Gergely 4 Jul, 2021 @ 9:48am
Any news on Braid Anniversary edition?
There is an upcoming Anniversary edition of Braid[] that was planned to be released in the "first quarter of 2021". It did not arrive but that is ok. However I have not seen any related news since it's announcement even though I signed up for the mailing list. Did I miss anything?
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Leonard McCoy 25 Jul, 2021 @ 1:11am 
Good question. I must imagine development has completed on that project a long time ago, because Jon is already knee-deep in the trenches of developing his new Sokoban game (which is shaping up nicely) for a while now. Perhaps a licensing issue or they want to hit a different release window? Perhaps they are working on version for other platforms simultaneously and that needs more time?
Last edited by Leonard McCoy; 25 Jul, 2021 @ 1:12am
minas6907 23 Nov, 2021 @ 7:13am 
I came here looking for an answer to this question as well. I find it odd that it was to be released q1 of this year, and just nothing else has been said about it.
SBR 24 Nov, 2021 @ 8:43am 
My guess... too many people asked for free keys as previous owners, and they figured that if they gave all those who already owned it keys they would not get any sales to justify it, but if they didn't give the keys it would be bad PR. I'm in the free keys camp, but got to be realistic: if there's no money in it, it would at least be shelved as the developer focuses on other stuff that will make money. There's this silly notion people have that developers need to pay for food, bills and the roof over their head.
Last edited by SBR; 24 Nov, 2021 @ 8:45am
Njordy 3 Dec, 2021 @ 7:41pm 
First of all, the game is (amazing, but) not very big. And in the announcement is seemed what the huge chunk of work was already done. There is no point in not finishing it.

About keys and sales... Look, it's gonna bring some sales in any case. Quake 1 was just re-released, basically. Huge update. Not an additional release. They just updated the old one, and increased the price for new purchases. That would be perfect. The games looks blurry, but still great even on 4K monitors due to the "painting" style. It's fine as it is. But I don't think many of old players, especially whose who already played it thru... would buy it again with basically sharper visuals.
Gergely 8 Dec, 2021 @ 4:39am 
I personally do not care if it is sold separately, as dlc or a free upgrade I am going to get it anyway as long as it is within a reasonable price point.

Obviously a lot of work has been put into the anniversary edition. You should not expect to get that content for free, it is not what you paid for originally. I trust people understand this.

There is also the middle route of discounting it for owners of the original.
sreamer17ydr 18 Dec, 2021 @ 7:35am 
I can't wait for this game to release. I love the Braid game, and the soundtrack and visuals are stunning as is, but can't wait for this remaster version! Whether it is free or paid, doesn't matter, just a shame that there is no update after a WHOLE year has gone by and no update
Only reason I can see for why they'd delay it when it was obviously close to being finished and was supposed to release already, is they are trying to secure a simultaneous release on all the major consoles. That's obviously going to take time, especially if they need to make concessions for the Switch's lower capabilities.
I can't find any news. I'm not signed up for the mailing list myself but there's an absolute drought of information. One youtube comment on the "Braid, Anniversary Edition, Features Trailer" video says that the company is moving slowly because it's working on multiple projects simultaneously.

Originally posted by dandymcgee (2 months ago):
FYI: This game is still in progress, but Thekla is working on a number of other projects (Sokoban, JAI compiler, other unnaounced project(s)) in parallel and is a small team. As of Feb 2022, a release date has not yet been announced.

Going on a dive into the official channels gives me this:

The youtube channel that made the announcement has not released any more videos and the three it has were all published on the same day (August 6, 2020).

Looking at the Braid: Anniversary Edition website, it's in HTTP only. (By that I mean not HTTPS, meaning: don't let your browser block you from entering the site because it doesn't matter if it isn't secure because you're not sending any personal data to the site. The mailing list is a link to a separate website that does use HTTPS.)

The blurb on the website is dated August 6, 2020. The copyright on the bottom of the page is 2020 (Thekla, Inc.) There's only a link to the mailing list and a Twitter page.
The Twitter page is basically dead. The only tweet newer than the website or youtube videos is a single retweet about a job opening for a completely different unannounced game on March 9, 2021. Linkedin says that this job is no longer available. Three of the four tweets on August 6, 2020 are dead links because they reference someone named Johnathan_Blow who has since made his Tweet unavailable.

@anchsm is an ex-employee by an estimate of December 15, 2021. He is not active on Twitter.

@knzorb seems to still be employed but is even less active on Twitter.

I'm going to come back to Johnathan_Blow after taking a look at the official twitter page's single working link...

The only time that GameInformer references Braid Anniversary Edition afterwards is in a January 2021 article about appealing re-releases. It does reference an official PlayStation blog post made by Braid creator Johnathan Blow.

It links to a PlayStation youtube re-upload of the "Announcement" trailer. The author doesn't have a newer post.

Going back, the only potentially newer source of info may be Jonathan Blow himself.

@Jonathan_Blow is still active on Twitter. It's all personal life stuff on his Twitter page. This guy is a real person and life is complicated so please be polite.

I found some neat links as I scanned and searched but otherwise failed to find literally any news about Braid here.

In conclusion: The company has decided to continue to make no public statements. There has not been a single new official statement made about Braid Anniversary Edition since the announcement.
Last edited by Define Brackish Water; 24 Apr, 2022 @ 5:52pm
Rana 27 Jun, 2022 @ 12:21am 
Honestly feel like abandon project or in development hell.
It sucks. I was excited for this and wanted to use it to show some people Braid for the first time. I let a whole year go by. Any update at all would be better than this. We've been ghosted since the day of the announcement. They really need to communicate because it's hard to be understanding of a stone wall.

Whenever this Anniversary Edition releases I'll buy it, but I think it's wise to say that until it does (or when communication resumes) we shouldn't wait on it. We still have the original Braid and we can count on that being there. Too bad it's not 64-bit and won't run on up-to-date Macs.
Miwoo 28 Jun, 2022 @ 7:44am 
I'm waiting the news too... masterpiece
Leonard McCoy 28 Jun, 2022 @ 11:01am 
There is a legal dispute with party at odds, so don't hold out your breath for the reissue to see the light of day any time soon. Sorry. It's probably faster to wait for Jonathan Blow's upcoming game instead.
Last edited by Leonard McCoy; 28 Jun, 2022 @ 11:03am
Gergely 28 Jun, 2022 @ 11:11am 
Originally posted by Leonard McCoy:
There is a legal dispute with party at odds, so don't hold out your breath for the reissue to see the light of day any time soon. Sorry. It's probably faster to wait for Jonathan Blow's upcoming game instead.
What? That's finally some news if true. Can you please cite any sources?
Last edited by Gergely; 28 Jun, 2022 @ 11:12am
Originally posted by Gergely:
Originally posted by Leonard McCoy:
There is a legal dispute with party at odds, so don't hold out your breath for the reissue to see the light of day any time soon. Sorry. It's probably faster to wait for Jonathan Blow's upcoming game instead.
What? That's finally some news if true. Can you please cite any sources?
I would also like a source on this information. Is this a soundtrack dispute? Art? Is a fellow programmer that worked with Mr Blow suing because he didn't authorize relicensing code?
From the trailer it made it sound like everyone from the original project was back on board.
Leonard McCoy 28 Jun, 2022 @ 1:05pm 
Sorry, I already said too much.
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