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bob_the_blob2 2024년 10월 2일 오전 1시 53분
Achievement penalties for enabling EZ codes?
Hi everyone,

When enabling EZ Codes at the beginning of the game, it states that using battle-type EZ Codes will disable some achievements. Does anyone know specifically which achievements this applies to?

I’d like to start with the EZ Codes menu enabled in case I want to utilise it later but leave the codes off for now, as I understand they can’t be unlocked until the end of the game otherwise.

Will simply having the EZ menu enabled still prevent me from earning certain achievements, or is it only when you actively use the EZ Codes that achievements are blocked?

Additionally, once you activate a battle EZ Code, does it permanently block specific achievements for that entire save file, or does it only prevent them if the code is active when you meet the achievement criteria?
bob_the_blob2 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2024년 10월 2일 오전 1시 59분
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andreasaspenberg575 2024년 10월 3일 오후 1시 49분 
i do not believe that having the menu enabled affects anything. i got the 1000 enemies defeated based achievment myself with it on, though all codes was off. i do not know if turning them on will block anything.
NKlaus1995 2024년 10월 4일 오전 12시 42분 
EZ codes don't really affect the main games trophies except for the trophy tied to beating the secret gummiship boss since you can get the best gummiship in the game for free if you enable it through EZ Codes they'll even warn you before activating it so you don't do it by mistake.
The EZ Codes do affect the ReMind DLC trophies however since if you have them on you can't get the trophies for beating the Org XIII data battles or beating Yozora
Vallard 2024년 10월 7일 오후 4시 23분 
They only affect the extra boss achieves in the dlc and the gummiship collection ones. You can totally get the critical mode achieve by just one shotting everything and beating the game in like 3 hours with zero effort.
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