Lonely Space

Lonely Space

 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 13 Feb, 2024 @ 11:00am
Demo Path Notes
Didn't find how to add patch notes for the demo, so they will be here:
Fixed aiming bug in Intro
Fixed focusing on screens and panels on wide monitors
Fixed a lot of holes and visual glitches in Intro
Fixed credits gathering in green room in Science Bay
Hacking mini-game colours adjustment
Some typos

Melee weapon hitbox has been significantly increased
The charging speed of the melee weapon has been increased
All movement speeds have been significantly increased
Reduced the frequency of footstep sounds
Reduced the volumetric light of the flashlight
Added FOV slider to settings
The amount of ammunition has been increased at the Intro level

Dash finally has separated key with run: Left Alt
Fixed strafe when running
Added dash visual effect
Locked door view made more eye-catching

Added a tutorial on hacking doors
Improved flashlight
Fixed running jump range
Dash in the air temporarily slows down your fall
If you hit the ceiling with your head while jumping, you immediately begin to fall down instead of hovering
Short duration bility to jump after loosing ground
Fixed several visual and physical issues
And most important: fixed the effect of an alcohol on the second use

new high-quality space skybox
fixed food using in inventory on double click
fixed the ability to take items from a closed box
smooth camera animation when you pick up objects
fixed the problem with controls blocking if the player died controlling a turret
fixed problem with Tesla Gun recharging
probably fixed prblem with door elements in Intro
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 20 Feb, 2024 @ 5:53am 
new PSI ability Neural Acceleration (temporary available in demo, switching with [ ] keys)
new battle music
improved melee sounds
reworked enemy reactions to melee attacks
improved enemies AI, now they do not run in place if they cannot find a way to the player
fixed some levels problems
added autofocus when entering a password into computers
Last edited by lonelyspacegame; 20 Feb, 2024 @ 6:56am
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 15 Mar, 2024 @ 1:21pm 
New wide upgrade panel
Unlock PSI abilities page on the upgrades panel
Radial Menu to choose between weapons and abilities
New PSI ability: Psionic Arrow
New PSI ability: Berserk
New item: PSI essence
Damage received direction indicator
Adaptive flashlight power
Melee weapon sounds rework
Pipe hitbox improvement
Shotgun spreading reduced
New action music
New mouse cursor
Numerous bug fixes
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 23 Apr, 2024 @ 12:47pm 

Light and Stealth systems changes
- Almost any light source can now be destroyed. And now light affects the player's visibility to enemies. Thus, the player can change the environment and gameplay to suit his playing style.
- UV lamps and hidden inscriptions and signs on the walls were added, which are visible only in the dark under the light of a UV lamp. Hand lamps and tripod lanterns can now be moved!
- An issue where enemies would notice the player at close range from behind has also been fixed. You can now use a flashlight to lure enemies to eliminate them one by one.
- The entire station has been divided into small zones, which significantly increased performance, because now only the zone in which the player is and those neighboring it are active. We also reduce the spread of noise in neighboring zones.
- We decided to hide enemies' healthbars by default. It was breaking immersion, hiding added more tension to the game and increased the horror component. But you can still enable it through the options.
- The "Broken" status has been added to weapon screens, which are impossible to miss.
Shotgun spreading was reduced. But it's no longer affected by Perception stat.
- We have changed auto assign order for stimpacks to prevent wrong usage.
If a weapon is broken, the repair kit only repairs it 10%, rather than the usual 25%. This is necessary to make the sale and repair of broken weapons unprofitable.

Levels changes:
- A new supply room in the second lab.
- We've changed the colors of some rooms to make the station more livable.
- Some plants were added to green rest room.
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 23 Apr, 2024 @ 12:49pm 

Key changes:
- Resurection in a Vita-Chamber spends 10% of Player's credits (but not less than 100)
- Added a vending machine to the Science Bay starting lab
- Added an Assault Rifle at the end of the Demo

- Fixed a bug due to which weapons stopped firing after rebirth in a Vita-Chamber
- Fixed metallic sound and vfx when hitting hanging corpses
- Added blood effects when shooting and hitting corpses
- Fixed glass breaking decals
- Added decals and sfx/vfx when hitting plastic
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 11 May, 2024 @ 10:21am 
Key changes:
- A new energy pistol has been added. In the first mode, it emits a bunch of burning plasma. In the second, there is a cloud of gamma particles that penetrates walls and enemies and dissipates with distance. Was hidden somewhere on the Science Bay.
- Visual and sound effects have been added for incendiary, acid and electrical ammunition.
- Several corpses have been replaced with new models of station personnel.
- Radiation damage causes damage over time.

- Fixed ability to push objects through walls (including batteries in Intro).
- Fixed shaking when moving with a battery.
- The ability to dash is disabled for heavy objects.
- Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to fly off the map if you crashed into a wall with an object.
- Probably fixed a bug due to which the player would accidentally die while carrying an item.
- Due to numerous requests, the size of the door batteries has been reduced.
- Fixed a bug that caused weapons to stop working.
- Fixed unplanned blocking of some doors when switching lighting levers.
- Numerous visual fixes and improvements.
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 11 May, 2024 @ 10:23am 
Key changes:
- Intro level rework
- Key rebindings
- Weapon upgrades system
- Red pipes emit a jet of burning gas when pierced
- Ability to combine ammo and repair kits with weapons in the inventory
- Traces of grenade throws

Fixes and optimization:
- RAM consumption was significantly reduced (from 9 to 1.2 GB in Intro)
- The size of the build on disk has been reduced by half
- Fixed rendering artifacts for various objects
- Fixed incorrect work of switchers in the menu
- Fixed several rendering distance and occlusion culling problems
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 4 Jun, 2024 @ 6:33am 

Key changes:
- New enemy: Infected station stuff
- New enemies' heads can be cut off with melee sharp weapons such as the Cleaver
- Exploding the head of the new enemy from hashshots
- New melee weapon Ceaver (can be found at the end of the demo)
- New PSI ability - Regeneration. The blueprint can be purchased in the starting Science Bay laboratory
- Melee weapons become covered in blood after hitting organic enemies
- Suit management station: now you can install and remove various HUD elements
- Firearms now lean towards the player near walls
- Pipe charging speed increased by 2 times
- Endurance stat now increases explosive damage
- Increased strafe speed by 2 times when running
- Duplicate weapons are no longer automatically added to the quick access panel

- Fixed a bug where you could sometimes fall through the floor
- Fixed the appearance of flying objects after purchasing from vending machines
- It is no longer possible to sell key items in vending machines
- Fixed several places in the ventilation where the player got stuck and could not get out
- Fixed animation jerk when shooting at an enemy while it jumping
- Fixed metallic sfx and vfx when shooting at some organic elements
- Fixed restoring player's lives and energy after upgrading vitality and mind
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 10 Jul, 2024 @ 12:57am 
Enemies and AI:
- New enemy: Infected station staff with a pistol
- Infected staff foes now can dodge melee attacks
- Infected staff foes now can evade headshot when they see the player aiming for their head
- You can break enemy weapons by shooting it
- Enemies with melee weapons no longer stand near the tunnels where the player is hiding, allowing themselves to be beaten
- New enemy: Mutaed lab rat
- One rat never attacks, it seeks help and run away from the player
- Rats swarm logic, they attacks the player as a group
- Improved hearing of enemies up close, reduced when away from the noise source

Suit management:
- New item: Data disk with software for the suit
- Foe life analyzer soft rework: you need to analyze each new enemy to reveal its life indicator
- New soft: player visibility and noise analyzer. Shows how visible the player is to enemies at any moment and indicates the level of produced noise
- New soft: Foe resistances analyzer. Analyzes enemies' resistance to each type of damage
- Now you can improve the player's inventory size from 70 to 112 cells

- Added light switches for most rooms
- Replaced door unlock buttons
- Switches and door buttons can be pressed using shots and throwing objects
- Broken wiring causing electrical damage
- Added plant pots in recreation areas
- Added an elevator at the end of the demo
- Added a security room at the end of the demo, which can be reached in 3+ different ways

- Fixed completion of quests if completed in reverse order
- Fixed camera issues when switching from melee to guns
- Fixed a bug with inventory freezing
- Player damage indicators now rotate when the camera is rotated
- Fixed errors in player visibility calculations
- Some visual fixes
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 11 Jul, 2024 @ 12:22pm 

- Removed quest markers when using a turret
- Enemies no longer attack the player if they were hit with a turret
- Fixed an issue with searching a corpse after hitting it with a pipe
- Fixed container inventory closing when searching corpses
- Some UI fixes
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 7 Aug, 2024 @ 2:06pm 

Enemies and AI:
- New enemy: Infected female station staff with a cleaver
- New enemy: Infected female station staff with a plasma pistol
- New enemy: Infected female station staff with a tesla gun
- Organic enemies can now be set on fire (from incendiary bullets or environment)
- Shocked status effect particles for organic enemies
- Professional voice acting for female enemies

- New player status menu with the ability to assign PSI abilities on the quickbar
- Grenade throws mechanics have been reworked. Now the grenade is thrown by releasing the key. The ability to cancel the grenade throw has also been added
- Ability to change weapons while reloading
- Player HUD glitch effect when receiving electrical damage
- Radiation hazard status + vfx and sfx

- Added radioactive hazard zone to intro + few rad out syringes
- Some enemies were replaced with infected women

Fixes and improvements:
- Fixed door sounds in intro
- Fixed blood decal effects from cut heads
- Fixed the issue with equipping last weapon after respawn
- Selected weapon broken status
- Optimization improvements
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 19 Aug, 2024 @ 1:39pm 

- New music tracks in Science Bay + music switch logic
- Not enough stats notification when equip weapon (with insufficient stats)
- Shotgun reload animation now can be interrupted with shot
- Improved interaction with device screens
- Improved movement with handling objects
- Looting animations for some boxes

- Throwables now leave cracks on glass
- Softlock with closing the player in a box
- Lifts don't push player through the floor anymore
- Rat disappearance in tunnels
- Fixed player status effects in Intro
lonelyspacegame  [developer] 1 Sep, 2024 @ 5:55am 

Player suit modules system:
- Player suit modules and sockets logic. Some modules can significantly change the gameplay and help you find your own unique style
- Module schematic items (head, body, back, hands, legs, utils)
- The Suit Management Station now allows to install and remove suit modules
- Some modules were hidden in Science Bay level

Fixes and improvements:
- Looting animations for some boxes
- If not enough stats to use a weapon, firearms have a greater spread and recoil, and melee weapons have a penalty to speed
- New poster + frame
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