A Hat in Time
TrueKhaos 14 Sep, 2018 @ 11:16pm
Fast Hatter Badge Problems
Has anyone else been having a problem with the Fast Hatter bagde? For some reason it doesn't seem to do anything when I have it equipped. Testing with the forest dweller with it on or off leads to the same time for cooldown. Sometimes it works, usually when I am in the hub instead of on a level. I haven't played in a while, the badge is supposed to just significantly reduce cooldowns for all hat abilities when it's equipped right?
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Zeder966 15 Sep, 2018 @ 12:11am 
I thought that earlier when I was using it. It seemed like the cooldown was still the normal amount. In fact, when I equipped it during the hard version of the Mafia Boss, it seemed to extend the cooldown. It's weird!
Hiba 15 Sep, 2018 @ 12:15am 
Originally posted by C U B E:
I thought that earlier when I was using it. It seemed like the cooldown was still the normal amount. In fact, when I equipped it during the hard version of the Mafia Boss, it seemed to extend the cooldown. It's weird!
This. It felt like the normal cooldown amount to me,but I still think that's pretty stupid and makes the difficulty a bit artificial.
TrueKhaos 15 Sep, 2018 @ 12:20am 
At first I thought it was because of deathwish because I noticed it during some of the challenges I was having trouble with (Mafia Boss being one of them) but I lost my save at some point between when I originally played the game and now so I've been replaying the main story and I noticed that the badge does not seem to work at all outside of the hub even in the normal acts and levels. It only seems to work every once in a while in the hub. I would guess it is more of a bug than an artificial way to increase the difficulty of the deathwish content. Especially now that I know I'm not the only one noticing it.
Last edited by TrueKhaos; 15 Sep, 2018 @ 12:20am
Edmund 16 Sep, 2018 @ 9:54am 
I am having the same problem as well. Fast Hatter Badge no long works for me.
hedonist! 16 Sep, 2018 @ 9:59am 
Thought I was going crazy, but yeah it seems like there's no effect.
Raven 16 Sep, 2018 @ 10:45am 
Disabled on some challenges it seems? Doesn't work on the directors fight.
TrueKhaos 16 Sep, 2018 @ 5:53pm 
Originally posted by Skrraah:
Disabled on some challenges it seems? Doesn't work on the directors fight.
It's not that it is disabled on some challenges, the badge does not work anywhere but the hubworld and only works conditionally in the hubworld.
I have tested it in every world (Mafia Town-Arctic cruise) and it also does not work in any of the Death Wish challenges (That I have tried anyway)
I think it is safe to say it is a bug that will hopefully be patched sometimes soon. As useful as it would be for deathwish, I just miss the convenience of it in every part of the game.
sass 21 Sep, 2018 @ 1:07pm 
It's either an intentional nerf for Death Wish (which is stupid, IMO) or a bug.
I'm hoping it's the latter and that it will be fixed.
Golden 28 Nov, 2018 @ 4:00pm 
Yeah, I have no idea why it does this. Hopefully it gets fixed, I rely on this badge a lot.
Golden 28 Nov, 2018 @ 4:32pm 
Actually, I may have spotted the issue.
I think it really is Death Wish that disables this badge, as questionable of a decision as it is.
You see, it seems to be disabled in regular missions when you have a Death Wish mission active that involves doing something else in a regular mission, i.e. the Snatcher's Hit List contract, or the ones where you find Snatcher coins. Not only this, but activating Peace and Tranquility in a Death Wish mission seemed to make the badge work in there again.
Still an issue. Trying do do the "Cheat the Race" with the timestop and the hat cooldown is like 5 seconds instead of 3.
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