

When i start up enclave it wont let me view the menu screen, it keeps looping the enclave intro that happens before the menu screen comes up. Also i can start a new game if i hit enter quickly at the menu but in game its unplayable. it's sped up to 1000% normal playing speed and it glitchy and suff. basically it's unplayable.
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
KeepStay 28 Dec, 2014 @ 9:32pm 
same there, pls help.
DeathMetalJedi 28 Dec, 2014 @ 11:48pm 
Originally posted by KeepStay:
same there, pls help.

I posted this a while ago... I don't think anyone's going to help us :(
Kdax 1 Jan, 2015 @ 3:16pm 
Same here, when i start the game its way to fast! And i get a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up browser commercial! Game is not working why should i buy something else form Topware Interactive, never had such ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ with steam ever! :headbash:
FeLiinG 2 Jan, 2015 @ 5:46pm 
try to unable the Nvidia Vsyinc to limit your fps to 60 ( Sorry for my bad english)
DeathMetalJedi 4 Jan, 2015 @ 9:32am 
Well, I found the problem everyone! My computer is just way too good to play this game! If you want to play this game, downgrade your PC and you should be fine!
Originally posted by Zack™:
Well, I found the problem everyone! My computer is just way too good to play this game! If you want to play this game, downgrade your PC and you should be fine!

That is utter BS . Lmao so hard over this comment .
USARice 4 Jan, 2015 @ 11:54pm 
I had to use Pinnacle Game Profile to make this game work with a controller and then it wouldn't horribly speed up for me. Couldn't get it to not be messed up using M+KB.
yung :D 5 Jan, 2015 @ 7:50am 
guys follow these steps:
Program Files (x86) --> Steam --> steamapps --> common --> Enclave --> Then open the environment with notepad and change VID_RENDER=... to VID_RENDER=OpenGL, worked for me :)
DeathMetalJedi 5 Jan, 2015 @ 1:19pm 
Originally posted by HEAVY METAL ZOMBIE:
Originally posted by Zack™:
Well, I found the problem everyone! My computer is just way too good to play this game! If you want to play this game, downgrade your PC and you should be fine!

That is utter BS . Lmao so hard over this comment .

It is true though LOL. I installed this on my lap top which has much older specs than my pc.


GPU- XFX Radeon HD 7970 3gb ghz ed.
CPU- AMD FX-8350 8-Core 4Ghz
RAM- 8Gb 1333mhz DDR5

Lap top specs: (WORKS)

GPU- ATI Radeon HD 6350
CPU- Some Quad core with like 1.8 ghz
RAM- 16Gb
japanaman2 12 Jan, 2015 @ 2:24pm 
Open task manager, select the games process, right click on it and set affinity only check CPU 1. uncheck all others.
This should fix the fast framerate issiues. as you are telling the game to only use 1 core.
120 BPM 13 Jan, 2015 @ 1:05am 
It's either cpu or windows icompatibility
running this on a intel Icore 3 at 3,2ghz ... game run at normal speed , and it's work fine in windows 8.1 too
DeathMetalJedi 16 Jan, 2015 @ 5:03pm 
Originally posted by Lemonfed:
running this on a intel Icore 3 at 3,2ghz ... game run at normal speed , and it's work fine in windows 8.1 too

We've established that my CPU is just to good to play this game apparently.... (AMD FX-8350 8-Core 4ghz
nope ... my cpu is still ten time the requirment so it's not the problems.
Originally posted by Zack™:
Originally posted by Lemonfed:
running this on a intel Icore 3 at 3,2ghz ... game run at normal speed , and it's work fine in windows 8.1 too

We've established that my CPU is just to good to play this game apparently.... (AMD FX-8350 8-Core 4ghz
DeathMetalJedi 16 Jan, 2015 @ 5:05pm 
Originally posted by Lemonfed:
nope ... my cpu is still ten time the requirment so it's not the problems.
Originally posted by Zack™:

We've established that my CPU is just to good to play this game apparently.... (AMD FX-8350 8-Core 4ghz

Then tell me the problem then, because I would like to play this game.
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