No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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It seems to me that rather than making assumptions that will turn out to be false, I would do better to go and see what exactly it is about :)
it is a water tower, right? :steamhappy: :steamhappy: :steammocking:
Rocket launch site
It does indeed look like a rocket
There are several more shots of the building process, on my profile screenshots page, enjoy!
BTW Custom builder available for construction projects. Tending to large / huge projects I can be very creative, and have MANY hours of practice in this game, though I still can't get my fingers wrapped around the 'glitch' process. I DO use the Color Glitch frequently, especially to get the mahogany dark brown on stone walls (my fav building material!). Doing this I often make huge 'trees' of biodomes (usually 8 or more, sometimes much more! I think my record is 224 biodomes in one 'tree' (tower))

I have been trying to make a NMS version of the Hometree from Avatar. Am realizing that it could possibly require the entire 16,000 item save capacity on one save.
Well it could be...

Maybe drop by my profile screenshots and see if anything more is known.
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Posté le 14 juil. à 11h26
Messages : 11