Voyagers of Nera

Voyagers of Nera

14 Jan @ 9:00am
Dev Blog #13 - New Year, New Plans!
Happy New Years! We're excited to get back to work and share what we've been planning...

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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
Oh I thought you would do something else with the food system, since you already heal very easily with the plant bandages that you can get a ton of. You already got that minor HP regeneration buff in the current demo version?

Can't wait for the next update to check out the changes and addition, though I am mostly waiting for that Reef
iCharly 18 Jan @ 6:43am 
Updating the demo? You folks are killing it!(in a good way I mean lol)
Last edited by iCharly; 18 Jan @ 6:45am
Nerevar 23 Jan @ 9:37pm 
hunger no longer kills. ok. so game isnt survival anymore now? good to know. keept an eye on this but not really interrested if there is no actual survival anymore.
glass zebra 24 Jan @ 1:04am 
Originally posted by Nerevar:
hunger no longer kills. ok. so game isnt survival anymore now? good to know. keept an eye on this but not really interrested if there is no actual survival anymore.
The current system was barely survival after you've build a campfire. You get flooded with more food than you can carry just by hitting E while running through some caves or palm trees - all stuff that respawns quickly. The starting caves + trees in front alone were enough to support a few players. There is also automatic food production once you find a special thing.

"Survival" seems to be applied very loosely to "openWorldSurvivalCraft" games, mostly meaning "it is not cozy and you have to fight and can die", not that you actually have to do anything to survive. E.g. in Aloft there isn't even really a hunger bar and people still call that a survival game.

There is currently very little adversity apart from the enemies in the way to the spirits you can collect and even those barely matter once you get your first few augments and skilled either might or agility. I think this change is mostly for onboarding and more balancing will come later.
Nerevar 2 Feb @ 3:02am 
Originally posted by glass zebra:
Originally posted by Nerevar:
hunger no longer kills. ok. so game isnt survival anymore now? good to know. keept an eye on this but not really interrested if there is no actual survival anymore.
The current system was barely survival after you've build a campfire. You get flooded with more food than you can carry just by hitting E while running through some caves or palm trees - all stuff that respawns quickly. The starting caves + trees in front alone were enough to support a few players. There is also automatic food production once you find a special thing.

"Survival" seems to be applied very loosely to "openWorldSurvivalCraft" games, mostly meaning "it is not cozy and you have to fight and can die", not that you actually have to do anything to survive. E.g. in Aloft there isn't even really a hunger bar and people still call that a survival game.

There is currently very little adversity apart from the enemies in the way to the spirits you can collect and even those barely matter once you get your first few augments and skilled either might or agility. I think this change is mostly for onboarding and more balancing will come later.

i see. thanks for the explanation. yeah the term survival is wrongly tagged on way too many games nowadays it seems.

ill keep an eye on this game but just like aloft i am probaly not the target audience clearly. which is fine. i just monitor such games at first if they are actually for me or not. will wait a bit more and then decide once it has gone trough more development.
Originally posted by Nerevar:
Originally posted by glass zebra:
The current system was barely survival after you've build a campfire. You get flooded with more food than you can carry just by hitting E while running through some caves or palm trees - all stuff that respawns quickly. The starting caves + trees in front alone were enough to support a few players. There is also automatic food production once you find a special thing.

"Survival" seems to be applied very loosely to "openWorldSurvivalCraft" games, mostly meaning "it is not cozy and you have to fight and can die", not that you actually have to do anything to survive. E.g. in Aloft there isn't even really a hunger bar and people still call that a survival game.

There is currently very little adversity apart from the enemies in the way to the spirits you can collect and even those barely matter once you get your first few augments and skilled either might or agility. I think this change is mostly for onboarding and more balancing will come later.

i see. thanks for the explanation. yeah the term survival is wrongly tagged on way too many games nowadays it seems.

ill keep an eye on this game but just like aloft i am probaly not the target audience clearly. which is fine. i just monitor such games at first if they are actually for me or not. will wait a bit more and then decide once it has gone trough more development.
I am thinking something similar, but the game still looks interesting. I really don't care that much if something that I find easy to take care of is eventually deadly when not taken care of (which mostly makes it less fun for other people, which is not something I want), but I do care about the direction of development this hints at (for me).

I've had an exchange about this with Stephiroth and how the dev team seem to see that under the new Dev Blog if you are interesting in the response to that thought, since they seem to aim to remove more dangers/reasons to do certain things/cost than starvation to get a smoother experience:

It was not super unexpected that the game would go into a nicer direction instead of a more struggling one from its presentation imo. I asked pretty much directly after trying it first if they would be open up to modding, since that way you can make the game more to your liking without trying to get features/changes in that would make it less enjoyable for others. Unfortunately there was no positive answer to that.
Last edited by glass zebra; 2 Feb @ 5:52am
TH Stephiroth  [developer] 11 Feb @ 6:51pm 
Originally posted by Nerevar:
Originally posted by glass zebra:
The current system was barely survival after you've build a campfire. You get flooded with more food than you can carry just by hitting E while running through some caves or palm trees - all stuff that respawns quickly. The starting caves + trees in front alone were enough to support a few players. There is also automatic food production once you find a special thing.

"Survival" seems to be applied very loosely to "openWorldSurvivalCraft" games, mostly meaning "it is not cozy and you have to fight and can die", not that you actually have to do anything to survive. E.g. in Aloft there isn't even really a hunger bar and people still call that a survival game.

There is currently very little adversity apart from the enemies in the way to the spirits you can collect and even those barely matter once you get your first few augments and skilled either might or agility. I think this change is mostly for onboarding and more balancing will come later.

i see. thanks for the explanation. yeah the term survival is wrongly tagged on way too many games nowadays it seems.

ill keep an eye on this game but just like aloft i am probaly not the target audience clearly. which is fine. i just monitor such games at first if they are actually for me or not. will wait a bit more and then decide once it has gone trough more development.

Just wanted to chime in directly (and thanks Glass Zebra for always being so helpful in responding and sharing stuff you've seen us say!)

To be clear, you do still get penalized for not eating with penalities to overall max health, stamina and oxygen - almost basically guaranteeing if you try to adventure at all without eating that you will die. But it is true we shifted away from killing you directly for a few reasons.

1. We wanted food to specifically be a way to prepare for an adventure and a way to plan "how" you wanted to approach the day
2. We didn't want to penalize people for being in their base building for long term (there could be other solutions to this, but going this direction hit a few of our goals at the same time)
3. We are LESS of a realistic survival game than other ones.

I do agree with you especially over time, the Survival tag is very broad now and a lot of games are using it. The audience itself is very broad too and has a lot of preferences!

I do think we fall very in line with expectations from games like Valheim, Enshrouded, and Core Keeper in terms of the 'severity' of not engaging in the Survival Systems. But if you are looking for something more hardcore, it is possible our game won't hit that for you.

We do hope to introduce Server Configurations some day (not outright modding most likely, but offer some configurations and modes) so that players can tweak these mechanics more to the difficulty they want - but that may come after Early Access!

Sorry that removing the outright death from hunger is a detractor for you. Hopefully if we offer server settings in the future, that is something that can appeal to you :)
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