Teeny Tiny Town
the game dosent load at all
im stuck on the loading screen . The tiny little crane on the bottom right keep spinning ( 8h of it)
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Εμφάνιση 1-8 από 8 σχόλια
I have this same issue. While I am running Linux (and that is not listed as supported), I did not expect that to be a problem for a game like this. After all, of my nearly a thousand games, there are only about 10 or so that don't work, these days.

We are currently investigating this issue, as we’ve received multiple reports of difficulties running the game on Linux platforms. Rest assured, we are working on bringing an official Linux version of the game. If you could send over the log files to support@shortcircuitstudio.com, it would greatly help us debug this issue more quickly.

Thank you for your patience.
Log file sent.

A little note: I tried with different Proton versions - all result in the same issue.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από FrodoNL; 8 Ιουλ, 3:15
The new (native) Linux version works perfectly! Thanks!
Glad it worked :)
While trying the demo, I got the same problems. On linux. I cannot try the native linux version of the game, since the demo does not seem to have it. Is it in the plan to port the demo too?
Thanks for letting us know, we will make sure this is in the next demo patch!
K.E.F are you able to let us know if this issue is still happening? We saw your Windows 10 issue in the reviews and want to help you get things resolved :luv:
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Εμφάνιση 1-8 από 8 σχόλια
Ανά σελίδα: 1530 50

Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 5 Ιουλ, 4:38
Αναρτήσεις: 8