Voyagers of Nera

Voyagers of Nera

Canceling the construct knowledge tree animation removes the unlock
If you defeat the construct and then click on the unlock entry in the knowledge tree and close the menu before it finishes, coming back into the menu shows "Prove yourself" again and the currency is spend, but the entry did not unlock. You do not get another point to spend after defeating it again, locking the character progression.

I'd refrain from binding logic to animations in general. Interactivity of UI etc, but not game logic like that. Animation should imo be something that plays while logic happens/that the logic triggers, not something that the logic depends on. If the animation fails and that makes the logic fail you got a big issue, but if if the animation fails alone and the logic is unaffected by that, it just looks weird and stuff still works. At the very least please put the consumption of resources just before the result of the action, instead of at the start of the animation.
Last edited by glass zebra; 19 Jan @ 6:19am
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For anyone running into the same and wants to fix this:
Go into
C:\Users\ <YourUserName> \AppData\Local\BoatGame\Saved\PersistedData\Server\LVL_WorldMap\Characters and open the .txt file for your character (your game's main menu has the PlayerID shown in the top right corner).

In there look for "unspentSpecialUnlockPoints" and set the value form 0 to 1.
Last edited by glass zebra; 19 Jan @ 7:36am
TH Stephiroth  [developer] 20 Jan @ 8:25pm 
Originally posted by glass zebra:
If you defeat the construct and then click on the unlock entry in the knowledge tree and close the menu before it finishes, coming back into the menu shows "Prove yourself" again and the currency is spend, but the entry did not unlock. You do not get another point to spend after defeating it again, locking the character progression.

I'd refrain from binding logic to animations in general. Interactivity of UI etc, but not game logic like that. Animation should imo be something that plays while logic happens/that the logic triggers, not something that the logic depends on. If the animation fails and that makes the logic fail you got a big issue, but if if the animation fails alone and the logic is unaffected by that, it just looks weird and stuff still works. At the very least please put the consumption of resources just before the result of the action, instead of at the start of the animation.

Wow! What a great bug find. I will be reporting this and fwding to our devs! Thank you!
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