No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Rock3tFu3l 29 Jan @ 1:07pm
Expedition 16 REDUX - Breach Three bug
I need help. Cant pass throu portal in third system. Elixir of blood not work. Need planet code of 4th system to complete this badge.
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Showing 1-15 of 375 comments
Yeah same issue here. I tried everything.
Relogging. Reloading. Switching Objectives. Using new Elixirs but they always lead me to the same portal ....
Framston 29 Jan @ 1:22pm 
I was stuck here also. Then realized that I don't drink the elixir of Blood, I use it on the Portal control.
Originally posted by Framston:
I was stuck here also. Then realized that I don't drink the elixir of Blood, I use it on the Portal control.

Yeah i got that ...
Its in my inventory. But when i interact with the portal, it does not let me use it.
I carfted all three types elixir of blood and nothing. Quest is not triggered. When I use portal I have just 3 options: 1. set coordinates 2. code of actual planet 3. leave. I just asking for code of any planet of 4th system to try force it without elixir.
Just to avoid double answers
Stuff i already tired:

Traveling through portal with glyphs to a different area and coming back.
Reusing Quicksilver (always leads me to the same portal no matter which planet i am on)
Switching off expedition to another objective, and then back to it.
Quit to desktop and reload.
experiencing same issue
Someone told me I was wrong, but the only way I got those to work is to craft the quicksilver formula and use it to "find" the portal...even if you already know where one is. Then it triggered the special conversation when I got to the portal.
Originally posted by Mr. Bufferlow:
Someone told me I was wrong, but the only way I got those to work is to craft the quicksilver formula and use it to "find" the portal...even if you already know where one is. Then it triggered the special conversation when I got to the portal.

I have crafted 5 times the Quicksilver so far. I am really getting tired of crafting it a 6th time >.< for the SAME portal. I just does not trigger. I also would have to farm more silver again since, i crafted 5 already on this portal alone.
Another thing i noticed is that the quest is never tracked in the right bottom corner even if i select it to be pinned in the log.
Any other expedition quest gets pinned and tracked in the right bottom corner but this one.
Punked 29 Jan @ 2:26pm 
Same issue on my side I tried everything and I'm stuck..
Deactivated Multiplayer which sadly did not help either.
My current assumption is that its simply the wrong portal it leads us to?!
Apparently this expedition broke in the same spot the first time they did it, don't understand how this isn't fixed
Ozwald 29 Jan @ 3:46pm 
It's not bugged, the expo is fine.

Well, it's not fine, it's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ tedious slog that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sucks from the first second to the last. But nothing is broken. Sounds like user error.
Originally posted by Ozwald:
It's not bugged, the expo is fine.

Well, it's not fine, it's a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ tedious slog that ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ sucks from the first second to the last. But nothing is broken. Sounds like user error.

Yeah sure. Until you see how many people ingame are sitting at the same step without the possibility to progress.
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Date Posted: 29 Jan @ 1:07pm
Posts: 375