No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Yay! another drop in FPS
I see a lot of issues mentioned about this update. Mine is the same old one. Update equals drop in frame rate. The game looks choppy and stuttery. My frame rate drops below 30 fps just walking around a planet, space station or even just flying around the planet. Before the up date I was getting at lease 70 fps and higher in some instances up to 110 fps. I also see no drop in resource use for my GPU. I hope this is just a temporary thing but it never has been before.
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
Zarquon 29 Jan @ 12:39pm 
Have you tried out the various anti aliasing settings?
My fps are now higher but the game became stuttery as hell.

The only thing that does not stutter anymore is when I fly off a planet leaving the atmosphere but I traded that for stutters everywhere now, even after reducing the details.

Ofc. my hardware is old but before it was playable with few stutters and now they are behind every corner, on every move, every turn.
Last edited by Turuk Makto; 29 Jan @ 12:50pm
I forgot to list my stats AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz, RTX 4060.
zawmbie 29 Jan @ 1:04pm 
Same, but changing to FSR makes it playable. DLSS seems bugged for me since it doesn't work at first, but if you mess around with changing AA setting it works, but too annoying to do that after every launch. Will wait until more patching before playing again.
Last edited by zawmbie; 29 Jan @ 1:04pm
Everytime I change any settings my fps drop to 30. Before this patch it dropped to below 10. Which only a game restart fixed. Thus changing any setting like AA would drop my fps to 30 and a restart would undo it? :P
Last edited by Turuk Makto; 29 Jan @ 1:26pm
Zentun 29 Jan @ 1:24pm 
Same here
It would be nice if Hello Games would address these issues but I've never seen them do that
Originally posted by zawmbie:
Same, but changing to FSR makes it playable.
Thanks! Sitching to fsr fixed the stutters for me.
Try turning down some of your Graphic settings, like Motion Blur, Shadows, Ambient Occlusion, etc, none of them need to be on ULTRA or whatever the last setting is called.

I'm running NMS on an i5 6600K and an RTX 2050, and after this patch, the game runs beautifully now for me, but I also turned down my resolution one notch and use DLSS or FSR to scale it back up.
Last edited by Spocks Toupee; 30 Jan @ 10:34am
Originally posted by Turuk Makto:
My fps are now higher but the game became stuttery as hell.

The only thing that does not stutter anymore is when I fly off a planet leaving the atmosphere but I traded that for stutters everywhere now, even after reducing the details.

Ofc. my hardware is old but before it was playable with few stutters and now they are behind every corner, on every move, every turn.
The game is compiling shaders while you play and the shaders themselves are reset after large updates like this.

So it's going to continue to stutter until you see most of the game assets. Not ideal, I'd rather than compile everything at the start but the game does have a crap ton of assets now.
Last edited by UNBREAKABLE; 30 Jan @ 10:35am
Originally posted by UNBREAKABLE:
So it's going to continue to stutter until you see most of the game assets.
Wrong, read up ;)
Originally posted by Turuk Makto:
Originally posted by UNBREAKABLE:
So it's going to continue to stutter until you see most of the game assets.
Wrong, read up ;)
It's still true though, most unexplained stutters are caused by shader compilation in this game.
Last edited by UNBREAKABLE; 30 Jan @ 10:39am
Originally posted by UNBREAKABLE:
Originally posted by Turuk Makto:
Wrong, read up ;)
It's still true though, most unexplained stutters are caused by shader compilation in this game.
I tried that. Turning off shader cache made it stuttery, turning it on removed it. Had only occasional ones and when I left the atmosphere of a planet. The stutters after the update where something else, switching to fsr fixed it. I will switch back to dlss later to check if I can reproduce it though.

Also: repetition doesnt make something true.
Last edited by Turuk Makto; 30 Jan @ 11:15am
Sven. 30 Jan @ 11:18am 
Originally posted by WOLFHORS3:
I see a lot of issues mentioned about this update. Mine is the same old one. Update equals drop in frame rate. The game looks choppy and stuttery. My frame rate drops below 30 fps just walking around a planet, space station or even just flying around the planet. Before the up date I was getting at lease 70 fps and higher in some instances up to 110 fps. I also see no drop in resource use for my GPU. I hope this is just a temporary thing but it never has been before.

I have same old FPS like all the time 120-144 i have CPU i9 11900K 32GB DDR4 3200Mhz GPU RX7800XT and i use FSR native AA all is awesome no issues with game preformance. One thing what helps low end PC players is disable network.
Imir Levi 30 Jan @ 11:28am 
I do too have some random fps drops (both prior and after the update) but oddly enough alt-tabbing to desktop (or any window, e.g. steam) and back to game cures this at once.
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Date Posted: 29 Jan @ 12:34pm
Posts: 35