Deep Rock Galactic: Rogue Core

Deep Rock Galactic: Rogue Core

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Dwarfurious 5 Oct, 2023 @ 11:12pm
Some answers from Mission Control
Robert (art director/mission control) took some time to answer some questions in discord this morning so im going to be posting them all here.

MC: DRG: Rogue Core is a completely standalone game. It is neither an expansion or a DLC for DRG.

Q: should of been a extanded dlc tbh like cyberpunk with their dlc, season 4 was empty
MC: It started as an expansion for DRG, but as it grew it quickly became obvious that the scope of what we wanted to do would be much better for a new game entirely.

MC: DRG: Rogue Core will absolutely be co-op.

Q: Any chance it would go back to being an expansion? I'd honestly really love that
MC: I wouldn't count on it.

MC: DRG will continue to get seasons. Season 5 will be delayed until June next year, because we want it to thematically link up with Rogue Core.

Q: A lot of players were waiting for new missions, new overclocks, etc., and instead they get information that they will wait more than half a year for the next season, which will not be a "game changer".
MC: And they will have to wait longer, I'm afraid. We are staffing up though, so we are getting more hands in here.

Q: Robot can you confirm the cut voice line of mission control saying "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah" ?
MC: Confirm? Certainly. We recorded it to use as a placeholder for designers to use until the real speak is added.

MC: And yes, as Amanda says - this was a GHOST SHIP GAMES stream, not a DRG stream. Ghost Ship is growing beyond just DRG now.

Q: Before season 5 releases will there be some small content updates besides seasonal stuff?
MC: I wouldn't count on it. We only have so many hands

Q:how awesome are those November tweaks gonna be good sir ?
MC: Don't expect any landslide changes for patches like that. Our Season Updates are the ones with new proper content.

MC: I wouldn't hold out hope for a DRG dating sim. Besides, Mission Control would be a difficult waifu.

Q:wanted to confirm tho, is rogue core is a one-off development game (standalone) or will be also continually supported season by season like DRG?
MC: Thank you for your patience. ❤️ Rogue Core is too early in development to say how we are going to support it post-release. But we do expect to do meaty content updates for it.

Q: It's been mentioned that you don't believe in crunching and want to give plenty time for proper development, but linking thematically DRG season 5 with the launch of rogue core early access means you set up a hard unmovable deadline for both things at the same time, is that because you are confident of meeting those deadlines on a new game or is it possible that if development of rogue core needs more time it will also delay S5 of DRG?
MC: We aren't locking down any dates that way, no. Season 5 will arrive as a prologue, some time before Rogue Core releases. The two releases are not on the same day.

Q:I personally hoped that since season 4 was smaller the next season would be bigger.

I understand that you have the right to focus on the new game and you have no obligation to update DRG at all, but I am disappointed by this because I expected you to continue to focus mainly on DRG. I love the game, I buy DLCs and that's why I wanted more and more content asap 🙂
MC:For the record, we are completely aware that this will be the reaction for many, many players. And it's a justified reaction that's completely fair.
But if we ever want to do more than one game, we need to start at some point.

Q: Will we know more details about S5 this year?
MC:Sparse, if any. All we want to say right now is that it will serve as a prologue to Rogue Core.

Q: is there anything you can say about season 5s size? if not that's completely fine
MC: There is nothing to say there, since it is not designed yet. As development on Rogue Core continues, Season 5 will be fleshed out too, since the two will be very connected.

Q:GSG have plenty of incomming games, why do a DRG RC ? I really don't see the point of doing that game, should of been a extension, and if this were the case it would of been really GREAT. I'm afraid you play with the future of DRG 😢
MC: Because we think it's going to be super fun, and it became clear to us pretty quick that what we want to do would not be suited for a DRG expansion. An expansion would be much smaller, and much more restricted, than what we intend Rogue Core to be.

Q:Will rogue core be released on console at the same time as PC? Anything about cross platform etc?
MC: Too early to say anything for certain, but I wouldn't count on simultaneous release - if we did that, the release would likely have to be delayed months and months.

Q: to this day i think drg has extreme potential and to spread workforce like that and just say "uh yea also s5 will come next year"... ngl kinda insulting. for me it really does look like you guys are trying to milk as much as possible from drg IP. hope you understand that this critique comes from passion, not hatred.
MC: Taken as passion, not to worry. We anticipated this would be a big part of the response to Rogue Core, and we're confident enough in it that we are more than willing to take that risk.

Q: I love how this sounds. The 2 games being connected thematically and hopefully content wise. I do wish they'd mention this or have a better emphasis on the connection on the stream tho since that could mean A LOT of fun and cool new possibilities
MC: Yes, but it's also very very early in development, so we can't make any big promises yet. All we can speak on right now is intentions, not promises.

Q:important question; is alcoholism planned for rogue corps? it wouldn't be a DRG game without it
MC: I think I can make a clear promise that alcohol will play a part in Rogue Core.

Q: Are you intending on adding some more end game content?
MC:Depends on your definition of end game content. But it should be clear to most of our community by now that we prefer to do content that can be enjoyed by as large a percentage of our player base as possible.

Q:I understand some people are upset but I personally am patient, and like I said, it's not like DRG is the only game I can play in the existence
MC:This. We absolutely love how passionate people are about DRG and fully understand why they want more content for it on a regular basis. We are proud that people can get fired up about this.
But yes, play other games too - if you find there's nothing for you to do in DRG, that's alright.

Q: I have a few questions but I'll start with the biggest one. Will we ever fight a fully matured dreadnought queen in like a 8 dwarf giant raid boss???? Is something similar like that in the plans??????
MC: It's something we've discussed, but I wouldn't count on it. Adding 8 player content isn't as simple as just putting four more players on the team, even if that lovely glitch is fun in small doses.

MC: There will be a Halloween Event!

Q: The new game sounds awesome, but there not being a new season for a long time will really hurt. Maybe at least a new performance pass somewhere down the line?
MC: If we did that, then season 5 AND Rogue Core would release even later.

Q: so are the devs taking a break from drg?
MC: No. Work on DRG continues on a daily basis.

Q: Could we expect more minor updates during the wait? Mostly mean tweaks or balance changes to existing content like overclocks or some of the new stuff from season 4
MC:Tweaks and balance changes and such will continue at the usual pace, yes.

Q:The game is already a finished product so who tf cares if there’s a content drought. I’m mainly conerned about quality then gsg just dumping trash content just to pump something out.
Also no endgame? deep dives and double warning haz 5 exist. And if that isn’t enough i’m happy to play some modded 6x2 or 7x2 for fun
MC:This. Deep Dives were introduced to BE the endgame. The update was CALLED Endgame. DRG is never, ever going to be super sweaty - if you want that, there are better offerings out there.

Q:Rogue core could use error cubes I reckon
MC:Error Cubes are a rumor, Miner. They do not exist.

Q:hi robert, is it accurate seasons are to be released yearly from now on?
MC:It is not. There are no set dates for our Seasons. Season 5 will take a long time, because we are linking it up with Rogue Core. There is no telling right now if Season 6 will take longer, shorter, or anything in between. We do not plan things years in advance.

Q:I bet gsg has so much lore they wanna give us
MC:If you only knew

Q:wait robert are you the one who voices MC?

Q:the response to rogue core's announcement is a bit unreasonable but the silencing of criticism isn't much better for the health of the game. some people have made reasonable suggestions but even they're being handwaved as if the game is better off having no new content released because the base is "good enough". yeah, it is good enough. game's still fun as-is. that shouldn't be a reason to deprive it of more good things later down the road. the game's being defended in good faith but i don't think letting the game stagnate is a good mentality. if we're going to see more year long gaps between updates it's fine as long as the update following them is the kind of quality we're used to at this point
MC:I find the criticism completely fair, honestly. If I passionately followed a game and was told there'd be no update for almost a year, I'd be dissatisfied too.

We are basing our decisions here on the fact that we believe Rogue is gonna be super cool, and the fact that we've worked non-stop on DRG for almost 8 years and really need to work on something fresh as well. DRG is not dying - it will continue to receive updates.

But no, and I can say this unequivocally - the days of DRG getting HUGE content dumps regularly are done. You do that early in a game's development cycle. Every new thing we add now is like adding new floors to a card house already teetering under its own weight.

Q:so, important question if drg isn’t getting massive content dumps anymore do you think seasons will be stopping, or just becoming longe
MC:We have no plans to stop Seasons any time soon. Season 5 is a long ways off, but for reasons already stated.

Q:Completely reasonable. Just as @AbjectTestament said, even tho the content is coming later or in fewer quantities, please do not drop the quality of it.
MC:We strive not to. ❤️

Q:as you said with the cards, if we continue down the path of seasons dont you think there will be just too much clutter from the seasonal content and no "pure" or base game missions ?
MC:The content introduced in Seasons will likely continue to relate to the "story" of that season. But there is nothing stopping us from doing a season about just going on regular missions down the line, and throwing a new one in too.
Anders - game designer: We don't have a formula set in stone, so we're free to make the content that doesn't have to be themed a certain way.

Q:thanks mission control! honestly what i think would be most beneficial for the game's health, or any game for that matter, is to hold regular Q&As with the community. Jacob or some other part of the community staff could handle it.
MC:We would like to do more AMA's too. Right now we are quite stretched, but expect more Q&A's and AMA's down the line.

Q:i'm sorry to hear you're stretched, robert
MC:Stretched in that we have a lot of stuff to do, not that we're burnt out, not to worry ^^

Q:also robert if you don't mind me asking something another person wanted to know, not sure if you would know the answer to but
id like to ask something about hoxxes 4 itself, if its fine with you
is it a planet, or a moon?
going by what i know of astronomy, its closer to a moon than a planet
MC:It's never been set in stone, but I can give you MY version of it - which is as close to canon as you'll get without it being actually in the game, since I write most of it. xD
Hoxxes IV is the fourth planet orbiting the gas giant Hoxxes. It is not a moon. There are many more siblings of Hoxxes IV out there.

Q:Oh no. Rogue Core is getting Barrel armor aren't they? This was all a ploy to "not quite" give the people what they want.

Q:While its an ama i might as well ask:

we ever getting canon drg cocktail recipes?
MC:Here's one:
Ask Lloyd for a beer.
Have Lloyd pour you a beer.
Drink the beer.

MC:And on the point of more weapon variety in DRG: It is doubtful we are getting new weapons in DRG anytime soon, if ever. Unlike a CoD or similar, we only do new weapons when they add something significant and new to the gameplay.

We do not wish to do 17 assault rifles that basically work the same except for some minor differences. Again, there are better offers out there if that is what you want.

Q:Based on how creative some of the weapons we have already are in terms of gameplay and design, it would be awesome to see something new cooked up at any point in the future. But it's very hard to balance new weapons around the rest of the game, so fair to say that it'd be unlikely
MC:Yeah, that's why I say unlikely, not impossible. We have a stack of weapon idea from the floor to the ceiling, but implementing just one new gun into the game at this point is a MASSIVE undertaking.
Consider: PER GUN, we need versions of it for EVERY framework, it needs unique Overclocks that must be balanced with every other Overclock in the game, WHILE being new and fun to use, it needs a full upgrade tree.
That is a MASSIVE task - and you lot would be howling for new guns the week after anyway... tell me I'm wrong. xD

Q:All of that would pile up the more weapons there are overall, so i'd imagine it's a bit of a pain in the ass to even consider let alone implement xd
MC:Yeah. In some ways, our design has made adding new weapons a bit of a dead end.
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Showing 1-15 of 28 comments
Dwarfurious 5 Oct, 2023 @ 11:12pm 
Q:Tools will not get OCs or major upgrades because your team should know exactly what you can do. it would suck to think your engi has the stock platform gun just to be hit with a toothpaste OC or something. Plus, weapons are mostly for yourself; tools help the entire team, so there would be a ton of pressure from tryhards to newer players to only use the "meta" tools and not anything else

MC:Said it better than I could have myself.

Q:Are biomes in a similar.. road barrier, or is it just harder to make them fit the vibe of Hoxxes without making them too similar to what we already have? I think there would be some cool places to explore, such as maybe a lost civilization native to hoxxes at some point in time but falling to ruin
MC:New Biomes are actually easier to implement than new guns. Still a big task, but less migraine inducing.

Q:Ooh, important question: would we be able to customize our guns in DRG:RC in order to make them similar to another from the original game? I know everything is on paper, but it would be cool to fly on a grenade launcher there.
MC:Too early to say

Q:There are many ideas in the community regarding additional content for DRG in form of variation of existing content (e.g. "omarant heart stone variants" and the like).
I think there is still a lot of stuff one could add to the game. No big-headline-stuff, just updates.
MC:Absolutely. The great thing about developing DRG has always been that we never seem to run out of ideas for it. It's only a question of manpower and time, really.

Q:while you're here, I wan't to ask you : Are you still planning on doing a pass on older biomes to make them prettier and more in line with recent ones ? I know this is also a big task but I still have hopes 🙏
MC:That's something we'd like to do, for certain. If we do a biome update at some point, the question would be if we should spend time updating existing biomes OR adding brand new ones. See the dilemma?

Q:Yeah I think we should be able to equip three headpieces at a time like the Creator in TABS, and if you make a clipping monstrosity the only one you are hurtingbis yourself. We need to be able to wear goggles and hair or hat at the same time.
MC:This has been on my wishlist for a long time

Q:Robert I must know, when will we unlock the fridge in the abyss bar? Beer is good but I need something to eat with it like a hotdog or a nice sloppy joe :( Buff food would be awesome and more social stuff to goof off with with friends
MC:I literally put in that fridge in the hopes that a designer and a programmer would jump on it and make sandwiches a thing. But alas, no luck yet.

Q:perhaps S5 is particularly outstanding considering they get a full year of a break, and may use that time to rethink how they handle seasons. but even if all we get is "another season", at least it's not more rockpox.
this is starting to feel kinda like Nora Night's seasons in Warframe. remember Interim II, a break between seasons that lasted almost two whole years? let's hope DRG doesn't go the same path.
MC:I think I can promise with a very degree of certainty that Season 5 will not be Rockpox Part III

Q:But can you assure people that it will be worth a YEAR of waiting? That is the most important part here.

MC:I cannot. And won't, either, because it likely won't be. It will be An Update. It will not be The Next Big Gamechanger. Do not expect Season 5 to be something huge and groundbreaking.

Q:It's nice that you are honest about it. Doesn't make it sting any less, but it's something.
MC:And it stings for us too, believe me. But it's always a case of "if we do THIS, it's at the expense of THAT", know what I mean? We do not have infinite hands.

Q:okay you are back, are you willing to confirm or deny that rockpox would be exponentially better as its own mission type :drillchamp:
MC:Absolutely I will not. I am luckily not a designer, so I cannot answer that question. :>

Q:I ain't asking to be like "oh drg updates slow grgrgrgrgr" I just genuinely want to know, it's gonna be 9 months for season 5?
MC:Season 5 will be released Some Time before Rogue Core is released, as a sort of Prologue. This means it will be developed alongside Rogue Core as we add content to both. So yes, do not expect it before June next year.

MC:Our intention is for Rogue Core to be so different from DRG that it won't be an either/or question. We intend for both games to live alongside each other.

Q:In my opinion, this is a bad choice . The game need more content not less.
MC:And you're entitled to that opinion. And it's not even wrong. It's a question of priorities in here - we want to do more content for DRG, but there's more to it than just that.

Q:I miss the golden times when Ghost Ship release new weapons, overlooks, enemies and balance in only 6 months.
I play DRG since early access.
MC:So do we. Ironically, that's part of the reason why we're excited to work on a new game, because then that becomes possible again.
Ading new content to DRG now is exponentially more work than it used to be, simply because of how big the game is now.

Q:actually, are there any plans to add community content and/or allow modded weapons and mission types and biomes?
MC:Plans, no. I wouldn't say it's impossible, but don't hold your breath.

Q:Asking to clarify, is work shifting from one game more to another? And is that the reason for the long extension?
MC:It's part of it, certainly. But it's not a either/or question - work on both continues.

MC:For the record: We have no intention of Season 5 being the last season. DRG is still doing way too well to stop development.

Q:Off the wall question. If I got the game on Playstation Plus, but then paid full price for the game at a later date, is that suppourting you the devs? 🤔 Or should I just buy DLC..
MC:I would assume so?? Not really the right person to ask, I'm afraid. 😄

Q:Maybe Ghost Ship run out of ideas, they give us the same season events every time:
Find the mug and deposit it, find the Rabbit and deposit it, find the gnome and deposit it...
MC:Only a question of manpower - we have ideas from here to the ceiling. 😭

Q:i wouldn't fault you guys if you asked us to pay for larger updates. the community loves this game and already spends a lot on just the cosmetic DLC's. every company needs funds to hire more work and it makes sense a game like DRG would need resources to expand further
MC:Interestingly, it's not even a question of money. While we love money, obviously, since we are GREEDY GAME DEVELOPERS, we don't need to sell our updates. Rather, we're "held back" by our desire not to grow too fast or too big. We WANT to be a small, agile studio, not huge and bloated. A lot of us intend to never work at a big studio ever again - part of the founding policy of GSG.
MC:Of course, this means that we can't pump out updates like they do on Fortnite, ever. But we won't go insane making them either.

Q:Getting a bigger team also does imply new challenges when it comes to maintaining communication and standards :Sconk:
MC:Extremely much so! I'm terrified of us growing too quickly, because it brings SO much more work with it.

Q:Bro, in the past Ghost Ship have.. How many? 20 employers? And give us a lot of new content in 2 years of EA, Now you have the double of man ppwer and can't make a simple mission history..
MC:Making updates for DRG now is a lot more complicated than it used to be. Not sure how much clearer I can make that.

Q:we definitely don't need updates like Fortnite, this announcement definitely feels a bit jarring after such a long wait without much information though
MC:And we realise that. It wasn't an easy decision for us either.

Q:Are there plans for mid-season major balancing/bugfixing patches like U34 was ?
MC:No plans right now. Never say never, but I wouldn't expect it. We will announce if that changes.

Q:we definitely don't need updates like Fortnite, this announcement definitely feels a bit jarring after such a long wait without much information though
MC:We absolutely felt that long wait too. But we couldn't say anything, that was the issue - because doing so would reveal the fact that Rogue Core was being worked on. This announcement today is literally the earliest moment we could find to reveal it in a way that wasn't completely ludicrous.

Q:Totally understandable. But it puts you and your playerbase in a very weird spot.
MC:It does, to a degree. But in the end, it's up to the players to decide if our way of doing things is something they can live with or not. I doubt we'll ever majorly revamp the way we do things, because this is how we like to work. If some players aren't comfortable with that, then we can't hold on to them - and that's fine.

MC:Perk Rework: It's still a term I hear in here often, but as I say in all things regarding updates: Do not expect it to be some HUGE thing that COMPLETELY CHANGES EVERYTHING. We MAY do a Perk Rework at some point. But it probably won't be enormous.

Q:some new overclocks might be a comparatively easy way to add some fresh content. Depends on how overclocks are setup codewise though
MC:You'd think so, but Overclocks are by no means easy to do. Not so much the implementation, but more the actual balancing and finding something unique for it. We won't add an Overclock if it's just a slight variation on something already in there.

Q:Do you plan to change how the current perk meta is or simply "give more options"?
MC:Let me be clear: There isn't any "plan" right now. There is a note on a list that says we should probably have a look at Perks at some point. What that entails, I have no way of telling at this moment.

MC:Anyway, I need to be off. Thanks for listening, and don't eat each others' faces now.

God that was such an easy idea in my head.
Norn Berg 6 Oct, 2023 @ 8:37am 
> we ever getting canon drg cocktail recipes?

Wait, so Leaf Lover is an actual cocktail, not a 90% water 5% soapy bubbles 5% burnt sugar?
Aimee 6 Oct, 2023 @ 2:17pm 
Thank you for sharing this, it does fill in a lot of unsaid things from the livestream.
yacabo 6 Oct, 2023 @ 7:46pm 
Christ there were quite a few entitled people in there. I get that a lot of these people are disappointed DRG stand alone ain't getting as much love but Rogue Core is looking very cool as is, they should really just look towards the bright side of life.
Melhadf 9 Oct, 2023 @ 4:29am 
The question I have hasn't been answered anywhere yet...

Can you play as a woman in this?
kestrel 10 Oct, 2023 @ 4:20pm 
i find it very funny that basically all questions related to rogue core:
"will it receive post-launch support like DRG?"
"will it release on both PC and console?"
"how will RC and DRG be connected?"
"can we customize guns to make them function like in DRG?"
were all met with the exact same "too early to say/we'll see" type of response. like, not even GSG themselves know these kinds of things yet? come on.
they absolutely announced this ♥♥♥♥ way, way too early. no wonder so many people are so concerned about DRG's future. we got three months of radio silence after the wet fart that was U38, only to be told "get ready to do it all again!" not even rogue core is worth getting excited for when details on it are so sparse. keep in mind we're not waiting a year for rogue core to release, we're waiting a year for it just to enter early access. that's how far back we are in terms of progress

i personally don't care about getting new content, but you can't expect the negativity of U39's slow release to be balanced out by rogue core's announcement. we barely know anything about it beyond "it is a roguelike spinoff". frankly, i doubt any of the screenshots seen on its store page is actually in-game content and not just dressed-up concept art
we don't even know what U39 is going to entail other than it going to be a crossover with RC itself. but frankly if it's not going to be the originally planned new mission type, then what will it be? i can't help but feel like it's just going to be a glorified advertisement for RC

they've given rogue core the absolute worst possible start by announcing it this way. and when their response is "yeah we know you're upset but uhhhhh too bad lol" it's no wonder people think theyre just trying to milk the IP dry at this point. obviously that's not the case, but can you really blame people for thinking as such? there's already a constant issue of people thinking that projects like survivor and the board game are siphoning effort away from DRG itself. announcing yet another DRG spinoff is probably just going to vindicate those peoples' feelings.
not to mention, i can guarantee that people are going to get rogue core and survivor mixed up constantly. especially those new to DRG in general. it just feels a bit silly that we're getting not one, but two DRG spinoffs releasing in the same 12 month timespan
Cor. 10 Oct, 2023 @ 7:20pm 
Originally posted by kestrel:
i find it very funny that basically all questions related to rogue core:
"will it receive post-launch support like DRG?"
"will it release on both PC and console?"
"how will RC and DRG be connected?"
"can we customize guns to make them function like in DRG?"
were all met with the exact same "too early to say/we'll see" type of response. like, not even GSG themselves know these kinds of things yet? come on.
they absolutely announced this ♥♥♥♥ way, way too early. no wonder so many people are so concerned about DRG's future. we got three months of radio silence after the wet fart that was U38, only to be told "get ready to do it all again!" not even rogue core is worth getting excited for when details on it are so sparse. keep in mind we're not waiting a year for rogue core to release, we're waiting a year for it just to enter early access. that's how far back we are in terms of progress

i personally don't care about getting new content, but you can't expect the negativity of U39's slow release to be balanced out by rogue core's announcement. we barely know anything about it beyond "it is a roguelike spinoff". frankly, i doubt any of the screenshots seen on its store page is actually in-game content and not just dressed-up concept art
we don't even know what U39 is going to entail other than it going to be a crossover with RC itself. but frankly if it's not going to be the originally planned new mission type, then what will it be? i can't help but feel like it's just going to be a glorified advertisement for RC

they've given rogue core the absolute worst possible start by announcing it this way. and when their response is "yeah we know you're upset but uhhhhh too bad lol" it's no wonder people think theyre just trying to milk the IP dry at this point. obviously that's not the case, but can you really blame people for thinking as such? there's already a constant issue of people thinking that projects like survivor and the board game are siphoning effort away from DRG itself. announcing yet another DRG spinoff is probably just going to vindicate those peoples' feelings.
not to mention, i can guarantee that people are going to get rogue core and survivor mixed up constantly. especially those new to DRG in general. it just feels a bit silly that we're getting not one, but two DRG spinoffs releasing in the same 12 month timespan
Stay salty :steamsalty::steamfacepalm:
St0rmFury 10 Oct, 2023 @ 11:40pm 
Thanks for taking the time to consolidate Robert's replies here, Dwarfurious.

Makes it easier for me to copy & paste.
Dwarfurious 11 Oct, 2023 @ 12:06am 
Originally posted by St0rmFury:
Thanks for taking the time to consolidate Robert's replies here, Dwarfurious.

Makes it easier for me to copy & paste.
was that YOU on reddit? :O
St0rmFury 11 Oct, 2023 @ 12:15am 
LOL no, I have a reddit account but I only use it for lurking.

Before this, I had to filter Robert's posts on discord.

Oh wait, I just realised you're the original compiler and the redditor was copying your OP to reddit.
Dwarfurious 11 Oct, 2023 @ 12:22am 
Originally posted by St0rmFury:
LOL no, I have a reddit account but I only use it for lurking.

Before this, I had to filter Robert's posts on discord.

Oh wait, I just realised you're the original compiler and the redditor was copying your OP to reddit.
Looks like a different one
Last edited by Dwarfurious; 11 Oct, 2023 @ 1:53am
Beta Version [Linux] 17 Oct, 2023 @ 11:59am 
I would ask for a Linux port, but DRG works perfectly with Proton, so... wishlisted and good luck.

Vulkan would be so nice
RoosterBoy 27 Oct, 2023 @ 1:20pm 
Originally posted by Dwarfurious:
MC: And yes, as Amanda says - this was a GHOST SHIP GAMES stream, not a DRG stream. Ghost Ship is growing beyond just DRG now.

Obviously not, this is your 3rd DRG game.
TheGraveDigger 27 Oct, 2023 @ 2:49pm 
Originally posted by RoosterBoy:
Originally posted by Dwarfurious:
MC: And yes, as Amanda says - this was a GHOST SHIP GAMES stream, not a DRG stream. Ghost Ship is growing beyond just DRG now.

Obviously not, this is your 3rd DRG game.
*2nd drg game
Ghost ship doesn't develop drg:survival
Dwarfurious 27 Oct, 2023 @ 10:39pm 
Originally posted by TheGraveDigger:
Originally posted by RoosterBoy:

Obviously not, this is your 3rd DRG game.
*2nd drg game
Ghost ship doesn't develop drg:survival
They may be referring to the board game? Either way; going "Beyond drg" means beyond the GAME not the setting.
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