No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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expedition 16 phase 3 portal glitched
Can anyone please help me. idk why i cant complete the last quest of phase 3, the portal is not giving me the option to use the blood elixir
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
JGalaxy 30 Jan @ 12:30pm 
A lot of people are having this problem me included, must be a bug, but I don´t how fast Hello Games patches this sort of thing if at all...
mewsh 30 Jan @ 1:12pm 
Same thing. I tried everything, including crafing quicksilver at least 5 times, having this bloody substance in the inventory, drinking it, restart the expedition, teleporting to random planets... So nothing helps
ive tried everything aswell, looks like its completely stuck
Samain 30 Jan @ 1:20pm 
I was hoping it was fixed with today's patch, but no such luck. Cant use the portal even with the correct items.
Também não consegui avançar.
This is not really, but sort of a bug. If I recall there are two versions of the elixir we come across in the Expedition and one of them worked for me, while the other did not.
Originally posted by Eightball:
This is not really, but sort of a bug. If I recall there are two versions of the elixir we come across in the Expedition and one of them worked for me, while the other did not.
There are five different Elixirs of Blood, one for each phase.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 12:01pm
Posts: 7