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Goose 13 Jul, 2016 @ 5:33pm
Broforce FAQ
Frequently asked questions about broforce:

Why isn't X in Broforce yet? He/She either doesn't follow the established guidelines or just isn't done yet/ might not ever be done. Also the devs tend to steer away from fad characters based off of what's popular right at this moment.

What are the guidelines?

  • 80s 90s 2000s action heros preferably.
  • Bipedal characters only.
  • The character must me redemptive if he is a villain.
  • Ussually iconic characters who are easily recognizable are chosen.
  • Star wars, comics, and videogames themselves are out, but movies and tv based on those properties are okay.
  • No real people or at least the ones who can sue the company (again tv and movie chars).
  • Interesting movesets that make a new bro standout have basically become a must have due to the number of bros currently in the game.
  • Action movies can expand to other genres, but the essential concept is hero fights badguy.
  • Use the existing roster as a baseline for what is acceptable failing all that. Guy with guns = good. Guy who feeds children chocolate based off of a children's book= bad.

    Failing all that, just have fun and be polite to one another with your requests. We are all Bros here.

So Starwars, videogames, and comic dlc will never happen? They've mentioned it on and off over the years. Might happen might not.

Are there girls in Broforce? Four and more are in the pipeline. Broforce is not a statement of menism or anything of that nature. The title of Bro is considered non-gendered when it comes to this game.

Is paid dlc ever going to be a thing? Free Lives don't want to.

Is the team still working on Broforce? Not the full team. They are working on a co-operative consent game... about weiners. So don't expect anything crazy atm.

Does this mean no big updates? Nobody knows. They don't even know. Do you?

Why do I have so many patches from Broforce? because Broforce following big patches ussually has a ton of bugs. Your game works now yay (hopefully).

Are the devs American? South African actually.

Is Broforce done? According to recent comments; not as of now.

Can I Youtube or stream Broforce without worrying about dmcas and stuff? Yessir.

Is Bruce Lee in the game? Yes. its Lee's character from enter the dragon..we came close enough to killing the devs with the drinking game as is. Please stop.

How deep of a parody is Broforce and should I be offended? Broforce is not parodying current politics and is meant to revel in 80s american sillyness rather than making any sort of political statement.

Why is X bro so weak? Broforce characters are basically like different classes. Some have higher level strategies that require a little more work to figure out. Most characters can beat a given level but the manner in which you do that can be very different from bro to bro. If enough people give relevant feeedback on a certain bro, balance changes can be made.

If I request something enough will it be added? Depends on the communities view on the issue... and time. Indy's revolver was a flairgun for like a year before it was changed, even though it had revolver effects. Rome was not built in a day here.

When are custom online campaigns going to work? currently being worked...tba.

When is online deathmatch going to be a thing? It's not because of how the games online play is hosted. The latency makes it quite unplayable. It is possible via hack, but you do not want that.

When is bro-select going to be a thing? It's not. In the past, devs have said they'd look into it, but the random spawning is a homegrown part of the game meant to give players a variety of experiances everytime they play. If you want to do so you can find a working link to the bro selection mod. And don't spoil bros that appear in the mod that aren't in the main game yet, okay.

Will Brundlefly ever actually be a character? Most likely not. Brofessional stole his teleport seemingly. You can play him through the bro select mod.

Is every character found in the character select mod in the process of becoming playable? Some are, others get cut. Sometimes stuff gets tested and doesn't work out.

Whatever happened to the Expendabros content? Can't it just be added to Broforce? They won't add them to the main game because Expendabros was across promotional tie in with The Expendable 3 movie and is considered a seperate game. Also, the Expendabros are way too similar to stuff that is already in the game and would be missing sounds and animations. You can find Broforce with only the Expenabros in custom campaigns. Check out Soup Calhouns workshop. Also bro select mod if you are so inclined.

Whatever happened to minigames/ shark skiiing/dinosaurs/ drivable sections/ stuff in the concepts/ etc? Stuff gets cut. Maybe in future updates, maybe in a sequel, maybe in another game entirely. 

How have there been no lawsuits? Fair use, south african copyright laws, lots and lots of luck. And the red noses may have something to do with it...

Will Expendabros ever be updated? Nope.

Does Predator mean we can request Freddy and Michael Myers? No, this is specifically the good Predator from AVP.

Have the devs ever actually used fan requests? Entire characters exist from the ground up as fan requests, even down to movesets. Same with mechanics like throwing and power ups.

What do I do for x bug? Make a thread, or post your problem and specs in the development discussion thread.

How do I teach a robot to love? The magic of a child's wish.

What is a bro? In Broforce it's a non gendered testorone fuelled dude who fights evil. 

What is the story of Broforce? A team of mercenaries team up to fight satan and his terrorist minions all across the globe in the name of free market economics and horse steroids. Or whatever else you can come up with. It's a GI Joe and Cobra scenario where the starting and ending point aren't important...what matters are the explosions and guns.

If I make a punny brun will it end up in the game as a brorector? Brope.

If Raiden is in can we have x videogame character? If they had a suitably iconic movie/tv show.

Aren't there super-heroes already in the game? Yeah, but they aren't superman level heroes. They are street level guys with technology, martial arts, and guns.

Cheers and thanks, to this community.
Last edited by Goose; 20 Jul, 2016 @ 11:40am
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Showing 1-15 of 72 comments
basilscord 14 Jul, 2016 @ 2:52am 
Thanks man :)
Dawn 14 Jul, 2016 @ 6:48am 
Just thought I'd say, if anyone ever does wanna play as BrundleFly, you can use the unfinished one using the bro select mod you mentioned, but you can definitely see why he wasn't added after playing as him.
But anyway really good thread. I feel like this should be pinned.
Last edited by Dawn; 14 Jul, 2016 @ 6:50am
Goose 14 Jul, 2016 @ 6:43pm 
I would be flattered. However, it probably needs lots of editing tbh.
Mikeadatrix 14 Jul, 2016 @ 7:37pm 
Originally posted by ManlyMan:
Just thought I'd say, if anyone ever does wanna play as BrundleFly, you can use the unfinished one using the bro select mod you mentioned, but you can definitely see why he wasn't added after playing as him.
But anyway really good thread. I feel like this should be pinned.
BrundleFly? What? I'm interested now.
Dawn 14 Jul, 2016 @ 7:40pm 
Originally posted by Mikeadatrix:
Originally posted by ManlyMan:
Just thought I'd say, if anyone ever does wanna play as BrundleFly, you can use the unfinished one using the bro select mod you mentioned, but you can definitely see why he wasn't added after playing as him.
But anyway really good thread. I feel like this should be pinned.
BrundleFly? What? I'm interested now.
Yeah, in the bro select mod "BrondleFly" is a selectable character, he clearly wasn't finished though. His model is basically just a reskinned rambo and his attack is just a limitless acid spit which can destroy almost the whole screen in ten seconds if you use it right. I thought it's funny how his acid spit can also kill POWs. He also has a teleporting thing but it never runs out so you can skip the whole level by spamming it.
Goose 14 Jul, 2016 @ 7:41pm 
He was a jeff goldbloom's the fly character put in the game as a joke...he's kind of amazing in a bad kind of way.
basilscord 15 Jul, 2016 @ 3:12am 
Originally posted by ManlyMan:
But anyway really good thread. I feel like this should be pinned.

Originally posted by usurp paul:
I would be flattered. However, it probably needs lots of editing tbh.

We do actually need something like this and I want to pin, but like you said, edits are needed. There are a few parts which show frustration and, please excuse my inner grammar nazi, it needs capital letters.
Dawn 15 Jul, 2016 @ 3:39am 
Originally posted by basilscord:
Originally posted by ManlyMan:
But anyway really good thread. I feel like this should be pinned.

Originally posted by usurp paul:
I would be flattered. However, it probably needs lots of editing tbh.

We do actually need something like this and I want to pin, but like you said, edits are needed. There are a few parts which show frustration and, please excuse my inner grammar nazi, it needs capital letters.
I created a version with fixed grammar , not sure how I should go about giving it to/the OP to add.
Last edited by Dawn; 15 Jul, 2016 @ 3:45am
Goose 15 Jul, 2016 @ 6:13am 
Just add me on steam and ill pm basilchord sometime in the next few days after I take out all the snarky stuff.
Dawn 15 Jul, 2016 @ 6:49am 
Originally posted by usurp paul:
Just add me on steam and ill pm basilchord sometime in the next few days after I take out all the snarky stuff.
Alright, I'll have to remake it though since I accidentally deleted it though. I'm gonna go to sleep and I'll remake it then.
Soup Calhoun 15 Jul, 2016 @ 6:54am 
Originally posted by ManlyMan:
Originally posted by usurp paul:
Just add me on steam and ill pm basilchord sometime in the next few days after I take out all the snarky stuff.
Alright, I'll have to remake it though since I accidentally deleted it though. I'm gonna go to sleep and I'll remake it then.

This guy can type in his sleep. What a talent!
Goose 22 Jul, 2016 @ 5:33am 
Pinned hurray
Dawn 22 Jul, 2016 @ 5:35am 
Originally posted by usurp paul:
Pinned hurray
Just noticed I forgot to remake the thing. Sorry about that, but it seems like you already did it.
Dawn 22 Jul, 2016 @ 5:38am 
Just thought I'd say, it'd also be a good idea under the guidelines area to add a link to the suggestions thread.
Goose 22 Jul, 2016 @ 5:38am 
I samart. Will edit tonight.
Last edited by Goose; 22 Jul, 2016 @ 5:39am
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