A Hat in Time
Online mode on MAC
Okay, so I'm on windows and I've got a friend who's just bought the game, but it's on mac. We wanted to play together, but on his version (which he bought from steam, ultimate version) doesn't show DLCs, which includes the online mode. I've done some research and found out some ways to run a windows system on a MAC.. (using something called "Bootcamp", and some other thing called "CrossOver 22 + CXPatcher). Has anyone tried those, or used another way to do it? Thank u !!
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Using bootcamp is fairly standard for running Windows versions games on a Mac, although is your friend using one of the newer ARM based Macs? If so, Bootcamp is not supported, and it'll likely be more difficult to use other methods as well.
Souper 9 Jan @ 9:18pm 
pretty sure the mac build is an ancient 1.0 build and hasn't been updated since it was first built
so yeah that'd probably be your only method
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