No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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Ambient lighting glitch in new worlds two lighting system, anyone else have this?

I have noticed that the new lighting system appears to have over aggressive ambient lighting.

This screenshot was taken in worlds one

and this in worlds two

The shadows around the sculprure in words one are deeper, the candelabra bloom spot highlights are brighter and the couches etc have more punchy colours.

The worlds two picture looks washed out with an orange colour cast across the whole image.

I have this issue in a number of locations, particularly where it should be dark, such as an unlit stairwell and its now as if I am carrying a very bright defuse light. This is not the effect of the torch, its just all over.

I've reported it, but am wondering if anyone else has this. It looks like the gamma is too high, but there is no gamma setting in the options.
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Ozwald 30 Jan @ 1:30am 
Yes, the lighting everywhere looks like absolute ♥♥♥♥ now. I wonder if it has to do with this 'new' way of space saving file storage.
Ozwald 30 Jan @ 2:58am 
I can't sleep, so I was messing with my Switch. The only graphics setting at all... is gamma.
Raell 30 Jan @ 2:59pm 
I see a crazy amount of bloom and none of my settings have been able to fix it.
matsix 30 Jan @ 3:09pm 
As someone that is a graphics nut, specifically with lighting, the worlds II lighting looks significantly more true to how lighting would bounce around in that room. I get that some might not like the look of it but it definitely is more accurate. The other picture lacks almost any ambient/reflected light (Global illumination) at all.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 1:20am
Posts: 4