King's Bounty: The Legend

King's Bounty: The Legend

NouH 28 Nov, 2024 @ 8:40am
Tips against enemy heroes/mages?
Hello. I recently started playing this game on Impossible difficulty from start. I explored a lot of the starting island and I've been wisely picking my fights when I feel like I'm relatively ready for them while trying to avoid losses on units that can't be replenished anymore (like polar bears). But there's one type of fight where I feel like if I lose units or not is beyond my control, and they are fights where enemy hero mages or equivalent are present (such as magic troops to a lesser extent).

What I mean is battles like Keepers with the Evil Gremlins or against Hero Mages on the map. My main problem against them is when it's their turn they will usually cast very powerful damaging spells or even AoE and kill some of my units, even the ones I can't recruit anymore like polar bears, and it does feel like it's completely out of my control to save them.

Example: I recently tried a keepers fight and in the first enemy unit round they cast 2 Fireballs doing hundreds of damage and killed a lot of my units, in the next round they cast lightning spells killing even more units. This kind of thing just seems to be the norm against spellcaster enemies and it feels impossible to save certain units. Another example is the vampire/bat hero in arlain(?), during the battle he keeps spamming a single-unit damage spell on my polar bears and there's nothing I can do about it since each cast kills a unit, and before anyone asks, I don't have resurrection or anything else with similar capabilities.

As a new player I feel like I could possibly be missing out on ways to counter enemy spellcasters, so if anyone got any tips and strategies I'd be grateful. Thanks for your time.
Last edited by NouH; 28 Nov, 2024 @ 9:00am
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Showing 1-6 of 6 comments
Scathe 28 Nov, 2024 @ 9:09am 
what units are you using besides polar bears? what class did you pick (warrior, paladin, or mage)?

I would say that the sacrifice spell can replenish polar bears if you can get a hold of it, but the warrior may be better off leveling distortion magic and order magic than going down the tree to chaos magic.... there are a ton of variables to giving advice, in general, you want to avoid those mages on the worldmap that are avoidable, dodge past them until you're higher level and can resurrect your troops. unless the resurrect scroll and inquisitors both aren't available on your seed.
Scathe 28 Nov, 2024 @ 9:26am 
depending on your luck, polar bears can be in high supply early, but so can griffins and royal snakes, and you only want so many melee units.
NouH 28 Nov, 2024 @ 10:14am 
Originally posted by Scathe:
what units are you using besides polar bears? what class did you pick (warrior, paladin, or mage)?

I would say that the sacrifice spell can replenish polar bears if you can get a hold of it, but the warrior may be better off leveling distortion magic and order magic than going down the tree to chaos magic.... there are a ton of variables to giving advice, in general, you want to avoid those mages on the worldmap that are avoidable, dodge past them until you're higher level and can resurrect your troops. unless the resurrect scroll and inquisitors both aren't available on your seed.
Thanks for the reply. I forgot to include my current build.

I'm playing as a mage. Always getting int when possible, else getting attack/defense from level-ups (instead of low leadership as I was advised).

My current party is max leadership of archmages, polar bears, savage bears (unsure about name, but it's a tier above base bear), red pirates (the ones that can sprint and 3 tile aoe) and the rest is royal snakes.

My skills are all on magic tree (3x chaos) with one point in the first 2 mind magic (scout and the one to the right). I'm trying to move towards the lower mage skills since they seem very powerful (but expensive).

I do not have sacrifice spell.

So I guess the key is to avoid these fights until I have strong enough troops that they can survive at least one turn of 2x damaging spells without losses or until I have the sacrifice/ress spells?
Last edited by NouH; 28 Nov, 2024 @ 10:16am
Scathe 28 Nov, 2024 @ 10:34am 
Originally posted by NouH:
Originally posted by Scathe:
what units are you using besides polar bears? what class did you pick (warrior, paladin, or mage)?

I would say that the sacrifice spell can replenish polar bears if you can get a hold of it, but the warrior may be better off leveling distortion magic and order magic than going down the tree to chaos magic.... there are a ton of variables to giving advice, in general, you want to avoid those mages on the worldmap that are avoidable, dodge past them until you're higher level and can resurrect your troops. unless the resurrect scroll and inquisitors both aren't available on your seed.
Thanks for the reply. I forgot to include my current build.

I'm playing as a mage. Always getting int when possible, else getting attack/defense from level-ups (instead of low leadership as I was advised).

My current party is max leadership of archmages, polar bears, savage bears (unsure about name, but it's a tier above base bear), red pirates (the ones that can sprint and 3 tile aoe) and the rest is royal snakes.

My skills are all on magic tree (3x chaos) with one point in the first 2 mind magic (scout and the one to the right). I'm trying to move towards the lower mage skills since they seem very powerful (but expensive).

I do not have sacrifice spell.

So I guess the key is to avoid these fights until I have strong enough troops that they can survive at least one turn of 2x damaging spells without losses or until I have the sacrifice/ress spells?
yeah, hope for a resurrect scroll and a sacrifice scroll. if you're on the islands of freedom, you might be able to kill redbeard for lucky james and if you do it'll open up the map to goto the dwarf and demon territories, dodge all fights and go down to demonis and there should be good scrolls for sale down there... just make sure to save it in multiple save slots until you've successfully dodged down and back both, because sometimes the way back can be blocked off harder than the way forward.
Scathe 28 Nov, 2024 @ 10:36am 
you need order magic for the resurrect scroll though, just hope for fire rain, and get the double casting ability at the bottom of the tree as soon as possible. 2 well placed fire rains can remove two gremlin towers plus surrounding troops quite possibly.
Last edited by Scathe; 28 Nov, 2024 @ 10:38am
NouH 28 Nov, 2024 @ 10:38am 
Originally posted by Scathe:
you need order magic for the resurrect scroll though, just hope for fire rain, and get the double casting ability at the bottom of the tree as soon as possible.
I appreciate the tips. I'll keep those in mind.

About order magic. My objective is to try to max all 3 of the magic types if possible. I'm definitely aiming for double casting, but it's very expensive. 20 magic runes, that will take a while, but I'll try to save up for it.
Last edited by NouH; 28 Nov, 2024 @ 10:39am
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