King's Bounty: The Legend

King's Bounty: The Legend

General Karador help
What units do you recommend I use in this fight. I'm warrior lvl 23
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Scathe 16 Jan @ 5:22am 
what units do you already have hired? I reccomend thorn-hunters, giants, dwarves, cannoneers, polar bears. thorn-hunters sowing can block corpses from being reanimated. ishara's whip from demonis and the shield from the dwarf king for turning in the map of endaria could be good.
Scathe 16 Jan @ 7:38am 
you could consider replacing cannoneers or polar bears with inquisitors for fewer losses potentially if you can abuse rage generation and lina's chargers for mana after long turns.
I did it! Used thorns to sprout on dead enemies. He was resurrecting them all the time. Thanks for tips!
Groovin 1 Mar @ 6:06am 
Originally posted by Scathe:
what units do you already have hired? I reccomend thorn-hunters, giants, dwarves, cannoneers, polar bears. thorn-hunters sowing can block corpses from being reanimated. ishara's whip from demonis and the shield from the dwarf king for turning in the map of endaria could be good.
Kind of mad I just read this now. I turned in the map at the first chance to King Mark and only got the 250k. Didn't think there might be other rewards.
Gonna try thorns to beat Karador though, if my next attempt fails.
Tried at 21 with a mix of Inquisitors, Necromancers, Sea Dogs, Bone Dragons and Red Dragons and just slowly got whittled down.
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