The Red Solstice
Birdfound 31 Aug, 2022 @ 12:59pm
Is the tutorial bugged?
I was attempting to play through the tutorial and got stuck at the part where I'm supposed to use a grenade to blow up a barricade... so like five minutes in. Pressing RMB to "charge" the grenade does nothing. And there's an orange arrow pointing down at nothing on the UI. Like it's pointing in between two buttons. I clicked on the blinking grenade button probably 100 times. Then Tried right clicking it, middle mouse button... Nothing worked. I pressed 5 a bunch of times. Nothing. So I figured it was probably a bug and decided to start a game. That orange arrow pointing at nothing was still there when my new game started (LOL). Is this normal?
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RayFox 1 Sep, 2022 @ 2:08pm 
I had similar feels with the grenade launcher. If it's the grenade launcher you're talking about, try this.
Check if the Grenade Launcher is in your hands (press Q to switch weapons)
then press Left Shift to see the marker and then left button.
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