A Hat in Time
Some mods don't recognize in TCPLINK version
If i start the game on the normal version, it loads the mods fine, but when i go and play on the tcplink version, some of the mods just don't appear like it's not installed, even though the initializer shows that is loading the mods. Any idea?
I tried asking on the official discord but got no answer at all
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
JDWMGB 22 Jan @ 12:38pm 
Originally posted by Herbie-dee:
If i start the game on the normal version, it loads the mods fine, but when i go and play on the tcplink version, some of the mods just don't appear like it's not installed, even though the initializer shows that is loading the mods. Any idea?
I tried asking on the official discord but got no answer at all

you shouldn't be playing on the TCPLINK version unless you playing crowd control or archipelago, the TCPLINK version of the game is from 2020 so any mod cooked after that wont work
Last edited by JDWMGB; 22 Jan @ 12:38pm
I am in fact playing archipelago, yes, but good to know that it's really outdated.
Also i don't think the date of the mods are relevant, cause i have mods from 2023 that work and mods from 2020~2021 that do not.
JDWMGB 22 Jan @ 2:33pm 
Originally posted by Herbie-dee:
I am in fact playing archipelago, yes, but good to know that it's really outdated.
Also i don't think the date of the mods are relevant, cause i have mods from 2023 that work and mods from 2020~2021 that do not.

just don't play with other mods its not worth the hassle
As an elaboration about why, archipelago is meant to be run with it as the only mod, and there's a fair chance you'll run into issues using other mods with it.
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