

Does this support Game pad functionalities??
Just curious
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Showing 1-15 of 39 comments
BONKERS 5 Oct, 2013 @ 1:54am 
I would guess that it would probably support DirectInput gamepads considering the age of the game. But i'm not sure.
Abraxas 5 Oct, 2013 @ 9:58am 
No there is no gamepad support. I have been using xpadder and it works great.
Unicorn's Glory 5 Oct, 2013 @ 10:05am 
Thanks xpadder is a miracle!!!!
BONKERS 5 Oct, 2013 @ 3:19pm 
There's your problem. Using a 360 controller. This game predates Xinput by a number of years.

If someone with a logitech pad that can switch between the two could check, we'd at least know if it has DI gamepad support
Garrett 5 Oct, 2013 @ 7:04pm 
Originally posted by BONKERS:
There's your problem. Using a 360 controller. This game predates Xinput by a number of years.

If someone with a logitech pad that can switch between the two could check, we'd at least know if it has DI gamepad support
Enclave has no controller support.

For reference, Xbox 360 Controllers do work in DirectInput games since it is reported as both an XInput and DirectInput controller; the triggers and right analog stick axes might not work as expected, depending on how the game handles axis mapping, but it will be at least somewhat functional in all games that support DirectInput controllers.
Last edited by Garrett; 5 Oct, 2013 @ 7:15pm
Unicorn's Glory 6 Oct, 2013 @ 3:06pm 
hahahaha you guys crack me up. If you looked inside the config Mpp file of the game you would have seen xbox functions due to the fact that this game was made for it years ago. I asked the question knowing this and also who the ♥♥♥♥ said i had a 360 controller? Oh and thanks Arkose for the comment, thats my words to bonkers in a nutshell. regardless the game supports the axis all the way
ephewe 1 Sep, 2014 @ 11:36pm 

I know it's been a while since you posted about this, but is there any chance you could send me your xpadder profile for this game, Enclave..? I would *very* much appreciate it...
v00d00m4n 6 Sep, 2014 @ 5:21am 

To enable it you have mess with config tweaking a little. I just did it and managed to enable running and looking with gamepad, however sticks are messed up by default, left is uses to look, and right to walk, buttons are all messed up as well.
This could be fixed by tweaking config further, but i have not yeat figured out the way it works, which bind is which button, how to swap sticks etc. But game definetly supports gamepads.

Open options.cfg
and change last line to this:

also try to mess with this value
with 2 i have walking and lookin working but messed up, skipped 1 for some reason, need to check if it will swap them back.

File Config.mpp has all the binds thats needs to be tweked to work properly.
There possibly could be problems with RT and LT, Dpad and lack of 2 extra buttons in case of xinput device... if only someone after so many years would created dinput > xinput wrapper, that would make using xinput devices in legacy games absolutely possible without LT RT problems. Has anyone seen one like x360ce but doing opposite thing via dinput.dll, dinput8.dll ?
thegerashi 30 Oct, 2014 @ 11:26am 
forget xpadder, go for joy2key. it's free and more adaptable.
Azagash 8 Nov, 2014 @ 6:34am 
binds for Config.mpp:
bind2 "joy0_axis00", "moveup 1; press jump", "moveup 0; release jump"; bind2 "joy0_axis01", "press attack2", "release attack2"; bind2 "joy0_axis02", "press attack", "release attack"; bind2 "joy0_axis03", "press crouch", "release crouch"; bind "joy0_axis04", "cmd nextitem"; bind "joy0_axis05", "cmd nextweapon"; bindrep "joy0_axis0c", "moveright arg1 / 128.0; moveforward (-arg0) / 128.0"; bindrep "joy0_axis0d", "lookvelocity0 arg1*0.2, arg0*0.04"; bindrep "joy0_axis0e", "int a0 = arg0/255.0; if(a0) { press attack } else { release attack }";
Originally posted by thegerashi:
forget xpadder, go for joy2key. it's free and more adaptable.
xpadder is better and easier to use
Unicorn's Glory 19 Nov, 2014 @ 6:56am 
Rewrite a script for the controllers through mapping. This will in-code the game to function almost like the xbox version. I dont suggest this if you have no idea what this is.
enzyme1 24 Nov, 2014 @ 4:34pm 
Whether u have xinput or direct, use Pinnacle Game Profiler, their software has a full controller profile for this game, and I found profiles for other old PC games lacking 360 controller support through it. Pinnacle does the configuration for you, works likes a charm.
Crazy Alchemy 2 Dec, 2014 @ 9:17pm 
Originally posted by Light Yagami:
Just curious

It should and they should add gamepad support because it takes practically no effort to add gamepad support to a game like this and they could just port the control scheme from Xbox and configue for a Windows Gamepad.
Unicorn's Glory 4 Dec, 2014 @ 2:09pm 
Maybe writing to the creators about this will defintely solve this mind boggling situation.
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