Horizon Zero Dawn™ Remastered

Horizon Zero Dawn™ Remastered

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swimchickhms 28 Dec, 2024 @ 6:03pm
Xbox Controller Triggers not working
Can't get triggers to work no matter what I try, the controller Triggers work in HFW but not on HZDRM or HZD-Complete edition.

I've tried uninstalled the xbox driver
turning off and on the bluetooth
Making it a wired controller
Turning off steam input
Turning it back on
Reinstalling the game, Verify-ing the game files
Going to a PS5 controller, trying different xbox controllers
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ScripterRon 30 Dec, 2024 @ 6:00am 
I use an XBOX One controller without any problems. I have Steam Input disabled, although I don't know if that makes a difference.
Originally posted by ScripterRon:
I use an XBOX One controller without any problems. I have Steam Input disabled, although I don't know if that makes a difference.
I should have put xbox one controller, I thought that was the default xbox controller,
When ever i turn off steam input then the controller totally stops working on all games.
Trantor 27 Jan @ 12:05pm 
Originally posted by swimchickhms:
Originally posted by ScripterRon:
I use an XBOX One controller without any problems. I have Steam Input disabled, although I don't know if that makes a difference.
I should have put xbox one controller, I thought that was the default xbox controller,
When ever i turn off steam input then the controller totally stops working on all games.
I had this issue yesterday for the first time in the remaster. Never before in the original
and played the remaster for hours without issues.
My left trigger stopped working. Controller tests (online) didn't show any issues.
I disabled the overlay -HZD remaster didn't recognise my controller at all.,
Re-enabled it - left trigger not working.
Rebooted PC, went into the Steam and HZD remaster settings = working again.
I think I got a steam update yesterday, which could explain the hiccup.
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