Voyagers of Nera

Voyagers of Nera

Screen bug
Amazing game, seen a lot of videos on it. though when I go to play it and load into my save the screen has extreme gamma and a red-white hue. I'm not sure if its from my end or the games, please advise on how I should proceed.
Last edited by ERROR_8; 26 Jan @ 9:42pm
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Is it only in the starting area or also afterwards? I know I was surprised when I started the game and the colours looked pretty weird at the start, but I assumed that had something to do with me trying to play with Proton and it looked way smoother at the beach.
TH Stephiroth  [developer] 27 Jan @ 10:02am 

Is your screen super orange/white/red?

Are you running an Intel Xris integrated chipset graphics card?

Unfortunately, this is a known compatibility issue with our game and that graphics card and we do not currently have a solve :( so for now it is considered unsupported.

If you have a dedicated graphics card but the game is not using it, you may be able to configure it in your graphics card control panel
ERROR_8 27 Jan @ 6:55pm 
Thank you for the help, sense I'm currently running a Laptop that runs on a '11th gen intel i3 Core' I'm unable to change or swap to a different graphics card, or at least to the best of my knowledge. Though I hope to be able to play Voyagers of Nera when it releases.
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