No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Ship storage hangar???
Ok, I'm sure it is REALLY obvious, but I am totally not seeing any way to access the cold storage for the ships. I see the nice picture on the website, but I have seen no menu options in game that allows me to access this feature. ANY specific help and instruction on how to access this ship storage hangar would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance
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Showing 1-15 of 23 comments
Onirune 29 Jan @ 4:02pm 
Its a new option in fleet managment(Freighter command room).
Fleet management console in your freighter.
McCoffee 29 Jan @ 4:19pm 
Thank you all...
Ozwald 29 Jan @ 9:58pm 
I haven't seen the multitool rack yet either. Granted I haven't really looked all that hard for it, just the menu where you switch them. Not there.
Other 29 Jan @ 11:32pm 
Originally posted by Ozwald:
I haven't seen the multitool rack yet either. Granted I haven't really looked all that hard for it, just the menu where you switch them. Not there.
Multitool rack is a base part, filed under decorations for some reason. It is buildable on the freighter. I haven't tried actually archiving & retrieving a tool yet, but the interface that comes up looks exactly the same as the ship archive interface. At least my advanced save with 200+ hours got it free when loading into the update for the first time; I don't know if that is standard for pre-update saves or if it triggered off of some other base part that I had already purchased - that save had almost everything already.
bortas 29 Jan @ 11:38pm 
Finally. A way to switch starship slot positions.
What do you mean "cold" storage?

Originally posted by McCoffee:
I see the nice picture on the website, but I have seen no menu options in game that allows me to access this feature.
You didn't read far enough. "Find the starship archive at the fleet management terminal on the bridge of your freighter".
Originally posted by Batabii • M&L: Brothership:
What do you mean "cold" storage?
Have you never heard the term "cold storage" before?
It can either mean a refrigerator, or putting something on hold to be brought back at a later date (obviously the OP was using the latter definition)
Ozwald 30 Jan @ 12:00am 
Originally posted by Shadow Strider:
Originally posted by Batabii • M&L: Brothership:
What do you mean "cold" storage?
Have you never heard the term "cold storage" before?
It can either mean a refrigerator, or putting something on hold to be brought back at a later date (obviously the OP was using the latter definition)

It's directly called cold storage by HG, so it's not even relevant if someone has heard the term before.
Originally posted by Shadow Strider:
Originally posted by Batabii • M&L: Brothership:
What do you mean "cold" storage?
Have you never heard the term "cold storage" before?
It can either mean a refrigerator, or putting something on hold to be brought back at a later date (obviously the OP was using the latter definition)
Literally never heard anyone say "cold" storage for something that's not actually cold. And I somehow didn't notice it mentioned on the website despite checking the page again just to post the quote from earlier.
Originally posted by Batabii • M&L: Brothership:
Originally posted by Shadow Strider:
Have you never heard the term "cold storage" before?
It can either mean a refrigerator, or putting something on hold to be brought back at a later date (obviously the OP was using the latter definition)
Literally never heard anyone say "cold" storage for something that's not actually cold. And I somehow didn't notice it mentioned on the website despite checking the page again just to post the quote from earlier.
Have you heard the term to "put it on ice"? It's basically the same thing...
They are not uncommon phrases at all...
Idioms can be confusing if you've not encountered them before...
Last edited by Shadow Strider; 30 Jan @ 12:31am
Originally posted by Shadow Strider:
Originally posted by Batabii • M&L: Brothership:
Literally never heard anyone say "cold" storage for something that's not actually cold. And I somehow didn't notice it mentioned on the website despite checking the page again just to post the quote from earlier.
Have you heard the term to "put it on ice"? It's basically the same thing...
They are not uncommon phrases at all...
Idioms can be confusing if you've not encountered them before...
I thought "put it on ice" either meant to kill something, or to "put a pin in it", not just store it for later. I guess people just don't use it like that around here.
Originally posted by Batabii • M&L: Brothership:
Originally posted by Shadow Strider:
Have you heard the term to "put it on ice"? It's basically the same thing...
They are not uncommon phrases at all...
Idioms can be confusing if you've not encountered them before...
I thought "put it on ice" either meant to kill something, or to "put a pin in it", not just store it for later. I guess people just don't use it like that around here.
yes, "put a pin in it" also means set it aside for later. You're focusing too much on the idea of literal meanings...
I've never heard the term "put it on ice" in reference to killing something though...
(though I suppose I can see why some might use it that way...)
Last edited by Shadow Strider; 30 Jan @ 12:53am
Originally posted by Shadow Strider:
I've never heard the term "put it on ice" in reference to killing something though...
(though I suppose I can see why some might use it that way...)
Well there you go, we both learned something today
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Date Posted: 29 Jan @ 4:00pm
Posts: 23