Hack 'n' Slash
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What is the team working on?
Here's what we're currently up to:

Launch support!
We're trying to keep a good chunk of programmer and QA cycles free to focus on launch support, dealing with major bugs and compatibility issues as they come up. If you're having issues running the game, please let us know; we're actively looking into them. If everything's running smoothly for you, have fun! We can't wait to hear your feedback.

Final dungeon
The final dungeon is underway. The art team is jamming on some really cool rooms. You might be able to find some earlier revisions of the designs if you poke around the game's data files a bit.

I don't want to give away too much, but it's going to be cool. Real reverse engineering abounds.

This one is both highly technical and a little bit spoilery, so be warned!

Once you get the loupe or the bombs, you can start to enter code rooms. These code rooms are procedurally generated from the actual compiled game code.

The way this works is via a decompiler we wrote. We feed the raw assembly into our decompiler and it analyzes the instructions to figure out things like branches and for loops and register assignments and everything else you need to present a nice view of the flow of the code.

In earlier iterations of the game, we only let players into functions that we'd explicitly tagged to support modification, but this didn't feel very authentic, so we changed it. Instead of hacking a subset of the code, you're hacking the entire source file for the function that you're currently in.

What this means is that the decompiler went from only needing to successfully analyze specifically tagged functions to being able to successfully analyze every function in the game's source code. So we're working on rewriting it to make it robust enough to do that.

Once you get the bombs, you'll likely find that there are lots of objects that you can't successfully bomb and go into without a crash. Those crashes are typically caused by flaws in the current decompiler. It will be of major importance for the final dungeon, and super cool once it's working properly.
Отредактировано Noughtceratops; 6 мая. 2014 г. в 13:08
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Wait what...........ehheheheheheheheheheheheheehehehehehe. :tlove:

Saw the notice when you guys did the demo at the convention and it's been on my radar ever since, but seriously your feeding the game thru a really real reverse engineering system on the fly?

Figured this was just a slick interface and psudo changes.

Would the fact that I have a copy of Fred D'lgnazio's Escape from Robotropolis on my desk or that I spend my childhood with Robot Odyssey on the Apple IIc explain how high my really real changes bar is set, or how fast I threw money at Steam because of your post?

This is going to be so much fun like another game I love. :Lili::Milla::Morry::Sasha::Raz:
One thing I would like to know is how open would you guys be to modding? I'm sure there are other experienced Lua programmers like me that would enjoy tweaking the game around beyond the hacking mechanics.
Автор сообщения: SDPhantom
One thing I would like to know is how open would you guys be to modding? I'm sure there are other experienced Lua programmers like me that would enjoy tweaking the game around beyond the hacking mechanics.
We're way into it. Full Steam Workshop integration is on our Early Access roadmap, and it will definitely allow full custom scripts.
Compatibility issues
Compatibility issues that prevent people from playing the game are our highest technical priority. There are two major compatibility issues outstanding.

First, certain 2011 era Macs render most of the game as all black, which makes it unplayable. Fortunately, we found a Mac in house that can reproduce the issue. We’re actively working on a fix.

Second, some machines crash when leaving from the area where you meet Bob into the broader forest. This appears to be a memory/performance issue with the first forest layout. It’s one of the largest layouts in the game, so it’s a good target for optimization anyway. We’re working on getting the memory footprint down and improving performance in that layout, which should also resolve the crash issues some people are getting on those machines.

Compatibility work has taken first priority, but we’re also still working on an in-game options menu.

The way it will work:
The inventory will move to [tab] and [i] by default.
Pressing [esc] will bring up a pause menu that will allow you to adjust options or quit.

If you’re having trouble with the game because it boots fullscreen, you can use the following workaround to boot in windowed mode in the meantime:

1. In Steam, right click on Hack 'n' Slash in your library and click "Properties."
2. In the "GENERAL" tab, click "SET LAUNCH OPTIONS..."
3. Type the following and click "OK"
-s "HackStartFullscreen = false" Data/Scripts/Config.lua Data/Scripts/main.lua

Act 5
Act 5 development has begun in earnest. The layouts are coming along beautifully and we’re starting to finalize the puzzle design so that we can begin implementing them.

Are y’all interested in hearing more development details about Act 5 as it’s in progress? I’m a little hesitant to talk about it too much because I want people to be able to approach the puzzles unspoiled. I’d be curious to hear ideas for development details that people would be interested in hearing without it becoming too spoilery, though!
Отредактировано Noughtceratops; 12 мая. 2014 г. в 12:59
Автор сообщения: Noughtceratops
Compatibility issues
Are y’all interested in hearing more development details about Act 5 as it’s in progress? I’m a little hesitant to talk about it too much because I want people to be able to approach the puzzles unspoiled. I’d be curious to hear ideas for development details that people would be interested in hearing without it becoming too spoilery, though!

Maybe start a new sticky thread for spoilery puzzle discussion (rather than here)

I'm honestly not sure if I'll read it or not. I can see appeal in staying out of the thread, but also in reading it. But a really clear spoilery name would make it easy to avoid if one wanted to.

Why not just make a thread and if no one participates, then you have your answer.
Any chance you'll be adding in more in-game information regarding use of the loupe, specifically how the decompiling you do while using the loupe works? I was trucking along great with the game until the loupe was introduced and while I was able to get into the larger cave, I'm now stuck because I don't have any understanding of how to interpret the functions you access with the loupe thus I’m completely lost as to how to progress.
Автор сообщения: Noughtceratops
Act 5
Act 5 development has begun in earnest. The layouts are coming along beautifully and we’re starting to finalize the puzzle design so that we can begin implementing them.

Are y’all interested in hearing more development details about Act 5 as it’s in progress? I’m a little hesitant to talk about it too much because I want people to be able to approach the puzzles unspoiled. I’d be curious to hear ideas for development details that people would be interested in hearing without it becoming too spoilery, though!

+1 vote for mildly spoilery talk here! I seem to already be hellbent on decompiling my way into spoiler territory anyways :conwayshrug:.
Perhaps you could find a way to include controller support?

A simple way that I thought of was to have the numberical buttons mapped to the four face buttons, and have the space bar mapped to one of the triggers. Then, obviously, select/back will be for the inventory, start will be for pausing, and the d-pad and/or the left stick for movement.

Only an idea, not something I'm demanding. I find the current keyboard controls to be sufficient, but it might please some of those that prefer to play with a controller.
Im really more interested in getting the workshop than act 5, and seeing what people make in the workshop might give you some good ideas
Отредактировано Richard; 20 мая. 2014 г. в 10:35
Do you have a target release cycle? Like an update every 2/4/6 weeks? Or are you just going to release something when it's done?
Автор сообщения: EC! wiZZard
Do you have a target release cycle? Like an update every 2/4/6 weeks? Or are you just going to release something when it's done?

I'm wondering that too; when is next update?
Lets hope they dont go cube world on us.
when ever i use the third eye i see all the codes in a differant language, can you make something in the menu to change the language. that would be very help full, Thank you
Автор сообщения: tcoyote7
when ever i use the third eye i see all the codes in a differant language, can you make something in the menu to change the language. that would be very help full, Thank you

You havent got the thing to translate the language yet. You'll find it eventually.
And then theres the starbase df-9 product get back to the games that u were paid tocreate
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