The Red Solstice
All bugs here.
Updated: 22/5/2016 (Final update)
Add all information about all bugs you have ever encountered!

Last bug fix on bug tracker : 5 Jan 2016
Game support is finished, most remaining bugs are unlikely to be fixed
Ironwards works on sequel! See announcement (the end of it):
Help needed!
  • Any info about any crashes would be appreciated
  • Post if you encounter bug which is not on list!

  1. Crashing in lobby when typing text
  2. Random mid-game crashes (cause unknown) (rare) (post if you encountered any)
  3. Crashing on dropship when switching between MP bots too fast with other players present
  4. Crashing a few seconds after initial spawn (red storm) (often)
  5. Crashing in lobby after someone joins during countdown to start game
  6. Host crashes, when someone joins the game with 2-3 players and 3-4 mp bots (this should remove bots but crashes game instead) (checked only with red storm ticked)
  7. Host crashes when someone leaves full lobby

2.Secondary mission bugs
  1. Hatchling mission. Hatchling missions give damage bonus when killing first wave spawning slasher.
  2. Hatchling mission. A few hatchling missions being active at once will make them all complete when one is finished
  3. Assault\Tactical defence\Colony defence(part 2) missions. If two or more of those missions are present at once, killing one any commander will finish all missions
  4. Reactor overheat\Eye of the storm. If two or more of those missions are present at once, activating any reactor will work for all missions.
  5. Holer nest\Snatcher nest. Sometimes amount of eggs spawned is more then you need to kill
  6. Overgrowth does not count as secondary mission
  7. Artillery\Reinforcement\Red storm power reduced timers still collide, resulting in disabled artillery or prolonged reinforcement
  8. Secondary missions do not spawn up until wave 10 frequently (always in red storm)
  9. Enemy at the gates. Sometimes requires using terminals outside sector, inside terminals have no effect.
  10. Enemy at the gates. Spawns in another sector (residential, docks confirmed)

3.Monster related bugs
  1. Holer\Sargon will stay burrowed permanently if taunt is used. (They could be unburrowed by seismic resonator\seismic pillar\T1 sensor)
  2. Achlys being stuck in nest on wave 9 after receiving some damage and retreating (could be fixed after regen was fixed)
  3. Speed randomizing does not work
  4. Holers\Sargon\Hellspawn can move in water\between floors\hover in nowhere
  5. Hunter seekers are sometimes invisible

4.Sector related bugs
  1. Transport sector. Broken power stations icons on mini map x2, they stay after station being activated
  2. Transport sector. Appearing and disappearing train in the middle of a map that does not block passage.
  3. Transport sector. Using any explosives will result in huge yellow light effect in the middle of a map causing FPS drop (needs confirmation, don't know if this one is fixed yet)
  4. Science sector: Turning 20 turrets on results in SP turrets in building with SOLAR terminal to activate. They will shoot monsters as regular turrets while being impossible to destroy or disarm. Following colony defence mission will make those turrets shoot players.
  5. Science\Transport sector. Leftover energy battery light effects from singleplayer.
  6. Residential. Many walls are shootable by insurgents, and there are autoaim issues when insurgent stay in doorways.

5.Component related bugs
  1. Neutralizer. Marking does not work
  2. Armory could not be used by other heavy support player, even if the other heavy has armory component equiped.
  3. Seeker mine. First usage in mission allows to spawn one extra seeker
  4. Teleportation device. 2 Teleports share cooldowns (needs clarification in description)
  5. Live drone. Detonation spawns only one "taunt" charge and after that taunt mobs instantly ignore the drone. You need to spam detonate it to have any effect at all
  6. Armor nanites, Give\Take nanites causes severe armor desync
  7. Wired armor. Can't shoot with 0 ammo in clip.

6.Tactical mode bots, Multiplayer bots and regular NPC bugs
  1. Tac mode\MP bots. Followers will ignore pick up item orders, or sometimes get stuck in the middle of going somewhere.
  2. Tac mode\MP bots. If there is a behemoth between you and a follower, it will cause follower to run back and forth on top of behemoth while being attacked causing quick death
  3. Tac mode\MP bots. If you tell a follower to move somewhere, while not activating or picking anything up, they will instantly run back
  4. Tac mode\MP bots\NPCs. They all will shoot toxic\fire barrels and stand in fire\toxic until death. Also they ignore driller\hellspawn spikes.
  5. Tac mode\MP bots\NPCs. They go outside of safety zone circle and die, especially followers since their follow range is bigger then for npcs.
  6. Client MP bots. All components that produce aura\buff skills do not work. (almost half of all components)
  7. Client MP bots. Live drone fails to spawn every time.
  8. Client MP bots. They ignore all use orders, after they try to start activating they instantly run back.
  9. Client MP bots. Health\armor is severely desync'ed for client.
  10. Client MP bots. Heavy health\armor desync could cause client bot go MIA state on client, while being alive on host, making then unable to move or shoot. Using a med kit or heal skills should bring them back to normal state
  11. NPCs. Client players cannot see NPCs current health\armor
  12. Tac mode\MP bots. Assigning leader commands and bot control commands on a same key leads to different issues in tac mode\multiplayer. In tac mode : move order will be done twice, making npcs move in non-shooting mode.
  13. Tac mode. First skill point in first component gets removed randomly (needs confirmation)
  14. Tac mode. Revival fails to work (needs confirmation)

7.Other game mode related bugs
  1. Hardcore. Current wave message is seen only by host
  2. Red storm. Strength reduced timer collides with reinforcement\artillery timer
  3. Red storm. Secondary missions add extra time, but do not alter wave spawns. So wave spawns always same time in, but it could show different time until overrun due to secondary missions.
  4. Point capture\Swarm. Sometimes swarmers get stuck near swarm holers creating huge swarm clouds that break pathing.

8.Weapon related bugs
  1. High latency might cause MIGL\LAW to fire a grenade\rocket if you have autoaim on and switch weapons. Happens on host, more frequently on client.
  2. Vindicator still uses 1 ammo per shot with wired armor. When ammo reaches 0 under wired armor vindicator reloads.
  3. Can't load special ammo in GAR-GL when you have secondary shotgun weapon. Same with other weapon combinations using 2 different ammo types (shotgun shells\grenades\rockets)

9.Item related bugs
  1. Savage burners switch ammo type to fire effect does not work

10.Various desync issues
High latency increases chance of occurance
  1. Random actions get lost due to lag. ANYTHING you've done could be randomly lost. Component usage, message typing, autoaim switching, etc.
  2. Disconnect desync. Players who disconnected still seem standing in one spot.
  3. Death desync.
  4. Ailment desync (can't see ailment on client, only on host, health or speed is properly reduced)
  5. Overheat desync (for ace\arсlite\ all burst based weapons). Weapon could deal no damage, or shoot when overheated with autoaim on. Could also result in fake reloads.
  6. Mission location desync. Marker on the map is in different locations on host and client (rarely)
  7. General coordinates desync. The higher latency is the more out-of-date coordinates are. This affects all monsters and AoE based weapons. So you are unable to hit enemies with manual aim, rockets, grenades unless you account for latency
  8. Sometimes marines teleport back and forth, or move very slowly, which is followed by a teleport
  9. Killing enemies in one hit could cause them to became unvulnerable on client, distracting autoaim
  10. Cooldown desync. If you use skill right after cooldown expired on client, it could trigger another cooldown without anything happening, due to host seeing you unable to use that skill now
  11. Monster health desync. Monster health is out-of-date, especially for bosses

11.Other bugs
  1. Autoaim randomly stops working at client
  2. Safety zone shells and barrels damage is considered to be done by host.
  3. MIGL manages to fire when you switch weapon with autoaim on
  4. Medals. Heavy support veteran medal does not add extra 100 ammo capacity
  5. Medals. Marksman vet\elite medals say to require soldier difficulty, should say veteran\aetriden
  6. Shooting lockers under energized effect does not open them with one shot
  7. Small ramps makes mob on top of ramp impossible to hit from below
  8. If you assign command to key, and then press this key while typing in chat, the command will activate
  9. If locker is destroyed by a stationary barrel or gas container, it could no longer be opened, but still has "basic locker" name on top of it
  10. Tyler hunt could be assigned and moved before all mission-related dialogs and timers finish and he assignes automatically
  11. Elite medic medal might be broken (post if you achieved it recently)
  12. Overrun timer is not seen on client
  13. Inviting to game via steam does not work
  14. You can reveal items in the dark by moving cursor over it, or trying to use skill there
  15. Solo multiplayer\Tac mode. Red storm timer\artillery timer\reinforcement timer keeps going with pause on.
  16. Reaper turrets detonate protected explosives
Last edited by Yegor(rus/nl); 28 Sep, 2016 @ 4:48am
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Showing 1-15 of 54 comments
Syrus  [developer] 10 Feb, 2016 @ 9:44am 
Awesome, big thanks! :)
Dutchoper72 10 Feb, 2016 @ 4:02pm 
I too, have crashed midway.
Sylvi GreensSlut 10 Feb, 2016 @ 4:12pm 
I know I've harped on gettng the Aet medic medal a lot cuz of the old requirements...but now that the reqs have been adjusted, I was wondering if this medal was bugged? I was in an Aet game, we had Prim/secondary/FM on, Central, other people got medals but never got my medic one. Not sure if bugged or not? I know the recon one is as somoene else got it in that same game and we didn't have a recon.

Are there still requirements? Or is there only a set amount of medals given out in a single successful game?

Last edited by Sylvi GreensSlut; 10 Feb, 2016 @ 4:16pm
iter 10 Feb, 2016 @ 6:51pm 
Originally posted by Yegor(rus):
2.7 - Enemy at the gates. Never spawns (needs confirmation, if you see one, tell on which difficulty\squad rating)

Had Enemy at the Gates yesterday in random 4p game. Primaries/Secondaries/Soldier/Central Sector/Soldier Squad rating (though I rarely see it anymore)

Also, confirming 4.4, 6.6, 6.8, 6.11 are a ♥♥♥♥♥.

EDIT: 6.11 just to be picky with wording, you can see values for health/armor on bots/NPCs, they're just completely innacurate. xD
Last edited by iter; 11 Feb, 2016 @ 2:15am
Sylvi GreensSlut 10 Feb, 2016 @ 10:09pm 
Hmm, have had Enemy At the gates spawn a few times in the last two weeks, normally 6 to 8 players on a Vet game, Central. Can't remember swuad rating but definitely Veteran+
Yegor(rus/nl) 11 Feb, 2016 @ 3:14am 
Looks like I'm lucky with enemy at the gates, had 5 or more random tactical defence spawns and none of these.

Originally posted by Sylvi : Green's property:
Are there still requirements? Or is there only a set amount of medals given out in a single successful game?

Right now all medals have same requirements, soldier\vet\aet difficulty and 1/2/3 secondary missions. There might still be no teamkills requirement, but im not sure about it.

If you had completed 3 secondary missions on aetriden and didn't get a medal then it's a bug! It also matters if it showed 3 secondary mission complete on endgame screen.
F[r]iend 11 Feb, 2016 @ 7:53am 
You can add this one too :

If you set both leaders commands and bots commands on the same keys, if you play a mp game with bots there is no issue. If you play tactical mode, moving your marines won't always have them being "agressive" and the displayed color of their move (idk how to say it you know the little circles) is yellow instead of red or green.
Sylvi GreensSlut 11 Feb, 2016 @ 2:28pm 
Originally posted by Yegor(rus):
If you had completed 3 secondary missions on aetriden and didn't get a medal then it's a bug! It also matters if it showed 3 secondary mission complete on endgame screen.

Yeah we completed the requirementsas Wrecker got his Aet demo medal and two other ppl got medals as well...yes also the broken recon one. If this is a bug, please look into this. I wish I had taken a SS but I forgot in my misery of not getting a medal lol >.> :D
I didnt get an aetriden medal. I got the veteran medal.
|Rx|Taksi 13 Feb, 2016 @ 5:43pm 
Demolition disarm skill reveals target items that are out of range/in the dark. The demo will get error chat messages as to what the target is.

In tactical mode, there's an issue with the first skill being downgraded on the bots when changing, but I can't seem to reproduce it reliably.

In tactical mode, the revive now requires you to be active on the recipient when it completes. Previously they would revive like a life drone. If you're controlling a differnt unit when the revive completes, the timer will restart and the unit will remain downed.
Last edited by |Rx|Taksi; 13 Feb, 2016 @ 5:47pm
Dutchoper72 14 Feb, 2016 @ 1:39pm 
Seems I am still getting the 'Display Drivers have crashed' game crash.
Lord Poodle Moth 15 Feb, 2016 @ 7:53am 
Lobby: Game will crash frequently when the game is full and someone leaves. Host only.
Component realated: Transfer Nanites, Desyncs redicously hard. give nanites is a less than 1/10 success rate for most people i play with.
Weapon related: M1gl/Law, had it happen twice this patch AS HOST.
Last edited by Lord Poodle Moth; 15 Feb, 2016 @ 7:57am
Yegor(rus/nl) 15 Feb, 2016 @ 10:03am 
Originally posted by |Rx|Taksi:
Demolition disarm skill reveals target items that are out of range/in the dark. The demo will get error chat messages as to what the target is.
Originally posted by |Rx|Taksi:
In tactical mode, there's an issue with the first skill being downgraded on the bots when changing, but I can't seem to reproduce it reliably.
When did that happen? Did that happen more then once? Any special circumstances?
Originally posted by |Rx|Taksi:
In tactical mode, the revive now requires you to be active on the recipient when it completes. Previously they would revive like a life drone. If you're controlling a differnt unit when the revive completes, the timer will restart and the unit will remain downed.
Just tested, seemed to work. Does that happen every time to you, or only once\ a few times? Was there anything special about it?
Originally posted by Lord Poodle Moth:
Lobby: Game will crash frequently when the game is full and someone leaves. Host only.
Component realated: Transfer Nanites, Desyncs redicously hard. give nanites is a less than 1/10 success rate for most people i play with.
Originally posted by Lord Poodle Moth:
Weapon related: M1gl/Law, had it happen twice this patch AS HOST.
Did it misfire or something?

Last edited by Yegor(rus/nl); 15 Feb, 2016 @ 10:03am
|Rx|Taksi 15 Feb, 2016 @ 10:41am 
Originally posted by Yegor(rus):
Originally posted by |Rx|Taksi:
In tactical mode, there's an issue with the first skill being downgraded on the bots when changing, but I can't seem to reproduce it reliably.
When did that happen? Did that happen more then once? Any special circumstances?

Originally posted by Yegor(rus):
Originally posted by |Rx|Taksi:
In tactical mode, the revive now requires you to be active on the recipient when it completes. Previously they would revive like a life drone. If you're controlling a differnt unit when the revive completes, the timer will restart and the unit will remain downed.
Just tested, seemed to work. Does that happen every time to you, or only once\ a few times? Was there anything special about it?

I experience both of these frequently in conjunction with changing "character focus" via alt+ASDF. One of the bots will die, or get close to dying; I'll hit tactical mode to micromanage. As I toggle through them, the bots (but not the main player) will often (1+times per map) have an available skill point, and the single point in their first skill missing. I always spec one point in that first skill FWIW, possibily anecdotal, possibly related.

If one of the bots dies at this point, getting a revive seems really hit and miss. It may be that issuing a squad order (stay/follow/move) is canceling the revive, but not resetting the timer? Every time you'll see the dial spin, but I'd say my successful revive rate is around 30% of just sitting still with all 3 people, and hoping nothing big comes to push us off the body.
Last edited by |Rx|Taksi; 15 Feb, 2016 @ 10:42am
Lord Poodle Moth 15 Feb, 2016 @ 11:04am 
Yes it missfired. on myself
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Showing 1-15 of 54 comments
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Date Posted: 10 Feb, 2016 @ 7:25am
Posts: 54