A Hat in Time
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
Gears for Breakfast  [developer] 6 Oct, 2017 @ 8:26pm
Having Issues? Report here & help us get it fixed
Make sure to visit the A Hat in Time Help Center:

Hi everyone!
If you're experiencing issues with performance, controllers, bugs or launching the game, please paste your specs here (including OS) alongside a description and we'll investigate the issue.

Some Hot Tips (tm) before you post:
1) If on a laptop, make sure you're running using your dedicated GPU, not your integrated. This can usually be changed in your Nvidia / Intel graphics settings.
2) Try lowering the graphics settings if the game is performing poorly.
3) If the game is taking a bit to load, try waiting it out. If that doesn't fix it, see if you have enough harddrive space? Try moving the game to a faster harddrive?
4) If you're feeling really frustrated with how the game is performing, and don't wanna wait for a patch, that's OK! Feel free to use Steam Refunds, there is no shame in it. If the game doesn't work for you, you are more than welcome to get a refund and purchase the game later if you so desire.

While we can not respond to everyone here and on social media, we will continue to push out patches to fix whatever you report. So please keep reporting! Thank you!
Last edited by Gears for Breakfast; 4 Nov, 2017 @ 8:48pm
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Showing 1-15 of 4,142 comments
A note: If you are having problems with your Mayflash GC controller adapter, verify the game's files, that fixes it.

Also, I noticed the camera moves very slowly with a GC controller, and when tilting the movement stick up, down, left, and right, Hat Kid moves slower than with other controllers and M/KB. Diagonal movement is fine.
Cowboy Dude 6 Oct, 2017 @ 9:10pm 
I'm trying to play this game at 1920x1080 (native on my main monitor) borderless but it's not taking up the whole screen. And fullscreen gives me ugly stretching.

Oh and in addition the text appears below the textbox

Extra, extra note: The resolution of the windowed/borderless seems to take the dimensions of my smaller monitor (1024 x 768) despite playing on my bigger one
Last edited by Cowboy Dude; 6 Oct, 2017 @ 9:14pm
Kokorimpa 6 Oct, 2017 @ 11:01pm 
I think I encountered a bug in the last level, the finale.. There's a part where the path splits, to the right you need to use the wizard hat to blow a big box after jumping on a very tall pillar that ascends from the lava... The thing is I think I saw a token, but it fell to the lava from the explosion, I tried to reload the world, but the crate is gone from the start now. Might be wrong though.
ZephHaathun 6 Oct, 2017 @ 11:31pm 
No detection of Gamecube controller using Nintendo's adapter that was released with Smash4WiiU. Attempted to use vJoy but no luck there as well. May need to make a .ini file?
Splat ♥ 6 Oct, 2017 @ 11:47pm 
Shadow Quality wont go past High, attempting to do so will reset all other settings back to default
Splat ♥ 6 Oct, 2017 @ 11:48pm 
Originally posted by Kokorimpa:
I think I encountered a bug in the last level, the finale.. There's a part where the path splits, to the right you need to use the wizard hat to blow a big box after jumping on a very tall pillar that ascends from the lava... The thing is I think I saw a token, but it fell to the lava from the explosion, I tried to reload the world, but the crate is gone from the start now. Might be wrong though.

there was a coin in that box
Mint 7 Oct, 2017 @ 12:43am 
Basically, when I press play on steam it says that it starts to run but it automatically closes itself. It seems to be that one of the .dll files is corrupted/missing and that's why it crashes. I have already seen some solutions to it, like using a program to find the corrupted .dll file, and replace it, but due to my lack of competence I'm not able to find it. I really want to play this game, but it annoys me that I'd have to find the issue and then solve it.
Splat ♥ 7 Oct, 2017 @ 12:49am 
Using the alternate skin for the ice cap, it doesn't stay applied when you use the ability

one ability activated the ice statue it makes has the old cap on
Your own Hubris 7 Oct, 2017 @ 12:53am 
Well, I was at the final boss, it (for spoiler reasons) straight up disappeared, now I can't die to reset the boss, and have to play the level over. It was during the apple portion of the second phase.
Phi Zero 7 Oct, 2017 @ 1:01am 
1) In the room where you get the hookshot badge, there's a relic chest hidden inside the ice on the right side. This is a duplicate relic (cow with shades). If you get this after getting all the pieces for the UFO relic, it won't show up in your inventory.
EDIT: In the beta build, this ice isn't there and the chest contains Energy Juice.

2) In the final level, there's a rift coin inside a giant box that you can blow up. The coin fell in the lava for me, and I'm pretty certain it didn't go in my inventory. Restarting the level didn't do anything and it's just gone now.

3) The final boss occasionally drops under the arena for 10-15 seconds while in shield phase and does nothing.
Last edited by Phi Zero; 7 Oct, 2017 @ 2:21pm
SuperStarGuy 7 Oct, 2017 @ 1:23am 
I can't seem to properly minimise the game unlike others.
CumCaptain 7 Oct, 2017 @ 3:28am 
I have been having a problem in the hot cakes area where I can not use my grapple after coming out of a cannon.
Having trouble connecting my Dualshock 4 to the game. All I can use is the keyboard and mouse, which is not how I wanted to play this game. I'm using a Macbook Pro to run this game, can you help me?
DRUNK_CANADIAN 7 Oct, 2017 @ 4:24am 
Kind of a technical question, but wasn't this game supposed to get VR support? Is it just unofficial launch at the moment or am I just misinformed>? Thanks.
NeverZero 7 Oct, 2017 @ 4:28am 
my mac takes a very long time to load a level and i cannot use a xbox controller on it. i put the game in a 2TB hard drive
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