No Man's Sky

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Unable to access Worlds II content - No Autophage quest?
I'm seeing that in order to access the new Worlds II content you have to warp around until a purple space station thing appears, but in order for that to happen you must complete the Atlas Path (done a long time ago) and something called Autophage which I've never heard of before.
Apparently Autophage Quest is associated with a Settlement quest about metal, echoes, and harmonic camps. Again - I've got a settlement and have for a long time, but have never been given any new quests for things like this.
Do I have to find and start running a brand new Settlement somewhere to trigger this? My existing one has no quests and just gives me basic stuff like settling arguments between inhabitants. Thanks for any help.
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Showing 1-15 of 27 comments
AbientAle 30 Jan @ 12:07pm 
Go to a Dissonant planet, farm the Walking towers, anti nodes/shards etc. Once you got a few, you can use the echo lcoator to find camps, at camps you'll help em out, build a staff then move onto the quests with the new multitool and stuff, for unlocking etc. Peruse the forms after that for more info. There is a few guides on here atm. //If you need to unlock your camp, its a number puzzle so like 1+5 = 6th glyph in top then 2nd glyph on left, then 3rd goes in right.
Last edited by AbientAle; 30 Jan @ 12:08pm
Originally posted by AbientAle:
Go to a Dissonant planet, farm the Walking towers, anti nodes/shards etc. Once you got a few, you can use the echo lcoator to find camps, at camps you'll help em out, build a staff then move onto the quests with the new multitool and stuff, for unlocking etc. Peruse the forms after that for more info. There is a few guides on here atm. //If you need to unlock your camp, its a number puzzle so like 1+5 = 6th glyph in top then 2nd glyph on left, then 3rd goes in right.

I'm on a dissonant planet and have a base there. No idea what a Walking Tower is or the anti nodes/shards you're mentioning or the echo locator. Is there somewhere I'm supposed to visit in order to trigger these new missions?
Getting real tired of this honestly. Have no idea what to do to start this quest. I have "Atlas Eternal" in my log, a quest that doesn't ever seem to end(?) so I don't know if that needs to be completed or not.

Lots of people seem to be stuck getting anywhere with this...
Originally posted by buckmasterflash:
Originally posted by AbientAle:
Go to a Dissonant planet, farm the Walking towers, anti nodes/shards etc. Once you got a few, you can use the echo lcoator to find camps, at camps you'll help em out, build a staff then move onto the quests with the new multitool and stuff, for unlocking etc. Peruse the forms after that for more info. There is a few guides on here atm. //If you need to unlock your camp, its a number puzzle so like 1+5 = 6th glyph in top then 2nd glyph on left, then 3rd goes in right.

I'm on a dissonant planet and have a base there. No idea what a Walking Tower is or the anti nodes/shards you're mentioning or the echo locator. Is there somewhere I'm supposed to visit in order to trigger these new missions?
Just do the recon on the planet. The purple glowing finned things that appear to be looking around are something to shoot. Pretty much, if it is purple and glowing...shoot it. Be prepared that you will likely summon the corrupted sentinels. Your choices are fight until you need to leave, or just leave. The higher level waves are kind of a PITA unless you are in the fully stocked Minotaur.
Originally posted by Lil Quack:
Getting real tired of this honestly. Have no idea what to do to start this quest. I have "Atlas Eternal" in my log, a quest that doesn't ever seem to end(?) so I don't know if that needs to be completed or not.

Lots of people seem to be stuck getting anywhere with this...
Look at the NMS Wikki, and put in Autophage it will list all the relevant Missions you need to have done to initialise it. The Purge being one of the Main ones. The Autophage Quests have been out for ages and are easy enough to complete if you have followed the Artemis etc and Atlas Main quests up to this point.
Last edited by Del-Dredd; 30 Jan @ 1:09pm
LEEBUS 30 Jan @ 1:13pm 
I have everything done and it won’t work for me. I think something is bugged on my save.
I am in middle of the Autophage stuff at the moment, building my Staff etc, I wa salready on it before update though. Intend to start a New play through anyway to see how it all goes this time post Update.
DMan86 30 Jan @ 1:25pm 
man.. i triggered the quest as soon as i started warping.. idk what yall are doing wrong.
Djsstorm 30 Jan @ 1:29pm 
They should have put a prompt up for everyone when they went back in the game to direct them where to begin since this is such a big feature of this latest update.
My quest glitched as in it wouldn't stop flickering so I couldn't make the item to finish it.

Not doing anything wrong, devs ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it up.
weiss 30 Jan @ 1:33pm 
Originally posted by yukikazebr:
My quest glitched as in it wouldn't stop flickering so I couldn't make the item to finish it.

Not doing anything wrong, devs ♥♥♥♥♥♥ it up.
like with a lot of quests which can still today bug out for whatever reason. the living ship quest for example is STILL TODAY a problem and it loves to bug out to like 50% of the time peoples do it lol.
Dreorus 30 Jan @ 1:56pm 
My best guess is that expeditions somehow can mess up with this triggering. I've been trying aswell, have my autophage staff and ship, the star seed installed etc but nothing. Probably did some of that content during an expedition, It doesn't seem like I can redo autophage quests or atlas path
Arcanua 30 Jan @ 2:00pm 
Originally posted by Lil Quack:
Getting real tired of this honestly. Have no idea what to do to start this quest. I have "Atlas Eternal" in my log, a quest that doesn't ever seem to end(?) so I don't know if that needs to be completed or not.

Lots of people seem to be stuck getting anywhere with this...

That quest quite literally doesn't "complete" itself and this is VERY well known and even covered on the wiki. Instead of complaining about something that's not even a problem look it up first online.
To unlock the autophages, you need to first complete "The purge", then find a harmonic camp on a dissonant world (you can use an echo locator to automatically ping one, they're occasionally dropped by dissonance resonators (The thing that drops inverted mirrors for the sentinel ship)) and solve the puzzle at the camp terminal, you'll unlock a new jetpack customization, the "Aeron Turbojet". You can also use the terminal to get a sentinel multi-tool to the left. Once you get the jetpack, get in your ship and warp into another system and you'll get the quest. I just did it today.
Last edited by Wonkehcheetah!; 30 Jan @ 2:08pm
Yeah I am still stuck myself, cause waiting for the last of the Autophage stuff to actually give me a waypoint or show up on scans. So close to done.... locking this content was a bad movie imho, but whatevs... free is free.
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 12:02pm
Posts: 27