Lonely Space

Lonely Space

Scorp🦂 7 Feb, 2024 @ 8:16am
Demo feedback and some weirdness
So there is no option to rebind the controls, which I guess because its early in development, but weirdly enough the default layout is exactly how I like it. F for interact (not E, like in most of games), C for crouch, T for flashlight, Tab for menus. Even the mouse icon in the menu looks just like my mouse. Devs, are you spying on me? Should I be worried?

On the serious note tho, despite all the potential and ambition, which I do appreciate, the game in current state is VERY not good. Almost all the mechanics present in the demo are clunky at best. Exception is interacting with objects, it works fine, I mean you aim at something, you push F and it activates or goes to your inventory. What else do you need?

Melee is awful. Heavy attack is charging way too slow, the range is almost nonexistent and.. Im sorry for awkward question but I just have to ask: is your melee system an allegory to having sex? Cause it really seams so, even tho its much less enjoyable and more frustrating. Probably because I dont want to f*ck those monsters, I want to fight them, but I still have to get really intimately close to them to deal damage. And I usually get damage in the process, so, again, its kinda "give and receive" situation. Heavy attack charges for about seven seconds and then it launches by itself, so I cant even control it (premature ejaculation...?). And then there is stamina bar. It depletes too fast, you only have like one dodge and one charged attack before in needs to refill and... Look, I can last longer in bad, if thats what youre referring to.

Shooting is a bit better, but still far from good. I dont know if its a mouse movement issue, like mouse acceleration or something, or is it bullet spreading, but sometimes I missed the target even though I thought I was hitting it. And dont tell me Im bad at games, I played a lot of shooters and I usually dont have problems with them. Ammo is to scarce and enemies dont drop it, even though they respawn after you die, which is kinda bs.

Stealth is underdeveloped. Enemies can see me in the dark, even when I cant see them, which is also bs. Crouch speed is to slow so you hardly can sneak up to anyone, but its useless anyway cause there are no stealth kills, and charged attack doesnt always oneshot even unalarmed enemies.

Speaking of death and respawn system. I reached the point where I had to search some bodies in cargo bay and I dropped the demo. There are cameras all over, enemies wondering around, plus there are turrets, so stealth is not really an option. I managed to destroy one camera and kill one enemy, but then the alarm went off. I wasted bullets to kill some monsters, till I eventually died, and when I respawned, all the enemies were back and I am out of ammo. Tried melee but just got surrounded and cornered by bunch of monsters (insert reference to gang bang here)

Some of the minor issues I encountered: Graphics is overall ok.. ish, but bloom effect is atrocious, especially in dark areas. Indirect light looks weird, like theres ton of dust in the air.
Optimization is bad. Stutters and frame-rate drops are usual.
Movement is clunky. Default speed is fine for exploring, but sprint doesnt feel much faster. Weirdly enough, dodge and sprint is the same button, so every time I want to sprint, I first charge forward and then I start to run.. slowly.
Platforming is awful. Due to weird dodge/sprint thing and run speed, I was never able to land my jump where I intended. There seems to be kind of crouch jump mechanic, but it doesnt work most of times.
Disinfection room at the beginning of a game damaged me for some reason. Energy cells for the doors are enormous, almost bigger then me. English translation is not great and voice acting is amateur.

In the end I still think it has potential, but it needs tons and tons of work, a lot of changes and rebalancing. I think it might be better to take down the demo until you give it more polish.
Last edited by Scorp🦂; 7 Feb, 2024 @ 8:26am
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Showing 1-5 of 5 comments
Doctor Dementor 8 Feb, 2024 @ 2:23pm 
''is your melee system an allegory to having sex? ''
are....are you okay there pal ?
dgresevfan 8 Feb, 2024 @ 3:13pm 
May I add that a spelling/grammar check is required too?

Crowler? Surely that can't be intentional when crawler is the obvious name.
Hybernetic sleep is a bit weird but I think that one is intentional.

Resque (seen on the Steam page) is not a word. Rescue is a word.

In the demo the doctor who speaks to you when you get killed had at least one word missing from a spoken sentence. I think that was an issue elsewhere as well. Sentences that don't read properly because there's a word missing.

"Welcome back to the world of living. I'm Dr Clark" when the subtitles say "the world of the living" is one example. Followed by "We have a lot things to do" instead of "We have a lot of things to do".

"I'm out of food for five days" doesn't make sense. Should be "I've been out of food for five days."

You get the idea.

Maybe consider making the "door element" items smaller, because holy crap what kind of door needs a power supply that huge? They take up most of the screen and you can't see where you're going. There's no need for them to be that enormous.
Last edited by dgresevfan; 8 Feb, 2024 @ 3:15pm
Doombunny 8 Feb, 2024 @ 8:20pm 
I'm gonna agree on that searching body part in the cargo room with subject 17. cant use guns or subj 17 comes running. cant get shot at or subj 17 comes running.

I mean, what kind of security system are these people running where zombies are seen as friendly?

Hard pass.
szederpg 10 Feb, 2024 @ 8:33am 
Originally posted by Scorp🦂:

Melee is awful. Heavy attack is charging way too slow, the range is almost nonexistent and.. Im sorry for awkward question but I just have to ask: is your melee system an allegory to having sex? Cause it really seams so, even tho its much less enjoyable and more frustrating. Probably because I dont want to f*ck those monsters, I want to fight them, but I still have to get really intimately close to them to deal damage. And I usually get damage in the process, so, again, its kinda "give and receive" situation. Heavy attack charges for about seven seconds and then it launches by itself, so I cant even control it (premature ejaculation...?). And then there is stamina bar. It depletes too fast, you only have like one dodge and one charged attack before in needs to refill and... Look, I can last longer in bad, if thats what youre referring to.

I am actually scared right now. If meleeing your enemy is "sex" for you then what would you call shooting them.....facia......oh no, let's just leave it at that.

I'm gonna take a photo and take it to a psychologist and ask him / her what they think.
Scorp🦂 10 Feb, 2024 @ 9:59am 
Originally posted by szederpg:
I am actually scared right now. If meleeing your enemy is "sex" for you then what would you call shooting them.....facia......oh no, let's just leave it at that
If you havent noticed, I specifically added that little word "allegory" between "melee" and "sex", just so you wouldnt think that I somehow confuse those two. You can google it if you dont know what allegory means.
Also it was very obviously a joke.
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