Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages

Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages

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Dredmor 10 Dec, 2013 @ 1:50am
Gamepad or mouse + keyboard?
As a FPS junkie, and a PC Master race enthusiast, should I start w/ kb + mouse or gamepad? It seems like this may be more intuitive w/ a gamepad (I have a Logitech F310). I plan to delve into multiplayer, space league defense seems neat! Just curious on opinions. :crafting: :order: :boyking:
Last edited by Dredmor; 10 Dec, 2013 @ 1:51am
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This is an interesting one. Which control method you want actually kinda depends on what weapons and ships you use.

If you're planning to go with a fighter or grappler relying on swift movement, changing of direction, and short-range abilities, often ALL AT THE SAME TIME, the gamepad is definitely a better choice if you know how to use it.
However, if you're a fan of the railgun or the gemini laser, go for the mouse controls, like me.

And for the third- and second-to-last mission in the campaign, you'll want a Gamepad unless you can cope with your cursor suddenly having mass. Not ideal.

So yeah. If you play at range at need aiming, M/KB. If you play up close, need to turn fast but have weapons that aren't as easy to miss with (Grappler Cone abilities qualify), then go for Controller.
M+KB > Gamepad
Accuracy in both long range shots and directional correction just have me playing at a higher skill level. I'd also recommend rebinding some of your keys for better ergonomics.

Gamepad feels VERY different and is a fun experience as well, just drop your difficulty a bit to compensate.
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