Horizon Zero Dawn™ Remastered

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Remastered

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Vex Hilarius 20 Dec, 2024 @ 5:14pm
I really don't get the appeal of this IP.
Not saying it's one of the worst IPs out there but this seems to be the absolute mid of the mid, hand-holding slop. I really don't see how it warranted a remaster AND a Lego game. Sony really seems to be pushing hard on this IP like it can go toe to toe with their other IPs when in actuality it's just a slightly better Ubisoft/Ass Cream game. What's next? A TV show/Movie? Novel tie-ins? This all seems so fake and industry-planting, nothing organic. Fabricated popularity.
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Showing 1-14 of 14 comments
Skylers Meth 20 Dec, 2024 @ 8:13pm 
You don't like it, i get it. I don't like some of the games you've put a lot of time into either. I think they aren't for everyone. These aren't for you. Guess what? Not everyone likes souls-like sweatfests either.


This game, the original Zero Dawn had 20 million sales as of November '21 and the whole franchise of late has had more than 32 million sales. That is a major success for any video game. and "fabricated"?

Are the sales fabricated? Did fake people buy them?
Porkhammer 20 Dec, 2024 @ 8:37pm 
Can't really compare HZD to the AC games in my opinion.
Ordisoftware 21 Dec, 2024 @ 2:05am 
Originally posted by Vex Hilarius:
I really don't get the appeal of this IP. Not saying it's one of the worst IPs out there but this seems to be the absolute mid of the mid, hand-holding slop. I really don't see how it warranted a remaster AND a Lego game. Sony really seems to be pushing hard on this IP like it can go toe to toe with their other IPs when in actuality it's just a slightly better Ubisoft/Ass Cream game. What's next? A TV show/Movie? Novel tie-ins? This all seems so fake and industry-planting, nothing organic. Fabricated popularity.

What one person finds great, another will find blah, and what the other person finds great, one will find blah, sometimes both will find it blah or great of course. There has to be something for everyone, otherwise the world would be dull and bland, uninteresting. Various languages, various cultures, various games, various styles, various genres, various gameplay, various visuals... Art and work, as play and rest, are by definition subjective to each person who often comes together to share and even exchange and improve. It is about giving the right to the difference of choice and feeling to others, at all times and in all places according to desire of the moment, without obviously harming.
Last edited by Ordisoftware; 21 Dec, 2024 @ 2:33am
Alcator 21 Dec, 2024 @ 7:22am 
And in other breaking news: No vegan has bought a meat-containing hamburger today.

Sphere 21 Dec, 2024 @ 8:17am 
Originally posted by Vex Hilarius:
Not saying it's one of the worst IPs out there but this seems to be the absolute mid of the mid, hand-holding slop. I really don't see how it warranted a remaster AND a Lego game. Sony really seems to be pushing hard on this IP like it can go toe to toe with their other IPs when in actuality it's just a slightly better Ubisoft/Ass Cream game. What's next? A TV show/Movie? Novel tie-ins? This all seems so fake and industry-planting, nothing organic. Fabricated popularity.

You've spent a lot of time talking about something you don't care about. Who do you work for?
D. Flame 4 Jan @ 10:16pm 
Originally posted by Vex Hilarius:
Not saying it's one of the worst IPs out there but this seems to be the absolute mid of the mid, hand-holding slop. I really don't see how it warranted a remaster AND a Lego game. Sony really seems to be pushing hard on this IP like it can go toe to toe with their other IPs when in actuality it's just a slightly better Ubisoft/Ass Cream game. What's next? A TV show/Movie? Novel tie-ins? This all seems so fake and industry-planting, nothing organic. Fabricated popularity.
Robots + Dinosaurs

If you were a child of the 80s or 90s, that's all that needs said.
if u think this is bad go play Witcher 3, then you'll come back and appreciate everything about Horizon.
Then leave, no one is forcing to play and/or post in a forum for a game you don't like....
As per Steam Account Info, doesn't even own the game?
Hebalon 6 Jan @ 10:16am 
Originally posted by Omega prime clearance:
if u think this is bad go play Witcher 3, then you'll come back and appreciate everything about Horizon.
I would agree to that. In almost every video about "the greatest Open World Games" and stuff, Witcher 3 is almost in the list. I found the trailer for Witcher 4 quite amazing, and I got Witcher 3 for 10€ on Steam before christmas.
Don't get me wrong, It is a great game, and I'll try to get it to Platinum, but I don't get the hype about it. Storywise it is ok (but not as overwhelming as in HZD, imho), and your dialog decisions do matter a lot, but overall I enjoy Aloy more than Gerald. The combat system for example is way better in Horizon, imho, even if there are more different "builds" in Witcher 3 than in Horizon.

But it's all a matter of taste, of course.
Inokis 11 Jan @ 7:21pm 
This is one of my favorite games of all time. When I went through the complete edition on PC in 2023. I was amazed at the game mechanics, the artwork, the story rich content. It is the only game I actually felt like i was a part of the world. Most stories are wonky, this is the first game where I felt like the devs had a glimpse of our future, it felt real to me.
life is dank 28 Jan @ 11:43am 
I cannot take seriously the accusations of Horizon being a 'slop fest' or "industry plant' from a souls fan considering souls games have been literal copy-pasted formula for the last 15 years with next to nothing differentiating them from one another similar to that viral tweet about The Rock wearing the same khaki outfit in 4 images but they were from 4 different films lol lmao. No seriously if there was an industry plant it would be monotonous souls games that have literal industry people force feeding them GotY award nominations for their DLC's. It's like every accusation is a confession from souls fans. Souls fans only eat chikm nuggies and choccy milk for dinner every night yet believe they have extremely refined tastes. :glitch:
Originally posted by life is dank:
I cannot take seriously the accusations of Horizon being a 'slop fest' or "industry plant' from a souls fan considering souls games have been literal copy-pasted formula for the last 15 years with next to nothing differentiating them from one another similar to that viral tweet about The Rock wearing the same khaki outfit in 4 images but they were from 4 different films lol lmao. No seriously if there was an industry plant it would be monotonous souls games that have literal industry people force feeding them GotY award nominations for their DLC's. It's like every accusation is a confession from souls fans. Souls fans only eat chikm nuggies and choccy milk for dinner every night yet believe they have extremely refined tastes. :glitch:

harken23 28 Jan @ 4:48pm 
This isn't the review section. That's a different button.
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