Lonely Space

Lonely Space

Is the Demo will change into Early Access without wipe?
The Demo gets suprisingly big amount of updates, wich is really cool.
So, maybe there is a chance that it will move into EA version and you could just continue playing?
Would be amazing.
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lonelyspacegame  [developer] 6 May, 2024 @ 7:03am 
You are not the first asking this question). I don’t know yet, the idea of going EA looks logical. From the one hand it will be possible to polish the game based on player feedback and have some sales meanwhile. On the other hand, EA always divides the audience into two parts and there is a chance not to get into new top sellers. Will think about it.
Last edited by lonelyspacegame; 6 May, 2024 @ 7:04am
Thanks for answer, and sorry if it was already asked.
Anyway, I really liked the demo and wish you luck with polishing. Will follow it wichever desicion taken.
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