Voyagers of Nera

Voyagers of Nera

Bow aim mode makes hair disappear and companions distracting
If you get into aim mode with the bow, your hair sometimes just disappears and you have a bald head. This at least happens with the thing bod type hair styles that have the model pointing towards the camera (and I assume the whole thing gets too close to the camera and gets cut).

It would also be cool if companions could maybe seize their movement a tiny bit and stay at the right side of the character and not too much in the front. It is a bit distracting if you move around a bit and aim and they basically fly into your face.

Also bows seem to not get any bonus from crit chance from augments or that listed x2 aim bonus. Their weakpoint hit mechanic likely replaces crit chance rolls completely and drawing longer seems to instead go from listed min to max damage and does not convey any multiplier.
Terakhir diedit oleh glass zebra; 19 Jan @ 12:15pm