchasing. But there are no in-game purchase options here. :xValve:
Nolo 10 Jun, 2020 @ 4:05am 
Thank you for the explanation.
St3gm4 31 Jul, 2020 @ 5:13am 
man, that was so sad. i can't even find a trading card that can be crafted through it.. if someone has it . u can message me.
mcnichoj 13 Jun, 2021 @ 4:13pm 
Originally posted by Kunovega:
There is no longer a way to obtain the cards or badge for this movie.

When it was made (6 years ago?) steam rules were different, free products were allowed to have game cards. Recent changes to steam rules no longer allow cards without purchase.

In free games card drops now require either the purchase of in-game items (if it has in game items to buy) or the purchase of paid DLC to upgrade the game.

This movie does not have in game purchases or paid DLC and therefore no longer qualifies to allow card drops.

The cards and badges exist for anyone that previously obtained them and will not be removed because some of those people may have paid real money on the marketplace for them. But transfer and exchange of the cards is disabled as it has been for all free products without purchase options. This is why the cards are still visible from the library, they will not remove them from people who already have them.

This is a steam wide change to stop the abuse of developers flooding steam with free games just to abuse card drops for profit.

There's been a lot of rules changes in recent years, this is one of the few videos/movies that even remain on Steam, all non-gaming movies/documentary were removed entirely from sale or distribution. Any market content they produced can no longer be traded or sold either.

In some cases items that have been removed from market sales can still be traded directly between players, I don't know if that's possible for this movie but there's a group dedicated to it dead item trading.
That's a lot of miss-information.

Lets start with the first thing you said. You said that to get the cards "no longer a way" exists which kind of insinuates that a way did exist at some point. Based on the posts I see from 2014 I don't think a way ever existed. Skipping all the way down to your post I skimmed the group a little and I don't think anyone mentions FtP cards at all.

Moving on. Free to play games always required purchase for cards, the only thing that changed was the way in which is was handled. Originally you would buy DLC on the actual Steam page store and then that was changed into needing to buy micro-transaction currency. The associated cost was always the same, either $10 worth of DLC or $10 worth of currency. Any legacy DLCs bought before the change would still drop the cards they were originally intended to but going forward for new DLC buyers they no longer would.
That was actually the big issue with this game as it used to (maybe still does if you go into Dota 2 in-game shop) have only $9 of DLC which wasn't enough to give you a card drop.

Generally marketplace transactions get blocked for one of two reasons.
-Steam bans a publisher/developer from the platform for breaking a rule, so their games and everything associated with them are no longer allowed to be sold
-The publisher/developer no longer want to sell their content

Your whole notion that the rule change is to stop abuse is laughable. Free to play games were never an issue in the marketplace, it was those cheap shovelware asset flip games that go for a dollar. They did the change for free to play games so devs wouldn't be forced to create an expansion or DLC packs. They could have their in-game stores and reward players that buy currency.

I also don't think any of the removed movies offered Steam cards. The ones that do I believe are all still up for sale and actually due to how video content is now viewed through Steam, you can't even get those drops unless some work around exists that I don't know about.
In the past videos would open up in a player in Steam and record your "play time". Time recorded is how Steam knows to drop cards but now it opens up your web browser which is not directly tied to Steam and does not record your time. So no drops happens. Despite this the items are still up on Steam for sale.
More importantly... GEMS EXIST!
It doesn't matter that Steam doesn't record time for videos or if free games don't offer currency/DLCs because you can always just craft card boosters with gems. Dozens of free to play games exist that never offered any types of purchases but will allow you to get their cards by crafting the boosters or buying them on the marketplace from other people that did.

My guess is they planned on adding a bunch of DLC to this movie but then they never did. This in turn makes me believe cards were never actually programmed in and so that's why you can't craft the boosters with gems either. If you go on the marketplace, you also can't find any listings for any of the items for this. Even games that have their cards, emotes, backgrounds, etc. removed will have a page of listings all for $0.00.

If anyone was interested in getting the backgrounds/emotes from this game though they did add them to the point shop:
Anything bought from the point shop can never be traded or marketed, just a heads up to those that don't know.

Hopefully someone found all this useless information interesting. It's better than useless misinformation I guess. :balloonicorn:
Xtreme_Shoot 17 Apr, 2023 @ 1:46pm 
no longer friend... :-'(
paulklannon 17 Apr, 2023 @ 9:22pm 
What about crafting booster packs? You can still do this for games that have shut down as I am working on getting a complete foil set for Defiance which shut down a few years ago....
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