The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth

how do i activate the mods
i downloaded external item description and it doesnt work
Messaggio originale di Nazemec:
Did you enable it in the mod menu?
If you can't see a mod menu at all, then forget about it. The workshop is for the Afterbirth+ and Repentance expansions only.
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L'autore della discussione ha indicato che questo messaggio risponde alla discussione originale.
Did you enable it in the mod menu?
If you can't see a mod menu at all, then forget about it. The workshop is for the Afterbirth+ and Repentance expansions only.
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Per pagina: 1530 50

Data di pubblicazione: 13 lug, ore 7:06
Messaggi: 2