The Red Solstice
Exarch 1 Jan, 2020 @ 10:39pm
Camera Lock
So now. Tab is also used to Swap Characters. This is great, ease of use compared to the ALT ASDF (Which i prefer, the ASDF) ... however. there is no binding for char swap. If i swap Cam Lock to Y, cam lock is also Y. So to lock / unlock camera, i'll constantly be swapping chars as well. Solutions?
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ComradeJoecool 17 Jul, 2023 @ 11:46pm 
I agree. This is unfortunate.

I would like the camera controls to work as the game help describes as well as the keybindings screen.

Unfortunately many of the keybinds appear to be incorrect at least for single player mode.

Camera Lock seems to do like you said. Since you cannot separate the binding between swap character and camera lock, each time you press the camera lock key it will also swap character.

This means that when just pressing tab to cycle between characters that every other press it will move the camera to that player and lock it.

One little but annoying workaround is to move the camera with wasd just before pressing tab. By moving the camera you will "unlock" it, so that when pressing TAB it will cycle to next character as well as lock to them.

You could even make a macro that presses A and D at the same time and release and then TAB and release, and that should always cycle to next character with camera lock on.

I find my keyboard macro software works well with the game as long as the keys in the macro are held for at least 20 milliseconds.
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