No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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How to use coordinates to find a spot on a planet.
I found a settlement on a planet and place a beacon. Now the beacon is gone but I also took the coordinates. Is there a way to navigate to a coordinate besides just flying around till you spot it?
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If you fly in the ship from pilot mode like in the cockpit Im fairly certain theres a coordinate widget on the dashboard, right hand side I believe that shows you your current coords on a planet. Fly with that out and should be able to navigate yourself back pretty easily. I fly the ships from third person 99% of the time so i dont remember exactly but im pretty sure its there
Indeed it is. Carry on.
StandEZ 30 Jan @ 3:07pm 
Yep! Gek settlement found! Thanks. :)
Originally posted by Calfinesus:
If you fly in the ship from pilot mode like in the cockpit Im fairly certain theres a coordinate widget on the dashboard, right hand side I believe that shows you your current coords on a planet. Fly with that out and should be able to navigate yourself back pretty easily. I fly the ships from third person 99% of the time so i dont remember exactly but im pretty sure its there
Man, sometimes I wish there was a coordinate screen on third person mode... I don't fly too well in first person...
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Date Posted: 30 Jan @ 2:51pm
Posts: 4