Spacebase DF-9

Spacebase DF-9

So....What was the problem with this game again?
Srsly. I've been playing it and while its a bit unpolished its not a bad game by any stretch.
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Showing 1-15 of 102 comments
Start_Running 11 Aug, 2020 @ 8:00pm 
So basically the rage of gamers who overhyped themselves on 'plans'.

So far I'm not noticing that much in the way of bugs. Just a lack of content as compared to its stablemates. This is the POV of someone who never got involved with the campaign, the hype or the drama.

It's a fair game. It's no EVil Genius or Space COlony, but at the same time its done a bit better than majesty, and is less annoying/buggy than Space Colony in certain regards.
Last edited by Start_Running; 11 Aug, 2020 @ 8:04pm
Start_Running 11 Aug, 2020 @ 8:25pm 
Originally posted by Kunovega:
Originally posted by Start_Running:
So basically the rage of butt-hurters who overhyped themselves on 'plans'.

So far I'm not noticing that much in the way of bugs. Just a lack of content as compared to its stablemates. This is the POV of someone who never got involved with the campaign, the hype or the drama.

It's a fair game. It's no EVil Genius or Space COlony, but at the same time its done a bit better than majesty, and is less annoying/buggy than Space Colony in certain regards.

If you aren't noticing the bugs, you aren't paying attention. There's tons.
I haven't encountered anything that broke flow, or upended my progress.
Care to elaborate ona few of the gameplay breaking ones so I know what to watch out for in my play throughs?

If you don't realize that it's missing features, you haven't tried to actually do very much but watch it as a fishbowl.
The lack of content is obvious, but features... I haven't seen anyb placeholders so to speak.

There's really no content or activity to accomplish. There's less than an hour of real game play and the rest is a repetitive fish bowl of bad AI and waiting with nothing to actually do, no goals, no story, nothing.

SO a nice casual game to waste time with, and no goals but to watch space people putter around while you don't vent them into space...on purpose...heh heh.

If you're just going to fawn over a nothing of a game, there's nothing to discuss; you clearly lack the experience to know what's missing compared to similar games.
Oh I have plenty of experience. hence why I can appreciate what it is. Again. CLosest game to it is SPace Colony and while its got more stuff, the bugs in it are far more annoying and ganme breaking than anything I've seen so far. ANd since when was calling something 'fair' considered fawning?

Rimworld went into early access not long after Spacebase DF-9 and with a smaller team, a smaller budget and far less promises, yet it delivered a much larger game with a lot less bugs and far more feature complete that to this day continues to get updates:
And that's great for them. That game is also on me wishlist. All you've said though is that a better game in the genre exists.

I could give you many more examples, but you can do the rest of the research yourself. Or you can keep praising this piece of trash.

Maybe I'm just not feeling the burn here. To me, and I think to most anyone who goes into this blind its just a white-bread space sim management. Nothing spectacular in either the good or bad sense.
Its the genre equivalent of plain corn flakes.
PrivateerCat 12 Aug, 2020 @ 5:25am 
if you bully him with one more message I am bringing my friends and we are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you up
Start_Running 12 Aug, 2020 @ 7:46pm 
Originally posted by PrivateerCat:
if you bully him with one more message I am bringing my friends and we are ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ you up
Let him be. If nothing else he clued me in on the big ass pirate raid., so I was able to prepare.
Now that I've sunk a few more hours I can say its near on-par with the likes of SPace Colony and dare almost to the level of EVil Genius. Okay maybe not Evil genius.. but Its certainly feels like a lIte version of Space Colony.
Last edited by Start_Running; 12 Aug, 2020 @ 8:37pm
PrivateerCat 13 Aug, 2020 @ 1:47am 
lmao people nowadays lost all sense of humor
Stonehammers 16 Aug, 2020 @ 5:15pm 
Just get oxygen not included, by Klei entertainment. Same concept, actually finished.
Black Jesus 16 Aug, 2020 @ 9:12pm 
He's better off with RimWorld to be honest. I love Oxygen Not Included I really do I tinker with it every now and then. But you gotta be a Engineer Major to make multiple machine/component setups capable of dealing with mid to late game issues.
Start_Running 17 Aug, 2020 @ 4:49pm 
Originally posted by Kunovega:
Originally posted by Withnail:

Mate you're coming across as a massive edgelord. Also take the advice from your own profile:

Happiness is a choice. Anger takes away your choices. Live a life of zen contemplation and you will always be happy and calm.

I am always happy and calm. I'm simply blunt and honest as well. How other people decide to react to that is of little interest to me. I have virtually no empathy or any interest in it.
You do't sound that way m8.

You actually sound like the kind of uptight wad that gets quiet upset and angry at the very notion tthat someone else, who is not tthem exists and that this person is actually capable liking things they do not.

Which is honestly, kinda sad.
Start_Running 17 Aug, 2020 @ 6:10pm 
Originally posted by Kunovega:
Any emotions you assume from reading are purely your own projection and imagination. I simply enjoy explaining things.
Your very first sentence posted here was an attack.
SO...yeah observable reality says otherwise m8.

Its rather telling that the first response you had here was an attack, and that you constantly insinuate that someone not having the same opinion as yourself about an entertainm,ent product must have some sort of error or defect.

Your own words do this m8. If this is not your intent.. tthen you are really bad at this whole langauge and communication thing.

At least we both got a good laugh out of this. I haven't seen so much concentrated nerd vitriol since i stopped watching AVGN.
Start_Running 18 Aug, 2020 @ 5:48am 
Projecting hmmmm?

Originally posted by Kunovega:
If you need it explained for you, there's something wrong with you.

Originally posted by Kunovega:
If you're just going to fawn over a nothing of a game, there's nothing to discuss; you clearly lack the experience to know what's missing compared to similar games.

Originally posted by Kunovega:
I'd like to see you try. Threats are meaningless when you aren't capable of backing them up. You're just another child pretending to be tough on the internet.

That word... I don't think it means what you think it does m8. You literally just keep attacking others. I mean How insecure do you have to be to feel threatened by the fact that someone likes a game you clearly seem to have some vendetta against.

Did the dev shag your sister or something?
Start_Running 18 Aug, 2020 @ 12:34pm 
Originally posted by Kunovega:

How insecure do you need to be to jump into a conversation you weren't a part of just to try and find excuses to insult someone else?
Call a public discussion m8. So I don't know what private conversation you were having here. YOu were quite literally the first responder and the first sentence of your first post was

Originally posted by Kunovega:
If you need it explained for you, there's something wrong with you.

Your behavior is no better than mine.
Quite a bit better m8. .

The difference is I know who and what I am.
We all know what you are.

You on the other hand continue to try and analyze me and get it wrong repeatedly.
Except everything i have pointed out about your actions is quite easily verified m8. You , like most like you, just react badly when people call you out on it.

But hey, your mistakes are still funny to me, so please little monkey, continue to dance for my amusement.
Another fine example of your manners and maturity, or rather the lack thereof on display. But do continue to show us fruits of your fine breeding and upbringing m8.

Last edited by Start_Running; 18 Aug, 2020 @ 12:35pm
Start_Running 18 Aug, 2020 @ 5:48pm 
Originally posted by Kunovega:
And we all know what you are. You've done nothing but troll, toss insults and make incorrect assumptions. You are for some reason stuck on trying to decipher my behavior for no other purpose than to beat your own chest and pretend you are better than me.
Nothing to decipher m8.

This guy called it on the first go:

Originally posted by Withnail:
Mate you're coming across as a massive edgelord. Also take the advice from your own profile:

Happiness is a choice. Anger takes away your choices. Live a life of zen contemplation and you will always be happy and calm.

The difference is I didn't go searching for you. You came looking for me. You ran face first into a mirror and didn't like your own reflection.
So you're claiming to be my reflection? Now I really feel bad for you. It's one thing to be me, but to be cursed with being a seciond hand copy of Which god did you piss off in a past-life.

I didn't comment on what you think or feel, only on your behavior.
The thread would say otherwise.
Originally posted by Kunovega:
If you need it explained for you, there's something wrong with you.

Originally posted by Kunovega:
If you're just going to fawn over a nothing of a game, there's nothing to discuss; you clearly lack the experience to know what's missing compared to similar games.

You on the other hand keep trying to tell me what I think and feel. Neither of us is a mind reader, I never claimed to be, but you have.
And the way you're reacting says I'm closer to the mark than not. You're seeing too much truth in the assestments for your liking.

If you are going to walk into this, pick a fight over nothing and then try to claim the moral high ground, you're already losing.
Says the edgelord who's literal first sentence of their first response was to imply sopmething is wrong with someone who has a differing opinmion from you.

I never claimed to be better than anyone.
hich is good. Your behaviour, would make such claims either a masterwork of irony, or self-ignorance.

I only stated that I am happy and calm.
Good for you if you are m8. Though just a note. You certainly don't sound like it.

It's ignorant of you to try and claim you would know me better than I know myself.
Ovbserving when ones ouutward behaviour clashes with ones statements is the foundational skill of BS detection.

What I never claimed to be was nice, polite or in having any interest in impressing you. You see, there's the key difference you really missed.
Which is good. Though at this point the only way you could impress or surprise me is to show a modicum of civility.

I know what I am and I act as I do because that's what I enjoy.
Yes. yes yes. and that surprises no one. People like you enjoy being what you are. And you've madye it clear what you are. So how about you do us all a favour. Either

A) Get out of the thread. Click unsubscribe and go your merry way.


B.) Surprise the world and display the ability to carry on a proper discussion without going into rants.

Either way solves the problem here.

I have my doubts you'll do either but hey I'd be happy to be proven wrong one way or another. However I suspect you will live up to expectations.

And I enjoy even more watching you try to stoop even further below me just to try and insult me.
Dude. So basically what you're saying that you're basically just doing this as part of a sad cry for attention. Hmmm...duly noted. and hardly surprising, but could you be a good lad and take your attention whoring elsewhere.

If I cared what you think, I would have come looking for you. But it's you that is so desperately in need of my attention that you follow me around, act the same or worse and then can't even reconcile your own behavior.
FOllow you around? Dude. You are in my thread. I am responding to comments on my thread. You're the one that keeps coming back here. WHo's following who here?... though again I shouldn't be surprised that Narcissism would be one of your personality traits.

I'll be here watching you wallow in it. You are free to leave now, but I doubt you can.
Why should I leave my own thread m8? But you of course are free to leave. Might actually increase the chance of an actual discussion here.
Last edited by Start_Running; 18 Aug, 2020 @ 5:50pm
Bob Barker 9 Sep, 2020 @ 6:54pm 
It's funny how you run apologetics for Double Fine when not even project lead (JP LeBreton) will defend it. He used to constantly talk ♥♥♥♥ about Tim Schafer on twitter without actually using his name.

To this day Spacebase DF-9 is the most shameful early access release in the history of Steam. I'd argue they were reason Early Access guidelines were updated shortly after. Even other early access devs took the time to write about it:

Now, years later, and little to show during that time, they've sold out and have been absorbed into Microsoft. Great job. They won't even sell the rights to that one modder who actually cares.
Last edited by Bob Barker; 9 Sep, 2020 @ 6:55pm
Start_Running 9 Sep, 2020 @ 8:01pm 
As said. Its not a great game. It's a 'meh' game. Serviceable. Functional. I can think of better games in the genre... but I can also think of worse. Its actually a shame since this could have been much better with just a few adjustments here and there. Tightening up the AI. A few Quality of life features like Priority settings... workshop integration alone would have done wonders. But as is. It's Meh. If it were fast food it'd be McDonalds. Bland serviceable, with a small degree of charm.

I'm not going to lie. I did enjoy reading the crew logs and they did make me chuckle a few times.

I've seen and played waaaay worse than this. Both in Early Access and in FUll releases. Though I guess if this is your benchmark for worst game evar.. you've had a truly charmed if limited gaming life. I envy you. Seriously. You will never know truly ♥♥♥♥♥ games.

To this day I wish I could forget the absurd ♥♥♥♥♥ that was Return to Krondor, or Ultima 9.

As for me. I do not regret my acquisition or time spent in this game.
Bob Barker 9 Sep, 2020 @ 9:33pm 
Companies which fail in the process of making an early access game are different than companies which abandon it almost immediately because it wasn't profitable. SB-DF9 actually was instantly profitable and DF paid back the entire loan they took out to fund the initial development within a week of release. The issue was that their sales were front-loaded, and when it didn't continue to rack in cash they laid off the team slapping a retail 1.0 version number onto an alpha build.

The entire thing was totally scummy. They seemed to have no faith in the long term success of the game so they just dump it because it wasn't MEGABUX. Of course DF went on to innovate such great practices as asking for MEGABUX via Fig, which was ran by DFs former CFO, and then selling themselves to Microsoft for EXTRA MEGABUX.

lol, hipsters.
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