No Man's Sky
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How do I get my old starship back?
I accidentally switched my ship to a broken one. When I tried to reload, my old ship disappeared. It had all of my equipment on it, and now I'm stuck with this pile of rubbish.

Is there any way to reclaim it, or do I have to start from square 1?

Edit: I’ve got a new, better ship now. Thanks for the replies.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από yoda gaming; 23 Νοε 2018, 2:05
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You should have two saves by default, one automatic (as when exiting your ship) and one manual (as when using a "spinner pole"). I'd assume that the current save is the automatic one, so you could recover (mostly) from the manual save slot. Hopefully it's not too old.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Sage:
I accidentally switched my ship to a broken one. When I tried to reload, my old ship disappeared. It had all of my equipment on it, and now I'm stuck with this pile of rubbish.

Is there any way to reclaim it, or do I have to start from square 1?

Or you can repair just enough components to fly to a space station or trading post and trade your broken ship for a fixed one. If you swap for a "lower" quality ship, the NPC will do an even trade for no charge. You still end up with a new starship will more ready to use slots free than the broken one you currently have (the broken components take up valuable slots)
Did you buy the new ship or trade for it?

If you traded, no way to get it back. You are given an opportunity to move your stuff and dismantle tech and move the mats to your new ship on the compare screen.

If you bought it, it will be on your freighter when you go there. No freighter? You may be able to call it to your location.

Good luck traveler.
Well, at the cost to lose a lot of progress, and if reloading your saves don't do it, there is the possibility to use Windows Recovery to re-copy past savegames, right-click on the savegame folder and chose 'old versions', a list will appear with the dates of the savegames. But you will have to replay a lot to go were you are now, and it's not worth probably.
Unless you are in a really bad location, extreme environment and no trade posts or small settlements nearby, you can fix it up pretty quickly...just have to get it running. Don't worry about the extras until you can travel with it.

After that you can trade for a better ship or fix it up all the way. It is pretty easy to recover any mats you lost from your old ship so don't stress on it.

Safe travels!
If you did not trade your old starship for the new one and you don't have a freighter, you can call the old one with the quick menu, on pc X and then tab to ships, click on multiple ships icon, scroll to your old ship and click that, show it where to land and you'll be fine. When you do get a freighter the new ship will show up in the hangar bay after you move the freighter one time.
^^^ this.

When you jump into a ship and accept it for free, you will switch to that ship as the active ship. All you need to do to switch back to the other ship is use the quick menu and land the other ship in a clearing. The only possible reason it might not work is if you are out of launch thrust on the old ship. In this case you'll need to get a freighter. After you buy a freighter or get a free one for rescuing it from pirates all your current ships will be sitting in the hangar on the freighter. You might need to head out into space and summon the freighter once so that it resets.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από karenhamnik:
If you did not trade your old starship for the new one and you don't have a freighter, you can call the old one with the quick menu, on pc X and then tab to ships, click on multiple ships icon, scroll to your old ship and click that, show it where to land and you'll be fine. When you do get a freighter the new ship will show up in the hangar bay after you move the freighter one time.

Your method is all fine to recall a ship, but OP has mistakenly *exchanged* his ship. This cannot be undone without loading a past save. And stupidly NMS will autosave the game after the exchange, so OP must load a Manual Save (2nd slot in the menu) - or recover old saves as I have explained.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από japp_02; 22 Νοε 2018, 2:23
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από japp_02:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από karenhamnik:
If you did not trade your old starship for the new one and you don't have a freighter, you can call the old one with the quick menu, on pc X and then tab to ships, click on multiple ships icon, scroll to your old ship and click that, show it where to land and you'll be fine. When you do get a freighter the new ship will show up in the hangar bay after you move the freighter one time.

Your method is all fine to recall a ship, but OP has mistakenly *exchanged* his ship. This cannot be undone without loading a past save. And stupidly NMS will autosave the game after the exchange, so OP must load a Manual Save (2nd slot in the menu) - or recover old saves as I have explained.

That's not what he said. He said that he switched his ship to a broken one. This can happen if you have not yet purchased the max number of ships and you accept a broken ship. That ship becomes your active ship, and your old ship is still sitting where you landed it. But if you exit the new ship this autosaves, and if you reload then the old ship will no longer be there even though you still own it.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από greg0422:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από japp_02:

Your method is all fine to recall a ship, but OP has mistakenly *exchanged* his ship. This cannot be undone without loading a past save. And stupidly NMS will autosave the game after the exchange, so OP must load a Manual Save (2nd slot in the menu) - or recover old saves as I have explained.

That's not what he said. He said that he switched his ship to a broken one. This can happen if you have not yet purchased the max number of ships and you accept a broken ship. That ship becomes your active ship, and your old ship is still sitting where you landed it. But if you exit the new ship this autosaves, and if you reload then the old ship will no longer be there even though you still own it.

My English may be in bad shape, but for me 'switching' means 'exchanging'. If OP is not precise he cannot expect precise answers, simple as that.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από japp_02:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από greg0422:

That's not what he said. He said that he switched his ship to a broken one. This can happen if you have not yet purchased the max number of ships and you accept a broken ship. That ship becomes your active ship, and your old ship is still sitting where you landed it. But if you exit the new ship this autosaves, and if you reload then the old ship will no longer be there even though you still own it.

My English may be in bad shape, but for me 'switching' means 'exchanging'. If OP is not precise he cannot expect precise answers, simple as that.

I don't think your English is bad at all, in fact it is extremely good - but it might not be translating everything 100% in this case. Switching does not precisely mean exchanging in the way that you might exchange currency (for example). Switching means changing. You might switch to a heavier coat if it is cold outside.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από greg0422:
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από japp_02:

My English may be in bad shape, but for me 'switching' means 'exchanging'. If OP is not precise he cannot expect precise answers, simple as that.

I don't think your English is bad at all, in fact it is extremely good - but it might not be translating everything 100% in this case. Switching does not precisely mean exchanging in the way that you might exchange currency (for example). Switching means changing. You might switch to a heavier coat if it is cold outside.

So what's the situation? Has OP *bought at 0* the crashed ship? In this case, he still owns his old ship which is still his current one, no mistake possible, but this too cannot be undone, you'd need to reload a manual save to undo.
To see his other ships suffice to summon them.
If he has *exchanged* his ship with a crashed one, then the old one is lost forever (it's there to watch but you can not 'switch' to it anymore).

That's how it works and I never had problems. If I were unsure, I would backup my savegames first or place a Save Point / Beacon and use it.
Τελευταία επεξεργασία από japp_02; 23 Νοε 2018, 8:41
Same problem. I quit playing this game.
Αναρτήθηκε αρχικά από Hayek1:
Same problem. I quit playing this game.

Outdated thread.

If you added the new ship to your fleet and didn't trade the old one you can summon it with the x menu if it has fuel.
This thread was quite old before the recent post, so we're locking it to prevent confusion.
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Ημ/νία ανάρτησης: 7 Νοε 2018, 9:36
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