Horizon Zero Dawn™ Remastered

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Remastered

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Massive Frame Drops/Mini Freezing
Specs -
Motherboard - X870 AORUS ELITE WIFI7 ICE
Processor - AMD Ryzen 7 9700X 8-Core Processor 3.80 GHz
RAM - 32GB T-Force
GPU - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090

So I keep getting massive fps drops 244 frames one second to 1 frame. I can only describe it as mini freezes as everything freezes for a few seconds. It happens during combat, during dialog and when I notice it most is during the menu like whenever I pause or go to the skill tree where it does on every perk. It's becoming unbearable and I'm trying to enjoy this game so I can beat it and play the new one right after. Please help!
Last edited by Murky; 18 Jan @ 9:14pm
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Try capping the frame rate to 120 see if that stabilizes it
Mav99 30 Jan @ 1:21am 
Some people reported that connection issues to PSN might cause such problems.
You can try disabling the PSN overlay by adding the launch option "-showlinkingqr" to the game's Steam properties.

Other than that, there are so many possible causes. Driver issues, steaming problems. external programs in the background... really hard to tell...
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