No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Reskal 21 Aug, 2020 @ 1:35pm
Can i see somewhere, if my freighter battle timer is up ?
I actually heared that pre-desolate-update freigthers have much lesser ly-range then past the update, so i want to get a new S-class freigther.
Problem is im not sure if those 3 hours of the freigther battle timer are up, i had a event a bit ago but not sure how long since. I read that the timer is not real time but ingame unpaused time.
Does someone know if there is a way to see if i'm ready for the next event when juming into a whealty system ?
I visited actually 2 wealthy systems but nothing happened.

Interesting is, in the galaxy map there are some systems with cyan freighter symbols beside the stars..i visited one but no event. Not sure what those symbols are for.
Last edited by Reskal; 21 Aug, 2020 @ 1:36pm
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
japp_02 21 Aug, 2020 @ 1:50pm 
No, you have to go by memory. I think there was a silent change in the recent update, now you can maybe also warp to already visited systems and after 5 times after 3 hours you will see a battle. Only in habitated systems, and only by warping with your starship and not with your freighter.
Colossal Sprout 21 Aug, 2020 @ 1:55pm 
Originally posted by Reskal:
Interesting is, in the galaxy map there are some systems with cyan freighter symbols beside the stars..i visited one but no event. Not sure what those symbols are for.
Wondered that myself a while ago, I think these are something to do with frigate missions and will show up when you have missions in progress. Not sure *exactly* what it means, probably the system(s) they're currently operating in, and no idea if they're actually visibly present if you visit those systems.
Reskal 21 Aug, 2020 @ 11:01pm 
For sure the freighter symbols are from frigate missions, as Colossal Sprout said.
For the 3 hour wait i found a software named NMS Coordinates, its here in this reddit-link when you scroll down.
I tried it out and worked fine, you can spawn a capital freighter event after your next jump, so just spawn it and jump into a wealthy system, voila !
Bored Peon 27 Sep, 2020 @ 4:06am 
I think only the jumping into a system has the 3 hour timer or whatever. Which I think is just there to make sure you see a freighter encounter. I had two freighter distress signals within less than that 3 hour timer.

I was hanging around a freighter fleet scoping out frigates to buy when pirates came into the area to attack the ships. The nearby freighter then sent out a distress signal. I destroyed the 4-5 pirates then got the reward message as normal. About thirty minutes later I jumped to a new system and got the normal freighter event.

I have also seen this a few times while mining asteroids where a nearby freighter sends out a distress signal.

Now this could maybe even help someone get a freighter design they want if you can find a freighter fleet with the ship in it, and get the right freighter to give out the reward.
Reskal 27 Sep, 2020 @ 11:26am 
What you describe are the normal distress-signals, but the ones we speak of are different. These are the distress-events when you jump into a system, both are different things.
Chro 27 Sep, 2020 @ 11:44am 
You gotta wait those 3 hours in game and then 5 jumps for the next event to occur, and the cyan freighter symbols are the expeditions you currently have going
MyProfile 27 Sep, 2020 @ 11:45am 
I'm not sure about any timer but I do know that once you warp into a system and see that it is indeed the freighter type that you want, you can reload your save and warp again and reload again until you get the class of that freighter that you want. The number of attempts varies greatly. On my oldest save I spawned my S class Venator in 5 tries.

I must also assume that on reloading that save, you could jump to an entirely different system and receive the freighter battle as well as it would be prior to the 5th jump.

Also, if you accept the battle and land on the freighter, you can exit your starship and scan the freighter floor to see its class. This is the only exit I know of that will not overwrite an autosave thus allowing you to again reload and have the battle again on the next warp///

So I must assume that this timer comes into effect if you land and exit your starship anywhere else aside from the freighter battle starship exit.
Last edited by MyProfile; 27 Sep, 2020 @ 11:50am
Bored Peon 27 Sep, 2020 @ 11:57am 
Originally posted by MyProfile:
I must also assume that on reloading that save, you could jump to an entirely different system and receive the freighter battle as well as it would be prior to the 5th jump.
You are correct.

Originally posted by Reskal:
What you describe are the normal distress-signals, but the ones we speak of are different. These are the distress-events when you jump into a system, both are different things.
Both give you an opportunity to buy a freighter. So how are they different?

Originally posted by MyProfile:
This is the only exit I know of that will not overwrite an autosave thus allowing you to again reload and have the battle again on the next warp///
Autosaves will not overwrite hard saves. Use a save point or a save beacon prior to the jumping. I suggest using form from your freighter.
MyProfile 27 Sep, 2020 @ 12:03pm 
Originally posted by Bored Peon:
Originally posted by MyProfile:
I must also assume that on reloading that save, you could jump to an entirely different system and receive the freighter battle as well as it would be prior to the 5th jump.
You are correct.

Originally posted by Reskal:
What you describe are the normal distress-signals, but the ones we speak of are different. These are the distress-events when you jump into a system, both are different things.
Both give you an opportunity to buy a freighter. So how are they different?

Originally posted by MyProfile:
This is the only exit I know of that will not overwrite an autosave thus allowing you to again reload and have the battle again on the next warp///
Autosaves will not overwrite hard saves. Use a save point or a save beacon prior to the jumping. I suggest using form from your freighter.

A manual save is good additional insurance.
Last edited by MyProfile; 27 Sep, 2020 @ 12:05pm
Reskal 28 Sep, 2020 @ 12:04am 
Originally posted by Bored Peon:
Originally posted by Reskal:
What you describe are the normal distress-signals, but the ones we speak of are different. These are the distress-events when you jump into a system, both are different things.

Both give you an opportunity to buy a freighter. So how are they different?

The distress appearing while you are in a system is not reloadable, and to be able to get a S-type of a freighter you need to reload the the game until you get your s-class.
Its the jumping into the system, what makes the difference. From another system, where your savegame is located you just jump into the distress-event system, again and again to get the S-class freighter.
Not possible with a normal distress freighter appearing in a system. If you are really lucky you can get a S-class this way too but the chance is a few percent, so better rely on the distress-event when entering a system.
Bored Peon 28 Sep, 2020 @ 12:12am 
Originally posted by Reskal:
Originally posted by Bored Peon:
Both give you an opportunity to buy a freighter. So how are they different?
The distress appearing while you are in a system is not reloadable, and to be able to get a S-type of a freighter you need to reload the the game until you get your s-class.
So besides save scumming there aint a difference.

In other words you were wrong when you contradicted me earlier claiming there was a difference.
Leonhardt 28 Sep, 2020 @ 12:24am 
tbh its less of a hassle to just save up a ton of units through mass producing Stasis Units or whatever and just buy the freighter you want
Reskal 28 Sep, 2020 @ 4:20pm 

Originally posted by Bored Peon:
Originally posted by Reskal:
The distress appearing while you are in a system is not reloadable, and to be able to get a S-type of a freighter you need to reload the the game until you get your s-class.
So besides save scumming there aint a difference.

In other words you were wrong when you contradicted me earlier claiming there was a difference.

Well, we spoke of the distress event, that appears when you jump into a system and you started to speak of the normal distress event that happens from time to time in a system, when you pass the freighter in distress.
It's important for other readers not to mix up both events, because if someone wants a S-class freighter, the best chances he can have only with the jump-in event, not with the normal event.

Beside of that, its not ok that you call people scum, when they want a S-class freighter. If you are happy with a A-class freigther, wonderful. But let other peoples be.
Reskal 28 Sep, 2020 @ 4:22pm 
Originally posted by Reskal:
Originally posted by Bored Peon:
So besides save scumming there aint a difference.

In other words you were wrong when you contradicted me earlier claiming there was a difference.

Well, we spoke of the distress event, that appears when you jump into a system and you started to speak of the normal distress event that happens from time to time in a system, when you pass the freighter in distress.
It's important for other readers not to mix up both events, because if someone wants a S-class freighter, the best chances he can have only with the jump-in event, by reloading the game after every jump, not with the normal event. Chances there for a S-class are much to small.

Beside of that, its not ok that you call people scum, when they want a S-class freighter. If you are happy with a A-class freigther, wonderful. But let other peoples be.
Bored Peon 28 Sep, 2020 @ 5:17pm 
Originally posted by Reskal:
It's important for other readers not to mix up both events, because if someone wants a S-class freighter, the best chances he can have only with the jump-in event, not with the normal event.
It is the same chance. You are just save scumming the other until it happens.

Originally posted by Reskal:
Beside of that, its not ok that you call people scum, when they want a S-class freighter. If you are happy with a A-class freigther, wonderful. But let other peoples be.
I did not call anyone scum. I said save scumming, it is a very common term for repeatedly loading a save to get a different result.

I was fine with "letting other people be" but the "other people" choose to claim I was wrong based upon their save scumming habits.
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Date Posted: 21 Aug, 2020 @ 1:35pm
Posts: 21