No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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stuck in expedition
im stuck at phase 3 going through portal mission. i have the elixir of blood and elixir of quicksilver to do it, but it send me to a normal portal where i gotta punch in the symbols. so i dunno what im going to do now.. help is appriciated.
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Showing 1-8 of 8 comments
Currently bugged atm. many players are getting it after the last update. Hello Should have it fixed within the next 24 hours ish
wiccanen 30 Jan @ 6:32am 
Originally posted by AgonizedCash565:
Currently bugged atm. many players are getting it after the last update. Hello Should have it fixed within the next 24 hours ish
thx. and i hope they extend the expedition by the same amount of time as a curtesy. :)
Originally posted by AgonizedCash565:
Currently bugged atm. many players are getting it after the last update. Hello Should have it fixed within the next 24 hours ish

Do you have any proof of this? Has Hello Games said anything? Cause this bug has existed since the first time this expedition was played, and there seems to be zero fixes online.
Darkfire 30 Jan @ 7:08am 
Hello, same problem here cannot use blood for the 3 portal and stucked........
Xam Huad 30 Jan @ 7:09am 
Originally posted by wiccanen:
but it send me to a normal portal where i gotta punch in the symbols
Mind you, all the portals you get sent to in the expedition
are normal portals. You will need the expedition portal challenge
highlighted for the expedition filter to trigger so you can apply the blood
and it will open the "expedition-specific" edition of the portal.

Bit silly of HG to release an update mid-expedition imo,
the tendency for it to break something is so huge.
They should have just waited 1 week and start the update expedition.
Almost feels like someone forgot they were doing the current one.
Last edited by Xam Huad; 30 Jan @ 7:13am
Cerynx 30 Jan @ 7:11am 
Ive been encountering the same issue, done a complete new expedition, done untrack and retrack objective, used different portals, manually teleported etc, none of it works.
We just gotta wait for a patch it seems
JGalaxy 30 Jan @ 9:18am 
Originally posted by Cerynx:
Ive been encountering the same issue, done a complete new expedition, done untrack and retrack objective, used different portals, manually teleported etc, none of it works.
We just gotta wait for a patch it seems

So you started the expedition again and the same thing happened? I was wondering if it was a freak error and starting again would be worth it... but if it happened again to you it seems perhaps not...

Also if someone has past experience, does Hello Games usually patch these sort of things in time?
Last edited by JGalaxy; 30 Jan @ 9:19am
Darkfire 31 Jan @ 7:32am 
I tried also again.drunk quicksilver and flyed o the poral. made all 3 blood elexier 2 x times
drunk one and tried repeate ti 3 times none worked. i will not try again, because this bug ruined it and its a waste of time
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 6:26am
Posts: 8