No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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babelfish 7 Mar, 2024 @ 6:55pm
Family sharing
My wife, who has been playing on Family Sharing for the last week, can't play anymore, does anyone know how to solve this problem?
I talked to Steam support and they said the settings are fine, but when my wife tries to play, it just says uninstall.
Unsharing re-registered and no change.
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Showing 1-15 of 15 comments
Despistao 8 Mar, 2024 @ 2:09am 
You have to start a stream session on both computers, I mean that your wife and your have to start steam on each computer

then in the steam menu (top left)
parameters tab, select family

and we make sure that the family loan is active

The teams with which we are sharing the family loan will appear

For it to be effective, it must be on both computers, log in, check parameters, family loan, log out.

log in with the other user and repeat the steps
Geldric™ 8 Mar, 2024 @ 8:41am 
Oddly enough, just about 8 days ago I setup Family sharing to allow my 2nd (grandson uses it) account access to NMS. <- I wanted to test some stuff.

I did this all on my PC:
Followed the directions; had to enable FS, then select the game (only NMS) and add Steam account.

Then in Steam, I switched accounts on my PC to alternate one and NMS was available to play.

Let me know if you think I skipped a step or if you are trying to use FS on 2 different PC's or of course anything else.
One caveat is that the past two weekends, NMS was free to play for all.

Do you think that could have mucked things up? Maybe your wife wasn't really using FS?
babelfish 14 Mar, 2024 @ 9:56pm 
My wife and I use the same pc.
We first purchased the game after the free period, and have been able to play it using sharing for about a week, and have had no problems with other games, so I don't think the family sharing settings, etc. are an issue.
For some reason only No Man's Sky is classified as an unsupported game on my wife's sharing settings screen. I don't know why this is happening, as it should not be unsupported. (In fact, it is not classified in my settings screen.)

Translated with (free version)
Geldric™ 15 Mar, 2024 @ 2:00am 
I think that the root cause is that free weekend, which to me, is a Steam issue not a Hello Games.

As a last ditch effort; turn off family sharing and exit Steam. Relaunch Steam and now completely remove No Man's Sky from Steam (uninstall). Exit Steam. Reboot PC.

Now reinstall No Man's Sky and setup the Family sharing again.

If after all this it still won't work about all that's left is to submit a support ticket to Hello Games:

Hopefully they can help or at least let Steam know.

Good luck
Some games on Steam can not be shared. I thought No Man's Sky was one of those as I tried family sharing and never got it to work. I got other games to work but only one account can play them at one time. Not simultaneously. If No man's Sky can be shared that would be great as I could play at the same time as my family on two family accounts. But having now purchased the game twice anyway, when it was on sale, has meant we've no need now to try to get family sharing to work for No Mans Sky. It's simpler to manage with two separate copies for the kind of sandbox game this is that on many occasions needs individual attention.
TheInternetNomad 19 Jul, 2024 @ 7:49am 
I'm having the same issue, any updates or solutions would be welcome!
Dreambox 19 Aug, 2024 @ 7:10pm 
any update ?
TheInternetNomad 31 Aug, 2024 @ 11:09am 
no, still not working as a family share titled. it doesn't show up in my library, but when I go to check out the storefront, it says its available and then when I choose the install location, it just says game not released. I think the family stuff is still in beta, so hopefully it irons itself out once it becomes a standard feature. kind of annoying, but im in no rush
Bob 16 Sep, 2024 @ 7:01pm 
Originally posted by TheInternetNomad:
no, still not working as a family share titled. it doesn't show up in my library, but when I go to check out the storefront, it says its available and then when I choose the install location, it just says game not released. I think the family stuff is still in beta, so hopefully it irons itself out once it becomes a standard feature. kind of annoying, but im in no rush
i have the exact same problem, not having the game in my own library, only being able to access it trough the family library in the settings or shop site where it says its unrealeased when trying to hit play and install it. when i get it open on my own library it says uninstall which doesnt do anything...would really like to have that fixed and really try the game :(
XaToR 18 Oct, 2024 @ 8:59am 
October 18Th and the issue still persists... and the Store page clearly says it allows family sharing. So, when is this going to be fixed? or is it false advertising?
76561199384000844 30 Dec, 2024 @ 8:45pm 
XaToR 31 Dec, 2024 @ 2:17am 
Originally posted by jitt44:

i woke up today and checked my game, and it now lets me play it, i believe it is now working because i sent a help ticket to steam, you do it by clicking "help" at the top of steam and click steam support from there, click "my account" and then family library sharing and type in your issue. it should work
Last edited by jitt44; 30 Jan @ 7:17am
This might sound dumb of me .. but I've had an similar issue .. and it took me a while until I realized that I couldn't be using Steam on my computer when my son was playing through family share .. could this be the case for you?
XaToR 30 Jan @ 9:45am 
Originally posted by Sgt.Morrigahngaming:
This might sound dumb of me .. but I've had an similar issue .. and it took me a while until I realized that I couldn't be using Steam on my computer when my son was playing through family share .. could this be the case for you?

Not my case. Even if I get all other computers switched off, it does not work.
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Date Posted: 7 Mar, 2024 @ 6:55pm
Posts: 15