Spacebase DF-9

Spacebase DF-9

Skenners 7 Feb, 2023 @ 12:56am
Unofficial Official Patch 1.09
After 7 long years, the final patch from Derelict Games and old man Skenners is here!

Changes made in this patch:

- Load/Save functionality. Load games, save your game to somewhere else.
- Save and Quit options before you exit the game
- Some bugs fixed, other bugs added!
- Original systems checked to make sure they still work.
- Counsellor/Field checkups task for Doctors increase happiness
- Implementation of new art assets? (space trees, bulbous plants, special plant)
- New Stats (% base happiness, % machinery disrepair, untended corpses)
- Sandbox mode. You'll still get raiders, but you'll have all the tech and money you need to build, build build!

.. well that was anticlimactic. Its over!

Known bugs I didnt have time to fix:
- Theres a lighting issue where the lights go out even though the rooms are filled, working and powered/oxygenated.
- Some of the new assets get fuzzy. Something to do with how moai is loading the png asset files. Old tech vs new versions of png i think.
- strange plant looks out of place sometimes. The offset of the asset when you put it down is about 40px to the left from its center. As soon as its built, it goes back into place.
- the older bugs are still there largely because of far ingrained issues in the code that required overhauls vs just rewriting the game.
-Save game screen goes weird sometimes. I thought I got all the bugs out of it, but I guess I missed something. It doesnt change the functionality, just aesthetic.

In the main directory, I added in a small guide of how to read the files and the file structure of the code. I also added in a batch file to search for words and phrases within the Lua files to help anyone that wants to take a stab at making updates and searching what each of the functions and methods do.

I also added in a Linux version, whether it works or not, I'm not sure, but it has a bash file that we've used in the past versions that seemed to work.

To install on a mac, take the master zip file and put the files in their respective directories based on their structure in the zip file (except SpaceBaseDF9/Win should be SpaceBaseDF9/MacOS).

Keep an eye out in the future for my own version of this game as well as new titles coming soon.

Thanks for keeping me going, for all the help, offers, testing, good, bad and ugly. Good luck to anyone wanting to do their own thing and remember, if you want to use our/my code, go ahead, but please just put a note somewhere saying that you used it. Thats all. No big deal.





Last edited by Skenners; 7 Feb, 2023 @ 2:00am
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Showing 1-15 of 72 comments
Beware I Live 7 Feb, 2023 @ 1:04am 
Congratulations Skenners! I look forward to seeing your work with your own take in the future :)
:pug: 5/7 ; Perfect score
nox666 7 Feb, 2023 @ 1:22am 
Thanks !
Erbkaiser 7 Feb, 2023 @ 1:25am 
Thank you Skenners, this is amazing.
Brother Erxkum 7 Feb, 2023 @ 1:51am 
Thank you so much!
Skenners 7 Feb, 2023 @ 1:59am 
thanks everyone!

Brother Erxkum 7 Feb, 2023 @ 2:06am 
Originally posted by Skenners:
thanks everyone!


Do post here when you release some of your new work, so we don't miss it!
Skenners 7 Feb, 2023 @ 2:12am 
Originally posted by Brother Erxkum:
Originally posted by Skenners:
thanks everyone!


Do post here when you release some of your new work, so we don't miss it!
for sure. thanks!

Lucaspec72 7 Feb, 2023 @ 3:55am 
congrats ! I thank you for fixing this unfinished mess of a game to a playable and more stable state ! if you ever decide to make your own game based on the concept of starbase DF9, i'll be sure to check it out !
deurkruk 7 Feb, 2023 @ 5:29am 
You're the best!!!!
Jomil 7 Feb, 2023 @ 1:59pm 
Ur the best man, cant express it enough
PCGNeurotic 7 Feb, 2023 @ 2:21pm 
Congratulations and thank you, Skenners. I've been following the main thread for a long time, and I feel like I've sort of been with you all around the globe, through ups and downs, and now we're finally here. :D There were times when I was worried about you, times when I was happy for you... up and down! You know, I'm going to have to subscribe to this thread too, because otherwise I won't get *any* comment notifications on Steam!
Skenners 7 Feb, 2023 @ 2:30pm 
Originally posted by PCGNeurotic:
Congratulations and thank you, Skenners. I've been following the main thread for a long time, and I feel like I've sort of been with you all around the globe, through ups and downs, and now we're finally here. :D There were times when I was worried about you, times when I was happy for you... up and down! You know, I'm going to have to subscribe to this thread too, because otherwise I won't get *any* comment notifications on Steam!

Thank you so much for this. Absolutely. I've been all over the world, changed countries 3 times, spent 3 years in therapy to get my mind right after being sick for nearly a full decade of my life, and had my ups and downs to try and get something, ANYTHING to you guys. Its most definitely appreciated by all of you.

While to me, its not as much as I'd like, I'm limited with what I can produce on my own as well as the limitations of the code. Always fix one thing, break three. If I were to write around the code, instead of integrating it, I could have produced far different things, but I'd be reproducing work that's already done. So I'd rather just start something fresher and see how it all goes.

Thanks everyone, I appreciate every comment! (even the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ones)

Rider 7 Feb, 2023 @ 2:53pm 
Thank you Skenners! I look forward to your own future game and please keep us in the loop so we can support it.
Rider 7 Feb, 2023 @ 2:57pm 
Stupid Norton is blocking my download of the patch :(. It thinks its a threat and removes it automatically after download. It's classifying the threat as Heur.AdvML.b whatever that is.
Just Sore 7 Feb, 2023 @ 3:10pm 
You're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ champ mate. This was the first game I bought in early access and I loved it, it sucks that DF abandoned it. Thanks for all of your hard work.
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