A Hat in Time
Fruchtgummi 4 May, 2022 @ 2:57am
Steam Deck Problems
So I'm a bit bewildered by this. The store says that this game is verified to work great with the Deck but I'm getting severe stuttering playing this game. I don't know if the testing team has a different Steam Deck than me or what is going on but it seems that the game is unplayable (if you don't want to get dizzy playing it that is)

Anyone here with similar experiences?
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Makoto 5 May, 2022 @ 10:48am 
It should work flawless on Steamdeck. However, I did play on PC (similar specs, AMD build) via Linux which should essentially be the same. Steamdeck reviews on Protondb are also positive. 3 things I think on:
- Do you have mods/workshop items running?
- Maybe you use a bad proton version? I used 6.3-8, but never saw problems on older versions.
- Are there any start options active?
Temu 12 May, 2022 @ 2:26pm 
It's really unstable for me too it will go from 60 - 40 a lot and it makes the game feel really jittery even after I uninstalled mods which fixed some of it. I'm really sad because it's one of my most played games, hope someone finds a fix soon.
Karsui 20 May, 2022 @ 2:23pm 
I haven't tried HiT on my Deck yet, but I noticed (probably) all mods I subcribed to on PC, Deck downloaded as well.
Maybe that's the problem?
PrimeSonic 7 Jun, 2022 @ 8:56am 
I was having the same issue, to the point I uninstalled the game.
But after seeing this thread I tried again.

I removed all mods, reinstalled the game, set the graphics to Fullscreen and High Performance, and it's working pretty good now.

There's only an occasional little stutter here and there, but it's definitely a lot better than before.

In the interest of preserving battery, I set the Deck's FPS limit and refresh rate to 40.
Ssince there isn't a 40fps option in the in-game graphics settings, I set the in-game frame rate to unlimited and enabled V-sync.
craigz 22 Nov, 2022 @ 12:16pm 
Sorry for necro but I'm running into the same issue, I can barely even get it to boot up! Freezes right at the start screen >< no mods or anything!
Makoto 22 Nov, 2022 @ 1:24pm 
Originally posted by craigz:
Sorry for necro but I'm running into the same issue, I can barely even get it to boot up! Freezes right at the start screen >< no mods or anything!

No problem. Can you give more information, like Proton version? Is Steam Deck up to date? It still runs totally fine for me on PC.
Raven Darkfur 22 Nov, 2022 @ 2:15pm 
playing through the entire game (-all of death wish because uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh) and so far I've had a solid 60 fps experience on high settings,... but the game crashes often after attempting to load "Nyakuza metro" AFTER loading in another stage,....

If this stage is selected before playing anything else... then it loads just fine.... annoying but this is my experience.
spineduke 1 Dec, 2022 @ 1:34pm 
I refunded the game, the shader caches (8gb!!) basically double the game size. Definitely not worth it if you're on a bad connection.
Makoto 1 Dec, 2022 @ 2:05pm 
Originally posted by spineduke:
I refunded the game, the shader caches (8gb!!) basically double the game size. Definitely not worth it if you're on a bad connection.
I feel bad for not being able lending you even a little part of my bandwith. Internet infrastructure need to finally change. Farewell, feel blessed. :fomtsad:
spineduke 2 Dec, 2022 @ 12:25am 
Originally posted by Makoto:
Originally posted by spineduke:
I refunded the game, the shader caches (8gb!!) basically double the game size. Definitely not worth it if you're on a bad connection.
I feel bad for not being able lending you even a little part of my bandwith. Internet infrastructure need to finally change. Farewell, feel blessed. :fomtsad:

in a just world we'd all have decent internet lol

still rocking a 4mbit connection with no alternatives here
Stolles 21 Jan, 2023 @ 12:32pm 
I'm getting perfect 60FPS, I'm playing using Proton-GE 7-43
Lady Estradiol 14 Oct, 2024 @ 11:58pm 
Just encountered this problem myself in chapter 1 act 7, having played up to that point with no issues. According to proton DB, the severe frequent stuttering occurs with proton 9 and newer but not with some older versions; however older versions don't detect the DLC. Apparently a workaround is to put steam in offline mode, and doing so has in fact fixed my issues.

I'm guessing the steam deck verification team, then, only played the first few levels and decided it was good.
DJForgotten 25 Oct, 2024 @ 4:14pm 
The new patch was supposed to fix this. I realize this is an old thread but I'm curious if it worked for anyone. The game no longer launches on Deck for me
Bumping this
Game only launches if on a specific proton version, 7.0.6
DLC still isn't being detected, mods still don't work
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