No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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23 30 Jan @ 4:14am
Please let the next update be a combat overhaul, the only thing left for this game that is missing is a decent combat and that's it, there is finally deep oceans. Many more people would probably get this game if it had a real proper combat with enemies and space guns
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Typha 30 Jan @ 4:19am 
Originally posted by 23:
Please let the next update be a combat overhaul, the only thing left for this game that is missing is a decent combat and that's it, there is finally deep oceans. Many more people would probably get this game if it had a real proper combat with enemies and space guns

They have no interest in making decent combat at all and never will.

Also quest structure is horrendously bad.
The game, on inception, was never intended to have much if any combat. Most of what we have today was added over time because some players wanted a little more challenge.

NMS is, at its heart, a game about exploration. I seriously doubt we will ever see more in-depth combat and that is probably a good thing overall as where it stands now fits well into the general 'laid back' feeling the game gives.
Zarquon 30 Jan @ 8:02am 
The main thing the game is missing is a proper end game mechanic.

For instance buy/build a space station, build a fleet of ships and go to war against neighbours. Take their space station (massive battle) and extend the range of your empire. Make trade partnerships and engage in diplomacy with other factions, enlist pirates for sabotage missions etc.
Why do people have to murder in a game to consider it fun? Very concerning for today's society.
Originally posted by Zarquon:
The main thing the game is missing is a proper end game mechanic.

For instance buy/build a space station, build a fleet of ships and go to war against neighbours. Take their space station (massive battle) and extend the range of your empire. Make trade partnerships and engage in diplomacy with other factions, enlist pirates for sabotage missions etc.
If you want that sort of game there are many on Steam that would scratch that itch.
kirk-94 30 Jan @ 8:25am 
Originally posted by Wizard of Woz:
Why do people have to murder in a game to consider it fun? Very concerning for today's society.
do NOT give him clowns, guys, the guy is just baiting. Ignore such combat helicopters
kirk-94 30 Jan @ 8:26am 
on the whole combat needs update, as it is tedious at this moment
Originally posted by kirk-94:
Originally posted by Wizard of Woz:
Why do people have to murder in a game to consider it fun? Very concerning for today's society.
do NOT give him clowns, guys, the guy is just baiting. Ignore such combat helicopters
No baiting, a legitimate concern of today's society. The amount of game forums I read and see people wanting to be able to kill things in games that don't even have combat is disturbing.
That one reason i hated this game, the combat setup isnt good. Now i dont know what it like underwater, but the fluid space, some energy weapons shouldnt fire underwater. While above it or in air pocket firing thru should work, but can have some crazy effects boiling the water, etc. Simply projectiles like cannon guns should be fine, but the velocity of the projectiles is slowed down a bit also less range too.

I dont think this game is about realism and being realistic as a simulation, just a simply arcade game. So gonna be wonky and dealing with glitches no matter what.
Last edited by TheCr33pur; 30 Jan @ 8:43am
As others stated, NMS is about exploration. For the record, I was one of those pushing hard for combat improvements.
However, If HG keeps delighting me/us with such updates like World I and II, I can close both eyes on combat. These two last updates are amazing. I hope there will be more content like this in the near future.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 4:14am
Posts: 10