Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess

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Tips for Kamukura Shrine?
This level is handing me my ass pretty bad lol. Any good team comps for it?
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build speed, purge speed, spearmen, 2 ascetics, 1 sumo for safety, 1 healer, ranged units, they usually only attack from 1-2 directions so shift them.
The bell demon can be convinced to turn its back if you put the sumo/spearman behind it.
For those who want an easy cheese:

If you repaired all levels up until the Shrine, just fill up on crystals, purge every defilement in the day time and DON'T CONVERT VILLAGERS (well maybe a thief to get the black chest).

By nightfall, you'll have 2000+ crystals, just dump those into Yoshiro and you'll skip the whole encounter while also triggering all three challenges.
Originally posted by thejuiceweasel:
For those who want an easy cheese:

If you repaired all levels up until the Shrine, just fill up on crystals, purge every defilement in the day time and DON'T CONVERT VILLAGERS (well maybe a thief to get the black chest).

By nightfall, you'll have 2000+ crystals, just dump those into Yoshiro and you'll skip the whole encounter while also triggering all three challenges.
True but then you wouldnt have crystals for the next mission and would need to replay another mission.
There are also 2 talismans that reduce required crystals to change class, together they reduce 25 crystals per villager, some talisman that gives 100 crystals at start(might come later).
Would be more or less the same thing if people want to finish it faster. Axemen and bowmen with a healer
Last edited by Neyreyan_Youtube; 27 Jul @ 6:05am
Only the main gate will produce particularly dangerous enemies, meanwhile the other ones will produce enemies that usually aren't much an issue at all.

Side gates don't have miasma either, so get a couple woodcutters, and possibly an ascetic as backup and CC, and air-clearing if they are fully upgraded, and just move them over to whatever side gates have their lanterns lit to signify they're spawning ground seethe.

All other side gates will spawn air seethe, only one side gate can spawn ground seethe at a time in this stage, so have this response squad move around to easily take care of the side gates with ground-seethe while your ranged closer to Yoshiro takes care of all the flying seethe, leaving you able to dedicate the majority of your villagers to the primary gate.
Originally posted by Neyreyan_Youtube:
True but then you wouldnt have crystals for the next mission and would need to replay another mission.

Or just go back to previous bases to collect offerings. Generally a good strategy any time you find yourself low on crystals.
Since you're not using Soh, you can swap out for villager-focused Mazo. Though if there's one I absolutely recommend, it's the carpenter speed Mazo. It's the difference between an extra barrier and not.
So Carpenter is the GOAT here.
Rebuild the damage buff on the bridge facing the main gate and the damage buff on the exact opposite side of Yoshi facing the shrine. That's it for vertical. (Don't waste time on the bridge barrier. Nothing will get close to it.)
Yoshi's flanks are where the carpenter will spend his time and where you'll put most of your forces. Rebuild the slow netting and the barrier on the left side and both barriers and the netting on the right side (ignore the archer stand on the left; it offers nothing with this setup). With the Mazo, the carpenter will have time for all of it. If you don't have the Mazo, no biggie, sacrifice the rightmost barrier (which would put the netting facing right first).
Now for troops and placement.
Your stars are your Riflemen. Max them and put two on the bridge with the damage buff. They'll be able to spawn kill most of what comes out of the main gate and provide cover fire to all the rest of the villagers once they're done. Position a Woodcutter and Spearman on the along the main gate's path (but not so close the Woodcutter runs into the miasma) and put a Shaman at their back so they can recover after fights. (Short of the scripted boss monster early on, you can now safely ignore the front for the rest of the mission).
Now your backline, place one Woodcutter at the barrier on the left with an archer at his back. The netting will slow enemies enough for him to safely go ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and not let anything get past him. There will be a second Shaman on the backline as well, so you may default her here, but that probably won't be necessary. The left side setup (for whatever reason) just seems to really hold up with the Woodcutter there, so let him handle his home. You're never moving him.
On the right side, you can run two Woodcutters, but I recommend a Woodcutter and a Spearman. Position them at the furthest barrier if you have it constructed with the second Shaman behind them (if you don't have the second barrier constructed, that's fine; just position them in the netting with Shaman #2 behind the first barrier or in the pool beside them). Then, place an Archer in the pool, (above the chest), so they can cover the Woodcutter/Spearman at the barriers, and also shoot down light flyers trying to backdoor Yoshi. This is the only one to really keep an eye out for. It's an important position, so if they run low on health, move them to your backline Shaman for healing whenever needed. And since your backline damage buffer is active, you can reposition the Archer if you need focused fire for any reason, but you generally won't need to unless it's just a bad cycle of RNG.
If your Shamans are running low on health, you can have them heal each other. And there's enough redundancy to cycle people around in a hurry if they need time to heal (such as dealing with the boss). So on that note...
The boss, the only time you need to micromanage. The Rifleman will kill this thing if they have its back. So, move your Shaman back onto the bridge (or use her if needed) and manipulate your Woodcutter/Spearman positions to manipulate the boss. It won't prioritize the Riflemen as long as your ground troops here smack it. Bait out it's long lumbering attacks and move your troops back to avoid the brunt of it, then reposition to have them attack and repeat. If you're lucky, you'll manage this and can safely put everyone back in their original positions. If not, you may have to swap your gate troops with your right flank troops mid-fight, including the Shaman (if you have her involved). This is fine. Between the random pot shots your ground troops get in and the DPS the Riflemen put down, the boss will drop and your Shamans will everyone (including each other) allowing a return to the original formation where you can go on a loose autopilot until you hit 2-4K crystals.

Edit: If you don't use Carpenter Mazo, you can still get the second barrier on the right flank if you ignore the shrine-facing damage buff. You just have to make sure you're assigning the next role as he finishes each job (be "at" the next job to assign rather than running to it--you can keep track of his progress as you pass other build sites around the map).
Also, this accounts for 11 of the 12 positions. The 12th one is irrelevant and free. You only need the 11. I tend to put #12 next to the Archer in the pool so they don't have to fight Kaimatachis alone. Sorcerer is usually what I put here, but if you're going through the first time, anything will do.
Last edited by Banoffee; 6 Aug @ 8:43pm
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